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RuneHQ Robot

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Everything posted by RuneHQ Robot

  1. These awards are given out showing that you are a fan of one of the following shows: Doctor Who, Supernatural, or My Little Ponies. These have no requirements, you just need to request it. Please post below if you would like one and which one(s) you would like. Please also include the reason why you like the show so much so others know why you are a fan.
  2. This is a complete list of the forum awards and what they mean and how to get them: Post count awards: These are awarded when your post count total hits the award amount. 250 Posts 500 Posts 1000 Posts 2000 Posts 3000 Posts Staff awards: These are awarded when years on staff pass the specified milestone. 1 year of service 2 years of service 3 years of service 4 years of service 5 years of service 10 years of service Featured staff member award that is given to staff members who were a featured staff member for a period of time. (This program is not currently being used but may come back in the future.) Holiday Awards: These are given out for being involved in specific events during special times of the year. RuneHQ Christmas Partygoer: Awarded to those who participated in a RuneHQ Christmas Competition or Event! Eggfinder General: Awarded to those who participated in a RuneHQ Easter Competition or Event! RuneHQ Birthday Partier: Awarded to those who participated in a RuneHQ Birthday Competition or Event! Scavenger Hunt: Awarded to those who participated in a RuneHQ Scavenger Hunt Competition or Event! Mad May Master: This award is given to those who hit the hidden criteria during Mad May! Event competition awards: These are awarded when a forum member attends a specified number of in-game RuneHQ events. Events Regular: 5 events Events Veteran: 20 events Events Champion: 50 events Events Deity: 100 events Forum competition awards: These are awarded when a forum member participates in a specified number of on forum events or competitions. Forum Competition Regular: 5 events Forum Competition Veteran: 15 events Forum Competition Champion: 30 events Miscellaneous Awards: These awards don't fit in any other category. Advanced Member award: Given to those who financially give to help support the RuneHQ site. RHQ Competition & Events Fund Donor: Awarded to those who donate a significant amount to the RuneHQ Community Competition Fund! (there is a required amount but it is not a public number). If you wish to donate to the reward fund please contact the Events team or Community Crew Management. RuneHQ Featured Member: Given to a forum member who was featured for being involved with the community. Currently this award is not being given out but may come back in the future. Whovian, Supernaturalist, Bronyhood awards: These awards are given out showing that you are a fan of one of the following shows: Doctor Who, Supernatural, or My Little Ponies. These have no requirements you just need to request it. Post here to request one.
  3. Have an idea for a Poll that you would like to see on the forum main page? Reply to this comment and make a suggestion. Remember that all suggestions must follow the RuneHQ Rules and to include a main question(s) as well as selection options. Please keep suggestions to RuneScape and RuneHQ based themes. We look forward to seeing your suggestions!
