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[RuneHQ Event] Arch-Glacor



After a fierce battle against Jas its followers a new ice cold foe has joined the battlefield to reclaim the eggs of the Elder Gods! Wen has send down an Arch-Glacor an all powerful and bigger version of its brethren to do its biding and reclaim the eggs! While Charos, Ariane, Enakhra, Akthanakos, Arianwyn and Azzanadra keep its powers in check, they asked us at RuneHQ to help them defeat it! As we march towards this frozen wasteland on the Southern part of Senntisten, we can see the Arch-Glacor rising on top of a frozen Aqueduct
This is an scalable and customisable boss introducing different mechanics! Are you brave enough?! Don`t forget your Scarfs and mittens!

Deaths are safe in normal mode!!


Event Details
Date: 14th September
Time: 18:00 Game Time
FC: EventHQ
Instance Host: Alfawarlord
World: 88
Location: Glacor Front



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