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Use this thread to post and Runescape terms, abbreviations etc. Original post will be updated with a full list as they are posted! Posting in alphabetical order would be most helpful and appreciated! For example: Abby whip = Abyssal whip Dds = Dragon Dagger p++ A: Ab2 = Abandoned 2 (Dungeoneering) Abby demons = Abyssal Demons Abby specs = Aberrant Spectre Abby whip = Abyssal Whip Abs = Armadyl battlestaff Addy = Adamant Afk = Away from keyboard Afs = Anti-fire Shield Agi = Agility Ags = Armadyl Godsword Alch = Alchemy (Low-Level or High-Level) Ancients = Ancient spellbook Ardy = Ardougne Arma = Armadyl Asap = As soon as possible Atk/att = Attack (Level) Ava = Clan Avatar Axe = Hatchet B: Ba/Barb Ass = Barbarian Assult Bandos = Often used to refer to General Graador's PvM area. Baxe = Battleaxe Bb = Big Bones Bcp = Bandos Chestplate Bgs = Bandos Godsword Bh = Bounty Hunter Bn = Blood Necklace Bob = Beast of Burden bod = Braches of Darkmeyer Bots = RoBOTS Brassy = Veracs Brassard Brb = Be right back Brew = Saradomin Brew broad(s) = broad tipped bolts Bs-ing = backstabbing (in context of wilderness warbands) BTS = Behind the Scenes Bxpw = Bonus Experience Weekend C: Cc = Clan Chat Cc = Clan Cloak/Cape Ccb = Chaotic Crossbow Chain = Chainbody Cit = Clan Citadel Cls = Chaotic Longsword Cmb = Combat (Level) Comp cape = Completionist Cape or Complexity Level (Dungeoneering) Cons = Construction (Level) Cos = Crown of Seasons Corp = Corporeal Beast Cr = Chaotic Rapier CW = Castle Wars CW = Clan Wars D: D/drag = Dragon (ex: d square, d scim, d chain) Dc = Disconnect Dd = Death Dot (Pvp term) Dds = Dragon Dagger p++ Deep / Deep Wild = 20+ Wilderness (cannot teleport past this point) Def = Defense (Level) Denk = Dead End with no key (Dungeoneering) Dewk = Dead end with key (Dungeoneering) Dfh = Dragon Full Helmet Dfs = Dragonfire Shield Dfm = Demon Flash Mob Dgt = Drag Gatestone (Dungeoneering) Dgn = Dragon Granite Noob Dh - Dharoks. (Pking related) Dhide = Dragonhide Divine = Divine Spirit Shield DKS = Dagganoth Kings Drags = Dragons Dt = Desert Treasure (Quest) Dung/Dg/Dunge/Dun/Dneering = Dungeoneering DWF = Dark Warriorw Fortress D&D = Distractions and Diversions E: EC = Elf City Edge = Edgeville Elite = Elite Black Armor or Elite Treasure Trial (Clue Scroll) Elm = east of Lava Maze Ely = Elysian Spirit Shield EoC = Evolution of Combat Ess = Rune Essence or Pure Essence Exp/xp = Experience Ext = Extreme Potion (Strength, Attack, Defense, Magic, Ranged) F: F## = Floor ## (Used in Dungeoneering, ex: F18 = Floor 18) Fally = Falador Fall in = Follow this person Fc = Friend's Chat Ffa = Free For All Flat = Having 99 Strength, Defence, Attack and Constitution Fletch = Fletching (Level) Fm = Firemaking (Level) Fmod - Forum Moderator FoG = Fist of Guthix FotG = Fate of the Gods frem = Fremennik (city, quest ...) Ftp# = Fairy Tale Part # Fury = Amulet of Fury F2p = Free-to-play, Non-member G: G2H = Gravite 2h Gano = Ganodermic armor Gd = Guardian Door (Dungeoneering) Gdm = Guardian door marked (Dungeoneering) GE = Grand Exchange Greaters = Greater Demons Gf = Good Fight GG = Gielinor Games Ggs = Group Gatestone Gh = Got herb (used by players to make their Dungeoneering party aware they are now in possession of a certain herb should they need a potion). Gilded/G-alt = Gilded Altar Gj = Good Job Glory = Amulet of Glory Gmaul = Granite Maul Gn = Good Night Gp - gold / coin piece Greens = Green Dragons Gs = Gatestone or Godsword Gtgd = Group teleport to Guardian door/Gatestone teleport to Guardian door (Dungeoneering) Gtb = Group gatestone teleport to boss (Dungeoneering) Guth = Guthix Guth = Guthans Gwd = God war dungeon Gz/Gratz = Congratulations H: H## = Hosting Floor ## (Dungeoneering) Herb = Herblore (Level) Hftd = Horror from the Deep Hgt = Hold Gatestone (Dungeoneering) HP = Constitution/Health Points (Level) Ht = Home Teleport I: Inb4 = In before Inv = Inventory or Invite Irl = In real life Irons = Iron Dragons Imo = in my opinion J: JK = Just Kidding Jmod = Jagex Moderator K: KBD = King Black Dragon KK = Kalphite King. Kite = Kiteshield KQ = Kalphite Queen L: Lby = Lobby Lessers = Lesser Demons Lo = Log out Lob/lobs/lobbies = Lobster Long = Longsword or Longbow (usage: d long = Dragon Longsword, mage long = Magic