  4. In this thread, you'll find an up to date copy of our forum rules. Please take some time to read these as it will ensure your RuneHQ Experience will be a good one! 1. The most important rule we have on RuneHQ is respect. Do not do anything which may disrespect or offend another member of the forums in any way. Examples include but are not limited to: Flaming, being rude, trolling, or just intentionally being mean to other users. Swearing or vulgar language. Acronyms that include swearing may be tolerated, but only if they are being used in a positive sense rather than being used to be rude or disrespect other members or RuneHQ staff. Opinions on subjects like religion, race, gender, sexual orientation, and politics which could be deemed offensive toward someone of different beliefs. Exceptions are made in the debate forum, but any topic that starts a flame war will immediately be locked. Accusing people of lying, cheating, or anything similar. Begging for things from others; although not disrespectful in itself, it is rude to them to keep asking for things. 2. Use good posting etiquette. This is fairly self-explanatory, but examples of poor posting etiquette are: Spamming: posting the same topic or reply over and over, posts containing no content (one word replies), and posts that do not relate to the topic at hand. Bumping certain topics is acceptable as long as there is no more than one post made per 12 hours. Posting in the wrong board or not following any section's Guidelines. Posting a duplicate topic or one very similar to an existing topic (does not apply to market). Double posting in a topic, even if it is not bumping; you should use the edit button instead. If you cannot edit a post and need to, contact a Forum Moderator for assistance. Posting in all caps. Creating “Activate my Runetrack” topics – You are more than welcome to add your Runetrack image to your signature, this will also work in the same way to activate your account. Backseat moderating will not be tolerated by anyone, staff included (Unless of course you are a Moderator, Manager, or Admin). Instead of posting telling users that they broke rules, use the report button to report the post to a Forum Moderator. 3. There are certain things on the forums that are not to be discussed or asked for. Most are fairly obvious, but some may not be. They are: Staff issues, these should never be discussed with non-staff, regardless of whether you or the other person is former staff. Any kind of material that is inappropriate for RuneHQ's age range; there are people under 13 here. Asking for new forums and categories should be via a PM to a Manager or Admin staff member only. Asking to be given a new rank or put in a new usergroup is not allowed to be posted on the forums. If you feel you are placed in the wrong group, please contact a Manager or Admin. Asking to be made a staff member is not allowed to be posted on the forums. See this section if you wish to become Staff. 4. All United States' laws apply and take precedence over national and international laws which also apply to this forum. Encouraging another user to break laws will not be tolerated. Some examples are: Posting malicious content on the forums like spyware or viruses. Copyright infringement. Any type of file sharing discussion. Any form of plagiarism, including taking another users signature or avatar. If you are going to use an avatar or signature that was created by someone else for you, please make sure that you credit that person. Discussion or pictures of any illegal activity, illegal drug use, or underage smoking or drinking. 5. Advertising other sites and outside linking is not allowed unless they are listed below as an allowed link. Approved links: http://www.worldtimeserver.com (if you are hosting an event) Links to other GlobalGamingHQ sites Links to runescape.com or jagex.com Links to GeUpdater (created by former RuneHQ staff member, McSwindler) Links to Runetrack Links to RuneClan Links to Twitch Links to Twitter The following links are unacceptable: Sites featuring people in various stages of undress, or anything that would be considered inappropriate for small children. Links to automatically attack other members in the battle system are not allowed. Outside links are only allowed in the following boards: Clans, RuneScape Pics and Vids, and The Lounge. These boards have specific rules regarding links, be sure and read those rules before posting. You may have outside links in your homepage field and in your About Me section on your profile, however, it must not link to another RuneScape fansite or site which breaks any of RuneHQ's rules (excluding the outside link rule). If someone deems your content to be inappropriate you may find it removed and/or disciplines received. 6. RuneHQ has general rules that do not fall into any other category: Making multiple forum accounts or using someone else's forum account is not allowed. You are only allowed to have and use a single forum account. All RuneScape and Jagex rules apply to this board. We also do not allow discussion of any RuneScape clients that are not endorsed by Jagex or RuneHQ. 