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[Submission Declined]Profit column wrong - smithing

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Produced 355 Steel Maces from scratch (Mined both the coal and the iron, smelted, and smithed. No purchases were made) at an estimated gain of over 180K at Grand Exchange. Each mace valued at less than 25 a piece, totaling a profit of less than nine-thousand.

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I'd assume we don't have off-hand versions because whomever made the calc originally either didn't have them and when they were added in game no one thought to add to calc... or assumption that people wouldn't make them to skill smithing because xp is same but resale value is less, so not worth it.


As far as GE value being less, likely the GE value just doesn't match street price. Supply and demand, but GE just hasn't shifted enough to match actual value




We could probably go through and add the off hand items. There's a ton of info missing from calc that needs to be added. Just keep letting us know :)



Numerous One:

Ill add them in when I get time.  Im just super super super super busy rn

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per hitori:


This isn't a bug currently, strictly based on the GE average price (which you can confirm on the RS site, or by heading to the GE and searching for the item(s) you use) - the estimation is relatively correct. There is no way to currently alter the way the calculator figures this out (i.e. from scratch, not costing anything, etc.), so if you're not buying and selling AT GE mid prices, the calculator WILL be incorrect. Our calculator should always be (relatively) correct on this basis, as we use the GE portion of the RS3 site to dynamically grab the GE price of EVERY item on our site that's tradeable on a periodic basis.

That being said, here's the math for prices today for steel maces (not from scratch) on the assumption of 1000 maces being produced.
Steel bar: 709 GP
Steel Mace: 1040GP

These are used at a 1:1 ratio, so that means the bar cost is 709,000GP.
Assuming you sell the steel maces at 1040GP each, that will gross you 1,040,000GP
Take your cost out that nets you: 331,000GP


Now, because of rounding errors associated with how the calculator figures out the net profit/loss, it will be off; which is why I say GENERALLY accurate. As we can see with a 993 sample size from the calc:



The calculator is only off about 10K. I assume values aren't rounded correctly before doing the profit/loss calculations which means this value is convergent. But ultimately the inaccuracy is relatively +/-6% for realistic calculations. This isn't too bad for something that should be treated as a guideline; when looking at mid 6-figures 10,000 is nothing, when looking at mid 7 - 9 figures, a 4 - 5 figure inaccuracy isn't too bad.

I'm beginning to ramble... so, ultimately, not a bug.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am going to close this. However, It will be added to a list to get the offhand stuff put into the smithing calculator. -EDIT- Moved to my post in SCE of stuff to get done.

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