Longbow) LRC = Living Rock Caverns Lunars = Lunars spellbook Lumb/Lumby = Lumbridge Lvl = Level LMods = Local Moderators M: Mage = Magic (Level) Maxed = Max hit / Max stats Med = Medium Helm MEP1 = Mourning's Ends Part I MEP2 = Mourning's Ends Part II Mgt = Move Gatestone (Dungeoneering) Mgtb = Move gatestone to boss (Dungeoneering) Mil = Million (Money) Miths = Mithril Dragons Mod = Moderator Monk = Monkfish N: Neck = Necklace Nez/neitz = Neitiznot Nfg = No free gate (meaning you already have a personal gatestone placed elsewhere in Dungeoneering). Nfs = Not for Sale Ngdm = Next guardian door marked (Dungeoneering) Np = No problem Nty = No thank you O: Obby = Obsidian Armor Occ = Occult (Dungeoneering) Omg = Oh my god Omw = On my way Op = Overpowered Orna | Orna-Kit = Ornamental Kit (IE Dragon Platebody Orna/ Amulet of Fury Orna Kit ) Orts = Anagorgic Orts OSRS | 07Scape | Old School RS --- 2007-based RuneScape gameplay Ovl = Overload Potion(s) P: P2p = Pay-to-play, Member Pc = Pest Control Pc = Price Check PE = Plague's End Peng = Penguin(s) Phat = Party Hat Pick = Pickaxe Pile (player name) = Attack this person! PJ(ing) = Pile Jumping Pk(ing) = Player Killing Pker = Player Killer Plate = Platebody Pm = Private Message Pmod = Player Moderator Poh = Player-owned House Poly = Polypore Staff Pot = Potion Pop/Port = Player Owned Port Pray = Prayer (Level) Prom = Promethium (Dungeoneering) Pvb = Player versus Boss Pve = Player versus Everything Pvm = Player versus Monster Pvp = Player versus Player Q: Qbd = Queen Black Dragon (A confirmed boss update) Qc = Quick-Chat QH = Quick Hop Qp = Quest Points Qpc = Quest points cape R: random(ed) = random event (won't talk for the next 10-120 sec) R2H = Rune 2-handed (Weapon) Rago - Vorago Raxxor = Araxxor Rc = Runecrafting (Level) Rev = Revenants Rfd = Recipe for Disaster (Quest) Rhq = RuneHQ Rng = Range (Level) Rofl = Role on floor laughing Rotm = Ritual of the Mahjarrat RotS = Barrows: Rise of the Six Row = Ring of Wealth royal = royal d'hide Rs = Runescape Rsn/ign = Runescape Name (Character\'s Name) S: Sara = Saradomin SC = Stealing Creation Scim = Scimitar Sgs = Saradomin Godsword Short = Sword or Shortbow SoF = Squeal of Fortune Sol = Staff of Light Sol's/SGS = Soloman's General Store Sq./Square = Square Shield Ss = Saradomin Sword or Soul Split or Spirit Shield Ssh = Shadow Silk Hood (Dungeoneering) Steels = Steel Dragons Str = Strength (Level) Summ = Summoning (Level) SW = Soul Wars Swordie = Swordfish Smh = Shaking my head T: T## = Tier Number (may refer to Dungeoneering or Clan Citadel) Tally = Talisman Tav = Taverly TB = Teleblock TB = Toolbelt TD = Tormented Demon Tele = Teleport Tk = Toolkit (Dungeoneering) ToG = Tears of Guthix Torso = Fighter Torso Tort = War tortise TT = Temple Trekking TT = Treasure Trails Ttyl = Talk to you later Turm =Turmoil TWW = The World Wakes Ty = Thank you Tyvm = Thank you very much Thx = Thanks U: Ult/Ulti = Ultimate Ability V: Veng = Vengance Vex = Vexillum/Clan Vexillum W: Warp = Warped themed Dungeoneering floor. Wb = Welcome Back Wbs = Wilderness Warbands Wc = Wrong Chat or Woodcutting (Level) wfs = waterfiends WGS = While Guthix Sleeps (Quest) Wildy = Wilderness Wiz = Wizard Wug = What you got? (Bank sales) X: Xbow = Crossbow XP = Experience Y: Yw = You're welcome Z: Zammy = Zamorak Zerker = Berserker (Berserker Helmet, Berserker Ring, Berserker Necklace) Zgs = Zamorak Godsword #: 2h = Two-Handed Sword 3a = Third-age #d pot = number of doses Contributions made by: Benno, Senex Seni, Shakers 20, Varunky, Nightfirecat, Spartan, Greg, Double D Edd, Avaricious, Yamon, Miss Sarah, Chahal, Fjordy, Me_Wantz_99, Zaros Ultar, Kartman 007, Homura, Fuller, Doctor Berry, Valik1234, Guthix, Firehazard772, Ralkal, Sliver, Hope 1789, Kilvehk, auntmidge, Bob McDerp, Madame Kate, LiviaOcella, TreeHugger