7. Image, Signature and About Me Rules General image limits: No image posted on RuneHQ forums may exceed 800px width. Topics with large image content, over 100kb in total file size on a single page, need to have a large image warning. Topics are not allowed to be over 500kb in total file size in a single page without first getting the permission of the manager of that forum (exclusions for Graphic Creations apply). Signature and About Me areas have the following limits: Signatures and About Me areas must follow all of the forum rules, including the rules about links. Please be sure that your signature does not have embedded links in it unless these links are on the approved list. The total combined file size of your signature cannot exceed 400kb. The total size of your signature, in pixels, cannot exceed 250 pixels tall and 600 pixels wide. Please note that the height and width limit includes text. 8. Communication Between the Staff and You At RuneHQ, our rules are something we take seriously and if you break them there will be consequences. These will range anywhere from a friendly PM from a Moderator, Manager, or Admin reminding you of the rules to a warning and possibly a ban from the forums depending on the severity of the rule broken and how many previous offenses you have had. If you have a question about the rules, please check the FAQs or feel free to contact one of our lovely Moderators. If you have any problems feel free to consult the staff of the site. It's often a good idea to check with the people who work in the area you have a problem or question about. If you have a problem with a staff member or a discipline you receive, please contact a Manager with your issue and they will take care of it. A list of our Managers and groups they are in charge of can be found here. Please refrain from contacting the Admins unless it is an urgent matter. Our staff members may communicate with you through forum PMs. Normally if a staff member PMs you it is important, so please read the PMs you receive from them and if necessary reply back to them. Warnings We use the built in warning system for all rule breaking. The first time you break a specific rule you will be given 0 points, and all times after you will be given 1 point. If, however, the rule broken is more severe, we may issue 5 points right away. 0 points - Just a heads up that you broke a rule. It is also used for documentation purposes. 1-2 points - Simple warnings helping you to remember our rules. 3 points - All of your posts will be hidden until a moderator approves your content. This lasts for 14 days. 4 points - You are unable to create new content for 14 days. For the following 16 days, all of your posts will be hidden until a moderator approves your content. 5 points - You will be permanently banned from the forums. All points expire 30 days after earning them, but the offenses will remain on record.
  5. This board serves as a place for all users to ask any questions they have concerning the site content and anything content related. Please be sure to check the Guidelines board first. If you have any questions about this board contact a Content Editor or Content Manager. ~ RuneHQ Content Managers ~
  6. File: item/hammer-freezer Section: item Members: Yes Username: Info: i do have a picture of,flax, gps, hammer, hat, de-lore-ing device(incomplete), de-lore-ing device(complete), monkey wrench, cabbage, worthless boots, coolant holder, cool-ant, pure S-now, killerwatt energy for Back To The Freezer quest.
  7. Need help on an 07 (aka OSRS) quest like Shield of Arrav or Heroes' quest? Look no further! When requesting a partner please try to be as patient as possible. We greatly suggest trying to contact at least a couple of names on the list when you are placing your own name on the list. Simply post in this topic what quest you need help in, the best way to contact you, your RuneScape name, and when you're available. Example: Runescape name: Sirius XM Gang you are in: Phoenix Quest: Heroes' Quest Best way to contact you: TeamSpeak Playtime/Timezone: 3-6pm EST PLEASE PUT YOUR TIMEZONE. (failure to include at least username, quest, and how to contact you will result in your post being deleted immediately) When your request has been fulfilled please edit your post to strike through "S" and put "COMPLETED" in a brighter font above the other text. This helps everyone here to keep a clean and organized topic, and also ensures those who need help get it in a timely manner and you won't be bombarded with requests after you have finished the quest, or at least not as much. Example: COMPLETED RS username: RSN001 Gang you are in: Phoenix Quest: Heroes: Quest Best way to contact you: forums, in game Playtime/Timezone: 3pm-9pm CST Note that for the Shield of Arrav quest, you must find another player who has NOT completed the quest. For the Heroes' Quest, you can partner with a player who has already completed the quest.
  8. While RuneScape themed writings are preferred, other themes are completely allowed. Please just remember to follow the Forum Rules when sharing and have fun!
  9. Hello RuneHQ! If you are interested in starting or participating in a debate, here are a few simple guidelines that you should be following: Please be considerate of everyone elses feelings and beliefs when you post your responses, obviously you feel very strongly for your argument otherwise you wouldn't be making it, but please do not stamp on other peoples' beliefs or specifically flame someone in the process; that's just not nice and it will not be tolerated. Everyone has different opinions and it is these opinions that make Debates so popular. Topics such as Pizza VS Pie or Mac VS PC are personal preferences, not debates and should be posted in The Lounge. Follow the forum rules. If you are starting to get flustered, step away and cool down before posting a response. Most of all, have fun! If you have any questions, queries or concerns please PM Myself or any of our Forum Moderators. Thanks!
