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Advanced Members

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These users help RuneHQ by donating money ($2 for 1 month, $5 for 3 months, $10 for 6 months, or $20 for the year) to RuneHQ. Because of their donation, they are placed in a group which has many advantages over RHQ Established Members. Here is a full list of benefits:

  • Their own forums (2 in total) to discuss things.
  • Preference over others in choosing Staff applicants.
  • Personal Photo limits increased
  • Max upload file size: 30 KB vs 20 KB
  • Max width-Max height: 250x250 pixels vs 150x150 pixels
  • Number of seconds for search flood control: 10
  • Number of users to PM at once: 30 instead of 5
  • Maximum number of stored messages: 1,000 instead of 100
  • Can email members from the board: 20 every 24 hours and 1 every 2 minutes
  • Can remove 'Edited by' legend
  • Can open/close own topics
  • Able to add events to the calendar
  • Can use attachments in PMs
  • Calculator favorite feature access
  • Special colored role on our Discord
  • Access to their own text channel where you can @ mention all users and use TTS (Text To Speech)
  • Rank Image on their profile and next to all their posts, saying "Advanced Member"




How do I donate to become an Advanced Member?

**Note: Advanced Membership can only be purchased using PayPal.


First off, click the link labeled 'Store' from the main user bar.


This should now bring you to our store. Click the main page of the store, click the "Advanced Membership" button and you will be taken to our options.


Here you will be able to purchase Advanced Membership. There are several different rates you can purchase for Advanced Membership depending on the length of time you wish to renew it by.


Click the time you wish for your membership to last and it will direct you to a page that gives a brief description of your choice. On this page, choose the quantity you wish to purchase and add to your cart.


After adding to your cart, you will be given two options. If this is all you wish to purchase choose to "Review and Checkout". If there is more you wish to purchase, choose to "continue Shopping" and review your purchase when you have all your choices in your cart.


Choosing "Review & Checkout" brings you to a new page where you have the option to alter your cart before completing your purchase.


If this is your first purchase, you will need to fill out some basic information that RuneHQ requires in order to complete your transaction.


After entering your information, it will have you confirm your purchase again. Select "Place Order And Pay" at the bottom left and you will be transferred to Paypal in order to complete the transaction.

Login to your PayPal account and follow the steps given to complete the transaction.


After you have paid, you will be redirected back to RuneHQ. Congratulations, you are now an Advanced Member!




How do I review past purchases, invoices, or renew membership?

These can all be done from the store. You can hover over the "Store" option for a moment, then choose one of the options listed.

  • "Orders" shows your incomplete purchases. When the time comes, invoices will be automatically created here in order for you to renew your subscription to Advanced Members.
  • "Manage Purchases"  shows your completed transactions.
  • "My Details" allows you to edit your account information associated with the store.





If you have any questions or difficulties purchasing advanced membership, please feel free to contact an admin.


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