When playing Runescape, there are many things that players complain about, but the two most common things I have been hearing is "Omg I've been hacked!" and "My computer is so slow!" In this guide, I will be showing you guys a how-to in keeping your computer fast and safe, making your Runescape and RuneHQ experience a lot more enjoyable. Contents Common Sense Prevails! Secure Passwords Bank Pin Recovery information Social Engineering Keeping your IP safe Downloading "Bad things" Emails Security tighter than... AntiVirus is a MUST Firewall Please Useful Alternatives Computer faster than the speed of... Stop those start ups! Temporary File cleaning Dat Task Manager Other useful things to know Use GMail Conclusion Common Sense Prevails! It really does! A lot of hackings are the results of very stupid decisions made by account holders, such as logging in on a phishing site, or downloading "cheats" for Runescape that turns out to be a silly keylogger that now has your account information and much more! Visiting a site you've never heard of before should also be taken with extreme caution as some are designed to download items without your consent. This section covers basic human decisions that you and I make while on the computer, these decisions are the crucial difference between being safe and getting hacked. Secure Passwords A password is the key to your account, it's the "open seseme" to the cave of wonders. So with that in mind, it has to be intricate and yet memorable. Runescape passwords can be made of both numbers and letters (however, they AREN'T caps sensitive) so why not make use of that fact. An example of a bad password uses only words, and probably something to do with the game. Runite Dragon Edd The above are ALL bad examples of passwords, they are easy to guess and would only take about 3 minutes of force guessing to get it. Good examples of passwords make use of different numbers and letters, perhaps words that together make no sense whatsoever! Egg57tuna10apple3 <--- (Don't EVER use this example or I'll kill you! ) Passwords like the above probably will NEVER be guessed, and would require something more sophisticated such as keylogger to obtain. Bank Pin! This statement is going to sound silly, but the bank pin is actually one of the most neglected features used in Runescape. It could be that a person is too lazy to type it in every time they log in, they just don't want to have one. Believe me when I say that a bank pin will save you should you unfortunately be hijacked. A bank pin should not be part of anything to do with you, for example, it shouldn't be your birthday, and it certainly shouldn't be your real life bank pin. It should be a completely random set of four digits. A bank pin will: Protect your bank Protect your POH Protect your Dungeoneering Tokens Protect the Clan Citadel settings Recovery information This is like having a backup USB to work stored on your Harddrive. If your Haddrive fails, then use the USB! That said, recovery questions must be stuff that no-one else knows of. If in doubt, try to make some questions and answers that make absolutely no sense to anyone else and only you. It sounds crazy but it's more effective that you imagine. Bad Question: What's my Runescape friend's name? Answer: A username ^Easily guessed, especially if they have access to your account, or if someone knows who your friends are. A better example would be the following; For example, Q: OMGWTFBBQ? Are you actually ever going to guess the answer to this question, ever? It completely destroys any knowledge that a hacker would know of you. Speaking of knowledge, this leads nicely onto the next topic. Social Engineering Our Admin Lilroo503 made a very interesting topic on this a while back. After reading it, I seriously questioned a lot about what my friends knew of me, and changed details accordingly so that no-one, not even my closest friend or family member, would ever have these details. Social Engineering is when someone befriends you in order to acquire more information about you. This could be through a Facebook account where you have personal information stored, or perhaps through general chitchat. For example, they could ask you through casual conversation what university you went to. Was that one of your security questions? Bang! One down! It's so easy to release this information without realising what you did until it's too late. Therefore, when it comes to social networking or anything that may give away personal relevant information, the smart thing is to be careful who you trust, OR BETTER YET don't even put that stuff on the internet in the first place. Keeping Your IP Safe Your IP is like saying your address on the internet, it's where your "computer lives". In actual fact, this piece of information