  10. Hello there, When rating other people's graphical creations, please be respectful as some users will have placed a lot of effort into their creations. Produce constructive criticism and make sure that your remarks are in no way intended to hurt the feeling of the artists. Spam posts which rate works of art lowly for no reason whatsoever will NOT be tolerated, and will be addressed by a Forum Moderator. Try to make comments that would be beneficial to the artist. What could they do better to improve their work? Have fun! - RuneHQ Staff
  11. To join RuneHQ on our Discord, please go HERE and begin setup. Please use your Forum Display Name if you have one when you connect.
  12. If you see an ad that breaks Jagex rules, is a scam/hack/cheat site, or is a questionable site, you need to get the LINK to the site! We can filter out ads on Google, but we need the site URL, a picture of the ad is USELESS. Telling us about the ad is useless. Telling us we have ads that violate the rules is USELESS, are you getting the picture here? If you see one of these ads, pm the URL to an admin and we will add it to the filter. With that being said, Sometimes the filter does not always work. We can add it and the ad may still show up. Ads are what pay for us to run this site, without them this site is history! Unless someone out there wants to pay us thousand of dollars per month for our servers and bandwidth. These are the sites we currently have blocked: adfarm.mediaplex.com brogame.com businesschambers.com buygoldfast.com buyrunescape.com cheats.ign.com cstrain.net ebay.com egamegold.com elcomsoft.com game4enjoy.com gameim.com gamesrunescape.com gold4fun.com hildegarde.net i-spyware.com ibuymils.com item4sale.com knowthetruth.info mate1.com mmo4sale.com mmocheaters.com mmocoolsell.com mogpal.com moocowforever.com mrsupergames-jump.com mygamestock.com neocron.com osbuddy.com password-changer.com pcbeginner.com power4rs.com powergoldguides.com realrsguides.com redguides.com rpgstash.com runemint.com runescape.in runescape3.ten.lt runescapeblueprint.com runescapecoin.com runescapecommunity.com runescapecredit.com runescapegp.com runescapemacros.com runescapemillions.com runescapemoney.ru securetactics.com/ securetactics.com/spyvector securetactics.com/tracksecret shop4mmo.com spyready.com store4rpg.com store4rpg.com/rs.htm sythe.org therpgshop.com thsale.com tracksecret.com tybuy.com virgame.com virgoods.com withgames.com yourvirtualseller.com yupmart.com
  13. Hello there, The feedback forum is a place where you can express new ideas for content and features that would help improve RuneHQ. If you have a complaint regarding one of our existing features or content, do not post here. Instead create a private message with the manager and admin who is in charge of that area and they will seek to resolve your issue. To see who you may need to PM with regards to your needs, see this thread. This is not a complaints forum. Thanks!
  14. When you are recruiting you will notice that your clan's topic will fall down on the page. When this happens, we allow you to "double post" (ONLY IN THIS SECTION), once every 24 hours with the word "bump". We would prefer if you had a conversation on the topic with another member of the clan, or a hopeful recruit etc., about events, turn outs, activity, that sort of thing, but if not, please resort to the fatal "bump" post. If you want your topic to be cleaned of the "bump" posts, PM a Forum Moderator and they'll clear them up! Abusing this system (ie Bumping more than several times a day) will result in a warning from a Forum Moderator. Thanks
  15. Looking for a clan? Looking to make a thread advertising your clan? Here's one way you can do it! Clan Recruitment Threads When making a clan recruitment thread, be sure you make it under 1mb! Most people usually start off with a clan banner (under 100kb preferably, however it can be any size under 1mb, but you'll see why it should be lower later on) at the top of the thread. They also have a link to their clan site embedded into the banner, but not to websites other then their clan. The way to do this is like this: [url=(insert clan site name here][/url] To get the direct image URL, using Internet Explorer, you right click the image and copy/paste the url right next to the words "Address (URL)". One example of this would be this: *Note: New