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Events happening today

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    Jan 16, 2025

    This event begins 11/02/2022 and repeats every 13 days forever

    Today, a Raven will spawn in one of 9 locations. Note that the location will be the same for everyone on that specific world; different worlds may spawn it in different locations.
    Cadarn - on the ledge South of the spinning wheel building, just across the Max Guild gate Cadarn - on the ledge by the window outside Haf's Battlestaves, near the range Crwys - just behind Coeden's building, near the Magic tree Crwys - behind the building East of the spirit tree Iorwerth - on the Southern ledge of the building East of the Iorwerth church Iorwerth - on the ledge between the church and the building to the East; best seen from the South East Iorwerth - North of the building West of the Iorwerth church Iorwerth - South of the building West of the Rush of Blood entrance Trahaearn - between the forge building and the armor display building, South of the Seren stones  
    The Raven will remain for the full day. After clicking the bird, you will receive a chatbox message that reads: "You have found X/13 ravens. I wonder what happens when you find them all?"
    Upon finding your 13th Raven, you will unlock the "[Name] the Ravensworn" title and be able to breed animals on your Player-Owned Farm with the "Ravensworn" trait.

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    Jan 09, 2025

    This event begins 11/03/2022 and repeats every 2 days forever

    Today the medium buyers at player-owned farms and Ranch out of time reset. Medium buyers reset every 2 days.
    The buyer spawned is based on the animals in your medium pens unless you have placed an advert for a specific buyer from the noticeboard.
    Medium buyers are:
    Player-owned farm
    Ralph - Sheep Rumbleguts - Spiders Zoe - Zygomites Ranch out of time
    Papa Mambo - Jadinkos Laniakea - Varanasaurs

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    Jan 09, 2025

    This event begins 11/03/2022 and repeats every 3 days forever

    Today the large buyers at player-owned farms and Ranch out of time reset. Large buyers reset every 3 days.
    The buyer spawned is based on the animals in your large pens unless you have placed an advert for a specific buyer from the noticeboard.
    Large buyers are:
    Player-owned farm
    Milkshake - Cows Prezleek - Yaks Raptor - Dragons Ranch out of time
    General Bentnose - Brutish Dinosaurs Glout - Arcane Apoterrasaurs Doric - Scimitops Daya - Bagrada Rexes Wizard Ilona - Spicati Apoterrsaurs Evil Dave - Asciatops Thok - Corbicula Rexes Odd Billy - Oculi Apoterrsaurs Moia - Malletops Irwinsson - Pavosaurs Rexes

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    Jan 09, 2025

    This event begins 11/03/2022 and repeats every 3 days forever

    Today the medium farming requests at player-owned farms reset. 
    Farming requests offer a fast way to earn farming reputation if you have the animals and produce to sastify them.
    Easy requests change at daily reset.
    Medium reqeusts change every 3 days.
    Hard requests change at weekly reset.

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    Jan 09, 2025

    This event begins 11/03/2022 and repeats every 2 days forever

    Today the Message in a bottle for One-Eyed Willy is visible on Whale's Maw - On the shore near the South Eastern fishing dock.
    Finding a Castaway earns players 1 taijitu and finding all 10 earns the [Name] the Castaway title.
    Each Castaway's bottle appears on a unique cycle.
    Milky Joel - Every day One-Eyed Willy - Every 2 days Manti Claws - Every 3 days Swabbie Steve - Every 4 days TzHaar-Ga'al-Knot - Every 5 days The Cannonballs - Every 6 days Azalea Oakheart - Every 7 days Harley - Every 8 days Squick - Every 9 days Salmon Ella - Every 10 days

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    Jan 09, 2025

    This event begins 11/03/2022 and repeats every 3 days forever

    Today the Message in a bottle for Manti Claws is visible on Aminishi Spirit realm - West beach, South of the stairs near where the Aminishi moai was located.
    Finding a Castaway earns players 1 taijitu and finding all 10 earns the [Name] the Castaway title.
    Each Castaway's bottle appears on a unique cycle.
    Milky Joel - Every day One-Eyed Willy - Every 2 days Manti Claws - Every 3 days Swabbie Steve - Every 4 days TzHaar-Ga'al-Knot - Every 5 days The Cannonballs - Every 6 days Azalea Oakheart - Every 7 days Harley - Every 8 days Squick - Every 9 days Salmon Ella - Every 10 days

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    Jan 09, 2025

    This event begins 11/03/2022 and repeats every 6 days forever

    Today the Message in a bottle for The Cannonballs is visible on Cyclosis - Southern shore of the beach, South East of the Divination location.
    Finding a Castaway earns players 1 taijitu and finding all 10 earns the [Name] the Castaway title.
    Each Castaway's bottle appears on a unique cycle.
    Milky Joel - Every day One-Eyed Willy - Every 2 days Manti Claws - Every 3 days Swabbie Steve - Every 4 days TzHaar-Ga'al-Knot - Every 5 days The Cannonballs - Every 6 days Azalea Oakheart - Every 7 days Harley - Every 8 days Squick - Every 9 days Salmon Ella - Every 10 days

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