CAN actually tell people where you live in real life. Your IP can be homed in on by hackers which can do really nasty things. They can perform things such as Backdoor Rats that open up ports in your firewall and allow things into your computer that you don't want, such as keyloggers, malware, and more. If you suspect someone untrustworthy of having your IP, (and you have a dynamic router) then please walk upto your Router, turn it off and turn it back on again. This resets your IP address, and can thwart someone who is making any attempts on it. IP's are usually split into XXX.XXX.YYY.YYY , when resetting a router, it is usually the Y values that change. How can someone get hold of your IP? Visiting a website ALL Peer-to-Peer programs (Steam, Ventrilo, Teamspeak, Skype, MSN, etc.) Be careful when visiting other Ventrilo servers, or giving out such contact information from above. PLEASE NOTE: The RuneHQ website will NEVER abuse such important information when visiting the IRC or Ventrilo features. Any staff found doing so is subject to punishment or worse! Downloading "Bad things" There are some programs out there designed to steal your information, such as keyloggers or other spyware. Downloading ANYTHING that promises Runescape cheats and hacking will 100% of the time result in the hacking of your account, it would be foolish to believe these things. There's a various other things non-related to Runescape that claim they can increase the performance of your computer by downloading them, infact all it does is clutter your computer with malware, here are some examples of things that you should never trust; Registry Cleaners Driver Downloaders Programs claiming you have viruses unless you download their "anti-virus" Toolbars (ugh!) Emails The final section of this chapter covers e-mails. The main topic of this section will be about phishing e-mails, and how to identify them in your inbox. Phishing e-mails are a mass amount of e-mails that lead to "fake" websites, designed to "catch" people into entering their real details into their sites, storing the information so that accounts can be hacked later. Here are some important points to understand regarding Runescape; Jagex NEVER e-mail you regarding account status in terms of mutes and bans JagexNEVER ask you to confirm your details A handy thing I've found out, is that Phishing E-Mails address people by "Player". The official Jagex e-mails always address you by your login name, or by the nickname you tell them to address you by in your account settings. You can always check to see if the URL has been manipulated, simply by hovering your mouse over the "link" and seeing whether the URL displayed at the bottom left of your browser says "https://www.runescape.com". If not, it's completely fake and you should immediately delete it. Security tighter than..... This chapter covers your computer security, doing the things that otherwise you wouldn't notice. By the end of this, your computer will be nice and secure, unless of course you have no common sense! This will mostly cover some of the programs that every computer should have as standard. AntiVirus is a MUST! No really, it is. If you don't have any, I should slap you! But have no fear because we're here to help you sort that out. In lame-man's terms, an Antivirus simply scans every file in your computer to see if it contains any malicious coding designed to steal your information, slow your computer down and more. I would wholly recommend that if you have spare money, you should invest in some of the following Antivirus programs; Kaspersky ESET NOD32 / Security Essentials Norton (Apparently it's less stressful on systems now) If you don't have that cash to spare, then you can use some of these programs! ; AVG 2012 Malwarebytes Avast Microsoft Security Essentials Kaspersky (free trial) ESET NOD32 Scanner With these, you should be scanning your computer at minimum on a weekly basis. Firewall Please A firewall is complementary to an Anti-virus. The Antivirus is like a sword, killing off viruses in your computer, a firewall is like the shield of your computer, protecting you from further intrusions. At minimum, always make sure that Windows Firewall is turned on. However, there are far more effective programs that integrate antivirus and firewall together. ESET