Members will be unable to post links. Once you become an established member, you will have the ability to post and embed links. Next, you usually put some information about your clan. Please try to make it not offensive to anybody, and appropriate for all ages. This is pretty straightforward; you just type some text in. It can be about anything in your clan; your forums, your history, even your members! In the text remember to include type of clan, link to your website/forum, requirements to join, number of clan members, and people to contact. If you have different sections in your clan for different leveled players please include it all in one thread and not multiple threads. You can also add color by doing this: [color=(insert color you want here)]Text Here![/color] Alternately, you can use the built in color editor by simply selecting the text you want colored, and clicking the color palette. Some colors have special codes that look like this: [color=FF#000]Text![/color] These are usually in-between shades, however things like "red", "pink", "blue", and "dark red" work quite well. After the clan information, many people put a few images of clans pking. These should be limited to 2-3, and once again, make sure they're under 1mb total (along with the banner). These images can be about almost anything your clan does, from parties to skill-training to pking. Again, you can put the link to your clan site in the image by using the same method as above. Finally, you may want to just quickly sum up all of the information you've put above, and have a message saying something along the lines of "Join our clan now!" This will help users who don't want to read a huge topic and just want to get to bashing in everyone else's skulls and having a great time! "Looking For A Clan!" Threads Threads which advertise your skills that are available to help out a clan, or that say you're looking for a clan are generally short, sweet, and to the point. They basically want to make you look as appealing as possible to a clan. The skills most commonly advertised are your attack, defence, strength, hit points, prayer, magic, ranged, and your 1-2 highest skills other than those. They also usually say what kind of clan you're looking for (small, large, pking, skilling etc.) Advertising Your Clan On Another Thread Replies to threads that are looking for a clan usually have a banner in the topic and then a little information about their clan. You may not want to even put a little information in the reply and plainly put "Join Us Now!". Remember to include a link to your topic on RuneHQ and not to the actual site. When making the replies, please try to make them under 100kb this way it will not take a long time for users of RuneHQ to load the page. That is usually all you will want to put in a reply to a "Looking For A Clan!" Thread. -- If you have any questions about the clan forums, please contact a Forum Moderator. Good luck in creating a Clan Recruitment thread!
  16. ITT we post all funny pictures taken in the chat. (2011- Present)
  17. Post all your pictures you find of famous players here. Please try to include a picture in your posts when possible. Also, this is simply to post when you see a famous player, NOT to post about discussion.
  18. Runescape 3 is finally here! Share your interface layout with the community and explain why you have it how you do.
  19. Hello there. When buying or selling items in this marketplace, please make sure that it is within the RS3 (Main Game). Thanks!
  20. Spent months and months working on a goal that you've finally accomplished? TELL US ABOUT IT! We will gladly help you celebrate your momentous occasion Please remember to keep these accomplishments to RuneScape related activities and to larger, more exciting accomplishments. While we are happy that you achieved level 5 in a skill, we do not need to hear about every level gain you make. Lower levels are still able to be posted about (for example you achieved all levels for Priff), just remember to be reasonable
  21. Hey everyone! Have you recently gotten a pet drop and want to show it off to your friends and RuneHQ? Look no further! You can start a new thread and upload your favorite pictures of your pet drops in this forum. Everyone, good luck and have fun with your pet drops! And don't forget to show us your greatest achievements!
