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  2. The ways to go according to Raptor are North, South, West. (This is for a reminder to myself so I can update this later).
  3. Follow here. Tell me what step you are stuck at. or what steps before the mine you have not completed. I hope this helps! https://www.runehq.com/quest/whats-mine-is-yours
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  7. Zany

    Doric's cave

    I am trying to complete the quest What's Mine is Yours. I SEE where the steps are going down to Doric's cave but can't seem to actually walk down them. I am stopped at the door and can't go further. I have looked for another way to get below but cannot seem to find another way. I have done everything for the quest except clear the path. Is there something special I need to do?
  8. Hello, this topic has been locked. There are many possible reasons for this... the question you are asking has been answered, you may have posted in the wrong forum, the topic could be degenerating into/has already started a flame war, the posts were straying too far from the original topic. Your topic may have also expired. This means that no one has posted on it for a while, and it would be better to start a new topic to keep the conversation fresh. This list of reasons that your topic may have been closed is given instead of a specific reason because moderators have the option to close multiple topics at once, with this standard reply added to the topic. This is much faster than closing multiple topics manually, and gives us more time for our other work. If you have any further questions as to why this topic was closed, let me encourage you to check the FAQs, and to PM me if you do not find the answer there. Have a nice RuneHQ day.
  9. Ehh me again. Sorry, I have found the answer to this question, but I cannot find how to edit the post here . Anyway, apparently, all I needed to do was to click that tiny icon that looks like either locked or unlocked padlock in order to enable/disable customizations. Perhaps it will help someone else
  10. All of a sudden, I can no longer manually drag around parts of menu, dialogues etc. They are just frozen. I am pretty sure that there must be some checkmark in the game's settings I need to check or uncheck, but I just cannot find where it is. I tried loading different layouts (Default, Retro, New Player etc), and they load just fine - but after that, once again, I cannot manually drag or resize any parts of the interface. And I used to be able to :(. I play the game in Windows (Window 10, to be precise), via Steam. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  11. Nice one Buffy, ya can't beat a bit of Nex
  12. Congrats Zand...A nice easy one to finish on
  13. What's it gonna be; Necro?
  14. I was cooking up some protean proteins when the following happened! Now to bang out my last 200M skill to join the exclusive 200M All club!
  15. Praise the RNG gods for that!
  16. OMG! The RNG gods were definitely on your side. Good job!
  17. Quite possibly used up all my RNG for the year
  18. Welcome back mate...all is forgiven!
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