Security Essentials Kaspersky Internet Security Norton Internet Security McAffee Interet Security (Not as good IMO, but better than nothing) There are separate programs that also give a firewall that compliments to security such as ZoneAlarm, but again, if you don't have these, make sure Windows Firewall and Windows Defender is on. Useful Alternatives There are other useful programs that also help keep your computer clean. Spybot Search and Destroy is a program that, instead of scanning your files individually, actually searches your computer for file names, making the process faster and provides different methods of catching out those pesky spyware. Ad-Aware is another program that is useful for specializing in catching malware on your computer. Computer Faster than the speed of..... Ram.. bad joke. Anyway, so now you're safe and ready to take on the world of Runescape in a more safer environment. However, you may wish to seek increasing your Frames Per Second and reducing that lagg on your computer. Well, by making sure that your computer is secure, you've already reduced some lagg that malware or spyware was causing by eating up your upload and download speeds. Well done! Stop those Startups! Start-up programs are what they say on the tin, they start up when you turn your computer on. Sometimes this is convenience for a computer user to have everything up ready to use, however depending on the specifications of your computer it may actually pose a problem. Two problems caused by start-ups: Boot-up time of your computer reduced, more waiting time after logging on. Background programs consuming memory. If you know what programs are being started on boot, then they probably have an option to stop "Start up when Windows loads". [This next section is for advanced users, if you aren't confident then don't do it, I will not be held responsible for blowing up your computer] If you can't find the option then do the following > Start > run "msconfig.exe" > Select the "start up" tab Untick any programs that you don't want starting up. You'll also notice a services tab, containing all the processes for your computer, unticking any of these completely disables background programs. If you are going to do this, untick the "Hide all Microsoft processes" at the bottom so that you don't accidently disable OS processes. Temporary File cleaning Temporary files are sometimes what Windows / Internet Browsers store incase they don't have enough memory to process something, or for communication purposes. However, sometimes they don't get deleted and end up consuming memory which starts to clutter up your computer. There are some ways in order to get rid of these; Start Menu > Accessories > Disk Cleanup C Drive > Users > "YourName" > AppData > Roaming > Temp (delete the contents of this folder) There's also a program called "CCleaner" which I would HIGHLY recommended that cleans your computer of temporary files. Dat Task Manager Your best friend, I don't need to say more! You can access it by right clicking on the TaskBar on Vista / 7 , or by hitting "Ctrl + Alt + Del". Your task manager displays all of your programs and processes running. If something is consuming too much memory then you can end the task / process in order to free memory up. Be careful you don't end the wrong process though, because that could end the thing you're trying to do! Always check the description of the process to see what you're ending. Pro Tip : Don't end explorer.exe <--- That's what displays your desktop. If you accidently end it, then go to the top and select "File --> New Task" and type "explorer.exe" to run it again. Other useful things to know! Google Mail I would highly recommend using this over hotmail or anything else, because it's alot more safer and "hack-proof". Google-Mail can utilize a 2-Step verification, that send a code to your mobile phone that you must enter before you can access your mail. This means that for a hacker to access your e-mail, they would need your mobile phone! It's an impenetrable layer of security that could save your Runescape account! Conclusion I'll continue updating this with useful information, but hopefully it will serve as a VERY GOOD guide for keeping safe as well as maintaining a healthy computer! See you guys in-game and at our events! Rhodes.