  22. Introduction Greetings RuneHQ users, and welcome to my second guide on account security. If you haven't already, then please read my original guide which is stickied at the top of this forum! In this thread, I will be taking you through a method which I can guarantee will protect you from hackers, even if they have keylogged your passwords! On top of this, I will also point out things which you should avoid at all costs in order to keep your account secure! For security, I will direct you to where you need to go, instead of posting URL links. Contents Creating a Google Mail account 2-Step Verification with Gmail Setting up JAG Summary of what would happen! Creating a Google Mail account Google Mail (or Gmail) will provide the backbone to your account security. It is actually this step will could potentially provide a 100% immunity to hackers. When creating a google mail account, try to make the account name nothing related to your runescape account's name, but still try to make it memorable. Again with the password of your account, it must be complex but not the same password used for any other password. Bad Examples of passwords include: - Runite - Dragon - Edd Good Examples of passwords include: - Egg384tuna10noob - January953snow1 (PLEASE DO NOT ACTUALLY USE THESE) If you can understand how bad examples of passwords are easy to guess, and where good examples of passwords are very hard to guess, then you've taken your first step to enforcing your account's security. 2-Step Verification with Gmail This is where the magic begins. 2-Step verification is process where you assign a secondary device to confirm that the person who is trying to access your Gmail account really is you! To do this, go to your account section, and then select security before finally selecting "2-Step verification". From here you can assign your mobile phone device to receive a text message which contains a random 6 digit code (just like an authenticator!) which you must enter to gain access into your Gmail account. I cannot emphasise the importance of this step, it will be the trap that the hacker gets caught in, without it, a hacker will proceed straight into your Gmail account and authorize his computer using JAG. Setting up JAG! JAG will be what completes your account immunisation. This system can be accessed by logging into your Runescape account on the main page, select "Account Settings" before finally selecting "Jagex Account Guardian". What does JAG actually do? Locks your account specifically to the computer you are using. Denies access to your account by hackers without e-mail confirmation When setting up JAG, bear in mind that this WILL replace your recovery questions. Knowing this, you want to make the answers to your questions as hard to guess as possible, try randomly adding numbers or even just make up completely silly answers that no-one would eve guess (make sure YOU remember them!) Finally, once JAG is set up, you will be prompted to add your device to it's allowance list, add your computer to it "permanently". A list of your computer name, and your IP address will be shown and your account will only be accessed from that, unless you use JAG to permit other devices. Summary of what would happen Oh no, you've click on a link and a keylogger has your passwords! Here's exactly what would happen, and how you've just stopped a hacker without even trying! The hacker will enter your details on Runescape in an attempt to log in. The hacker will not have access until JAG confirms this. JAG has just sent a confirmation e-mail to your Gmail account! The hacker has your e-mail and password and attempts to log into your Gmail Do you hear that? Your phone sent you a text containing a 6-digit code! Without the 6 digit code, the hacker is HELPLESS. He cannot confirm in your Gmail that he is trying to use your account, therefore he can NEVER get onto your account! The hacker would literally have to steal your mobile phone in real life to gain access, that said keep your phone safe at all times. There's still the JAG questions for the hacker to somehow guess on top of this, but pretty much irrelevant if he can't even get into your Gmail to authorize his computer. If you suspect that... Someone has your passwords Your mobile prompted you a 6 digit code without you logging in Chances are, someone seems to have your details. Perform a complete scan if your computer, make sure your firewall is correctly configured, and if necessary format your HDD (extreme measure). Once this is done, proceed to change your Gmail password and your Runescape password. Check your Gmail, JAG will tell you the IP of the hacker, and you can immediately report it to Jagex! I hope this proves useful, and I highly recommend that EVERYONE has this system, or something similar in place. It is a true life saver!
