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Arc Castaway - Squick

In Game

This event begins 10/31/2022 and repeats every 9 days forever

Today the Message in a bottle for Squick is visible on Islands That Once Were Turtles - West of the large rocks next to the wisp colony on the third island.

Finding a Castaway earns players 1 taijitu and finding all 10 earns the [Name] the Castaway title.

Each Castaway's bottle appears on a unique cycle.

  1. Milky Joel - Every day
  2. One-Eyed Willy - Every 2 days
  3. Manti Claws - Every 3 days
  4. Swabbie Steve - Every 4 days
  5. TzHaar-Ga'al-Knot - Every 5 days
  6. The Cannonballs - Every 6 days
  7. Azalea Oakheart - Every 7 days
  8. Harley - Every 8 days
  9. Squick - Every 9 days
  10. Salmon Ella - Every 10 days

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