After seeing some players returning to Runescape from back in the day, and I figured this would be a good time to share your history, stories, or your favorite memories! Mine would have to be to when I started back in 2003, around that time I use to get on and play with my cousins, and we'd play for hours and hours, not worrying about xp grinding or anything, probably the most enjoyable time in Runescape for me.
Hello everyone, These are a few reminders about the rules and the RuneScape Category guidelines. Please read them through carefully. The rule: Topics are not allowed to be over 500kb in total file size in a single page. If you find that is not sufficient, please upload thumbnails. All the different images and goal banners add up in file size, so please consider this when posting your latest achievement. Do not ask for exemptions, we do not allow these anymore. These are meant for RuneScape goal logs only. Embedded links These are the links inside images that take you to where the image has been hosted, eg: imageshack, imgur, photoshack etc. These are more of a nuisance that hosting websites put in the link for the sake of linking back to their site(s) and therefore getting an advertisement. In case you need help on how to remove these embedded links, read this: Double posting Strictly speaking, double posting is considered spamming. However, giving your topic a little bump once in a while is OK. As a general rule, it's not considered spam when there's at least a day in between the 2 posts. If you just posted and want to add something, use the Edit button! That's what it's there for If you have any questions, please check the rules or feel free to PM any member of the RuneScape Forum Staff. ~ RuneHQ Forum Staff ~
Site Owners MrStormy MrStormy/Gene created RuneHQ with Dravan in October 2003, he put a lot of time, dedication, love and effort into our site to make it thrive and always strived for us to be the number one RuneScape Fansite. Gene sadly passed away early in 2015. He will be deeply missed and will never be forgotten for all the hard work that he did for our wonderful site and community. MrsStormy Gene's wife has lovingly carried on Gene's legacy after his passing. We owe our continued presence to her dedication to Gene's memory. Thank you for your efforts! <3 DRAVAN Dravan has been with RuneHQ since the beginning. As time moves on he is slated to become the next torch bearer when MrsStormy can no longer continue. Alfawarlord Alfawarlord is responsible for the RuneHQ Clan Chat, Clan Staff, and Community Crew. Feel free to contact him with all issues concerning the RuneHQ Clan. ChathMurrpau ChathMurrpauis responsible for the Content Editors as well as the Forums and Moderator team. Feel free to contact her with all issues concerning site content and submissions. Sirius XM Sirius XM is primarily responsible for site Development. Any issues with the site or known bugs can be brought to his attention. Hitori Hitori played a big role in some of our more recent coding upgrades. We wish the best for him and his family while he is currently on leave of absence here at RuneHQ. Community Crew Manager These people manage the Community Crew group and are in charge of Social Media, Graphics, Competitions, Events, and interacting with the community in general. Quick Art Content Manager These people manage the Content Editors group and are charge of the Website Content Submissions & Updates board and keeping RuneHQ's guides and databases up-to-date. They should be the first people contacted if you have any issues with Content Editors or the Content Submissions board. Ksb Single Clan Manager These people manage the Clan in-game and are responsible for ensuring all Clan related things run smoothly. Katalex Development Manager These people manage the Developers and are responsible for site/forum development. Forum Manager These people manage the Forum Moderators and are in charge of overseeing the forums in it's entirety. Numerous One These people are responsible for keeping RuneHQ's guides and databases up-to-date as well as managing the Website Content Submissions & Updates board. 3ter 1 (Guides) Hail4Gaming Fuzzyjoe162 DarkAdvisor These people are responsible for moderating the forum and making sure everything is up to date. They can also help out with content submissions. Senug These people are responsible for mentoring the community through the Help boards, also assist with our Facebook, Twitter, and Twitch. They also host forum competitions. moridin_1 Telle These people are responsible for moderating the official RuneHQ Clan. Alfawarlord Chathmurrpau darkjeskill Graystar Haxorze Hope Katalex Loucetios mafchief moridin_1 Pixelatic Sola Wind Super Fly Zandahar These people are responsible for developing and maintaining the RuneHQ website and forums. Alk 12
RuneHQ is always looking for individuals who want to help out the site by offering their services. We're currently hiring for the following staff positions, and we promise that you will not become a robot. Be sure to read the following topics before applying: What do we look for in staff applications? Staff application flow Staff responsibilities How do I apply for staff? Ready to apply? Check this area for currently open applications. Please note: You need to have a Forum account to access staff applications! Click here to register if you do not already have an account. Have any queries? Please do not hesitate to contact the Managers! KSB Single (Content Manager) Alfawarlods (Community Crew Manager) Numerous One (Forum Manager) Hitori (Development Manager)
Welcome to the Old School News Section of the Forums. This forum is devoted to Old School RuneScape Updates and Developer's Blogs. Once an Old School RuneScape Update or Developer's Blog is old, it will be closed and this forum will serve as an archive for them. If you have any questions which relates to this, then please PM a Forum Moderator. Thanks!