  23. This is a security post for everyone. I was prompted to make this after having a nice conversation about Jagex's Authenticator. The Authenticator itself is a lovely protection system for your account, and you'd be a fool not to have activated it (unless there's some legitimate reason as to why you can't, but laziness isn't acceptable.) Even with the Authenticator enabled, you can STILL get hijacked. When it comes to passwords... Authenticator is NOT prompted when a user wishes to change an account password. Your registered e-mail is sent a confirmation link to confirm a password change. A hijacker can still change your password without needing to know your Authenticator information. When it comes to the main site... the Authenticator is NOT prompted upon logging into the main site. A hijacker can still use your account to create havoc on the forums A hijacker can steal / change your display name A hijacker can CHANGE your registered e-mail When it comes to in-game You still need a bank pin, the Authenticator can still get compromised if you enter your details onto an infected machine. the Authenticator DOES protect 2007 scape accounts! the Authenticator does NOT protect classic accounts! Has anyone noticed a strange connection between some of this things that I've pointed out above? That's right, it's your registered e-mail. If a hijacker can control your registered e-mail then your account is as good as gone (or at least for a while.) Did you also notice that the Authenticator doesn't stop a hijacker from changing that registered e-mail? Your Runescape account security relies heavily on your registered e-mail, even the Authenticator relies on it. Here's where we shamelessly tell EVERYONE to change to Google Mail, and use the 2-step verification system. Why? It's as good as a USB authenticator (but for your e-mail) so that if the hijacker does get your e-mail information then they still can't access it without your mobile device. High level players, and famous players (who I can't name) have been hacked recently, and some of the core issues is that they used hotmail as their registered e-mail address. Please, please, please DO NOT EVER use hotmail as your registered e-mail address because if someone tries hard enough, they can and will recover it. ... and here's a clear reminder of security tips; NEVER use your Runescape or e-mail password on fansites NEVER use your registered e-mail with fansites. It is very important to use different emails, for different websites. If someone, for whatever reason has a grudge against you, is jealous etc, and they have access to your private information, they can use it against you. Even the people you suppose to trust and be good honest people, can and possibly will do, if the opportunity arrives, put your email/accounts at risk. Please be aware about the sites you go into. Please be aware about the information you're leaving on any website. It's not just outsiders that will compromise your email/accounts. People you know are as dangerous! Lots of people, using the appropriate software (keylogger, trojan, etc.), can have access to your private information, such as emails in every website you enter. Because the harsh truth is that fansite hijackings are getting more common now, and the last thing we want is to have our community members being hijacked in the unlikely event that our databases are compromised. If I've just highlighted how vulnerable you are, then you're welcome!
  24. Well as you know since the dawn of RuneScape, people have been trying to phish players accounts. I for one, am taking a stand. Listed below are a few of the new and most updated phishing methods that Phisher's are using to steal your accounts. Look at them in detail because odds are they will try to find and steal your account. Method 1: Distraction/Website This method is the most recent of the phishing attempts. The way this method is introduced to the player is by a message being spammed over and over in the chat box. Most of the time they will advertise something to get your mind off the actual phishing. For example: "11b give away! Search Torva96 on YouTube!" Now what they want you to do is to obviously search Torva96 on YouTube. You will watch his video on the 11b giveaway. This is the "lure" of the entire phish. It's what gets your attention off what is going to happen next. He will explain that you need to post something on the RuneScape forums. He will tell you to follow the link in the description. Now since the "lure" has taken your attention you do not see that the URL in the description is a fake RuneScape website that was designed to trick you into logging into it. Something that is the number 1 factor in understanding whether the site is fake or not is to look at the URL. It should be HTTPS not HTTP. NEVER ENTER YOUR PASSWORD INTO A RUNESCAPE LOGIN WITHOUT CHECKING THE URL FOR THIS PICTURE! Here is a video I made explaining how the phish works: http://www.youtube.c...nel_video_title Here is a video the phisher made trying to phish the accounts: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=8xdF-UhdgDw Method 2: Social Engineering This method is the more common phish of today. This phish is what you call "Social Engineering". Meaning, they try to manipulate you by using there words with there inevitable goal of convincing you that you have received an application form to become a Player Moderator. Here is an example of what it the "Social Engineer" will try to accomplish. Hello. May I have a moment of your time, please? -sure As you can probably see, I am in the staff world. More information on this world can be found in the game manual. Now that I've cleared that up, may I speak with you? -ok We've been monitoring your recent chat logs and actions- -and we have noticed maturity and responsibility. We would like to offer you a moderator application. This is just an application, and doesn't confirm your position. If accepted, your account will be upgraded to player moderator. Do you wish to proceed? -sure Please grab a pen and paper, to write down some info. -sec -k Okay - Just write down the following two lines of information: Application Url Id: 4418.t35.comx Referral Id: 28871 -done Okay - Now I need to ask you a few routine questions. A. If accepted, will you devote time to your position? B. Will you abuse your moderator abilities (ex. Mute player)? C. Do you think you would make a responsible moderator? -a yes, b no, c yes Okay - You now qualify to proceed to the application stage. Simply enter your Application Url Id to the address bar of any- -web browser. Remove the 'x' from the Url. Kindly let me know when you have reached the web page. -im at the page Okay - Please briefly read through the text on that page. Kindly let me know when you have finished reading. -done reading You may now click "Apply as Moderator", below. After logging in, you will be prompted for your "Referral Id". Simply enter that, and fill the rest of the form out as needed. Let me know when you finish, or if you have any questions. -i finished One moment please. [check] Okay - We have recieved your application. Now, simply log out of the game, then log right back in. -ok ! Now that you have seen what this would look like, you will be aware of the factors a phisher will use to try to attempt to phish your account. Method 3: E-Mail This one is a new and growing one. Some people have already experienced this type of phishing method but, since it is a rather new method I will collaborative as much as possible. First, you will receive an e-mail about how your account has either received an infraction or that your e-mail has been registered to your account. REMEMBER! This is fake and they will steal your account. The E-Mail will look like this: The E-Mail Itself: The Fake URL Inside the E-Mail: As you can see, the URL is not secured. Some people are so desperate to earn free cash in this game, that they will go to almost any lengths of getting it. Now that you have obtained this knowledge on how phishers work, the RuneHQ Community will be much safer. Go and play safely my friends! Remember! itsFantastic! itsMrFantastic
  25. Please post anything about the recent large amount of macroers here! This includes what your tactics are to get rid of them, any ways we could possibly stop them, and all macro discussion. Please do NOT make a new topic about it or it will be merged with this one! Bots are a player's number one enemy - they come in many forms and perform various functions depending on what the account owner needs the account to do. Most of the time, they are not Runescape Players, they are usually Gold Sellers who run illegal businesses that profit from the game, and their profit heavily impacts our in-game economy. Some of the impacts include; Distribution of in-game resources such as wood, ore and food. Inflation of the Runescape currency, gold. Innaccessiblity to training methods such as skilling resources and monsters. They can be separated into the following categories; Website Advertisers Website Advertisers are pretty self-explanatory, they stand in areas of high player population and spam their websites in the hopes that players would be lured into buying gold from them with real money. If you come across one of these, then feel free to report them under "Website Advertisement". If you also happen to know any Player Moderators then they will be more than happy to apply a mute to them. Purchasing gold from websites is Real World Trading with third parties, and this is a bannable offensive - If you see someone telling you that you can buy gold for real money, do not do it! Resource Gatherers There are accounts who are created for the sole purpose of gathering resources and selling them for gold, so that the gold may be sold for real world currencies. Typically, bots are seen engaged in combat and usually wear a default outfit something a long the lines of; Dragon Helm Dragon Platelegs Granite Platebody Abyssal Whip Obsidian Shield Obsidian Cape The above items are really cheap today, and are commonly used amongst other items. PLEASE NOTE that if someone is wearing those items, do not assume that they are a bot, they might actually be a legitimate player. Always consider the circumstances, and try engaging with them first before you dismiss them as a bot. Some commonly killed monsters include Dragons and Grotworms as they have a consistent drop table which gives a steady income. If you suspect a player of being a bot - please report them under "Macroing". Players who bot This is a rare occurrence, and are usually players who use bots to achieve their goals quicker. They're quite hard to spot because they blend in with the rest of the player base. However if you notice someone acting odd then by all means reporting them under "Macroing" won't hurt. If you have any experience with tackling botters, then feel free to report your methods and/or experiences below. Thanks!
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