This forum is devoted to RuneScape Updates and Developer's Blogs. Once a RuneScape Update or Developer's Blog is old, it will be closed and this forum will serve as an archive for them. If you have any questions, please PM a forum moderator or a manager. Thanks! RuneHQ Staff
Quotation taken directly from RuneScape.com
Our Goal Here at RuneHQ we take great pride in making sure all information is up to date and accurate. Our community is one of our strongest sources of this. By submitting, you not only strengthen our databses, you also become part of the development as well. There are no trivia submissions. Even the smallest details can aid our community. Submitting To make our job easier, and to ensure that the information gets updated as quickly as we can, we ask that when you submit any info that you make sure to include the following: The step or field in question (This is very important). As detailed information as you can about the issue. Proper spelling and easy to understand substitutions. Screenshot if possible. This will speed up the confirmation process. What are submissions? Areas or fields that have been altered due to game changes or over time development. Tips on making the information easier to understand or less confusing. Additional safe spots, travel, items needed, or recommendations. Updated images. Removal of information that is no longer relevant or existing. Thank You RuneHQ would like to offer our appreciation for helping us help you. All members who supply information that is added into our site are fully credited.
All guides must be written with as much detail as possible and in a manner as not to be complicated reading. Most of the users that play Runescape are young. Structure Your Guide: Sort the guide out in sections. Each section should be a stand alone part of the guide like after talking to an npc or the activity in one location before moving to another. Each section should be listed with a number so members can easily back track if they lose their place. For example: Talk to bob, who will tell you that his plants need watering. Head out into bobs back garden, pick up the near by watering can and water his plants Detailed Explanation: Make sure that any places you need to go are given in detail. It's all very well that it may have been easy for you to find but someone else may have difficulty. Players may have to encounter challenging NPC's. There is no use just saying something along the lines of "Go to Varrok and kill Bob." For all the reader knows Bob could be a level 100 mage and they head to him unprepared in Rune armor and die. Warn the readers about the enemy and explain with details on its particular weakness and attack patterns. Warn the user about any hidden dangers in detail. You maybe a level 120+ player and the danger maybe different to you from other players. You need to take into account lower level players will be using your guide and dangers that may not be dangerous to you could be dangerous to other players. For example: Head to the South Western part of Falador to the bank. Watch out for aggressive guards (level 36) along the way. When you have made it to the bank, withdraw melee armor, a weapon and a decent amount of food as you will have to fight a level 120 Werewolf. Make your way to the market area of Falador and enter Bob's jewelery shop along the northern side of the market. Before you talk to Bob, turn on the Protect from Melee prayer. Now talk to Bob, who will turn into a Werewolf (level 120). Attack him but beware of his special attacks, in the form of quick slashes. His special can deal up to 30 damage. Do NOT abbreviate: Abbreviations may be easier to type but they are hard to understand and members may get the wrong message. Also avoid abbreviating because they make your guide one of poor quality. For example: Go 2 fally nd head to the wildy. go N past grn drgs, kbd 2 rr. When u get 2 rr head W 2 gdz. Equip a dfs nd talk 2 Bob. should be Go to Falador and head into the Wilderness. Go North past Green Dragons, King Black Dragon to Rune Rocks. When you get to Rune Rocks, head West to the Greater Demons. Once there, equip a Dragonfire shield and talk to Bob. Spell/Grammar-check: An unchecked guide looks sloppy and people pick up on spelling/grammar mistakes quickly. Open a text processing program and use its spelling/grammar checker or ask someone to read it over. Proper punctuation: Punctuating your guide only takes a minute at the end to read through and do, you can even do it as you type. It makes the guide look neater and makes it easier to read and understand. Feel free to PM Content Manager with questions regarding these guidelines. Thanks for helping RuneHQ.
Adobe Photoshop CS2 (or higher) or GIMP is required. Please DO NOT use MS Paint! Images should be taken in-game by yourself. Due to copyrights we are not allowed to use image from other sites. (Note: This includes images from the Jagex Knowledge Base.) Images should be taken using the Old School preset with the Action Bar minimized. All graphics options should be set to their maximum settings. Exceptions to this are Anti-aliasing with 4x being preferred, but not required if your computer cannot run it. However, it must be turned off completely for images to be made transparent. Bloom is also preferred, but is not required and lighting detail may be set to low if you are in a dark area. Images for the site are saved in PNG-8 format, whether transparent or not. The GIF format may be used for animated images for guides, if needed. Images for the Persons, Items, or Monsters Database should have transparent backgrounds with a 1 pixel border. This means that there is an empty space that is 1 pixel wide from the furthest edge of the image including shadows on all four sides. (See below on how to make the background transparent.) Proofshot images do NOT need to be in a specific format as long as we can read the information, so that we can check that the Person, Item, and Monster Names and examines have the correct spelling and punctuation. Images for guides should not contain extraneous content. (example: taking a picture with other members in the background or private chat on.) They should also be cropped to the size of the playing window, with no borders. Please do not take images saved in other formats and resave them in PNG-8 format. Once an image has been saved as a certain format, there can a loss of quality if it is resaved in another format. Images submitted should be posted and not attached as thumbnails, linked to your gallery, or contain embedded links. CORRECT FORMAT INCORRECT FORMAT By maonzhi Unable to make transparent images?: Crop your images to only have a 1 pixel border around them. Fill in the background with a bright color. (see below for an example) Save them as PNG-8 format quality. Post them in your topic and note that you need help with making the image transparent. Transparency Moulds Mini-map mould: Clue scroll mould: Old School Quest complete scroll mould Old-School Minimap mould Feel free to PM Content Manager or Senior Content Editor with questions regarding these guidelines. Thanks for helping RuneHQ!
Please use this template to post the images/information: Quest Name: Type of Submission: Member-Only (Yes or No): Description: Quest Difficulty: Quest Length: Minimum Skill/Other Requirements for Quest: Items Needed at Quest Start: Items Needed to Complete Quest: Items Recommended for Quest: Items Acquired During Quest: Quest Points: Reward: Starting Point: To Start: Instructions: Written By: Updates By: Explanation for each part: Quest Name: Needs to be 100% exact. (Exact capitals, etc). Type of Submission: "Edit" if the quest already exists in our Database and you wish to edit the info we have. "Add" if the quest is not yet at all in our Database. Members-Only: Check to see if the quest is also F2p. Description: Short introduction of the quest. Quest Difficulty: The difficulty as listed on RuneScape for the quest. Quest Length: The length as listed on RuneScape for the quest. Minimum Skill/Other Requirements for Quest: Any skill or quest requirements for the quest. Items Needed at Quest Start: Items you need in the first few steps until you have the option to bank Items Needed to Complete Quest: Items you need throughout the quest to complete it. Items Recommended for Quest: Items that aren't needed but may be useful (ex: teleport methods) Items Acquired During Quest: Items you acquire during the quest. Quest Points: The amount of points received as the reward for completion. Reward: The reward as it appears on the quest complete scroll. Starting Point: The location of where to begin the quest. To Start: The person you speak to, to begin the quest. Instructions: The steps of the quest: in order, with an image for each step (preferably). Written by: This should list the names of the members who wrote the guide. Updates by: This should list the names of all the members who helped with the guide in any way (spelling, corrections, small additions). Feel free to PM Content Manager with questions regarding these guidelines. Thanks for helping RuneHQ.
Please use this template to post the images/information: Minigame Name: Type of Submission: Member-Only (Yes or No): Description: Required Levels: Required Quests: Items Needed: Recommended Levels: Items Recommended: Start Point: Is this Minigame Safe to play? (Yes or No): Getting Started: Playing The Game: Rewards: Written By: Updates By: Explanation for each part: Minigame Name: Needs to be 100% exact. (Exact capitals, etc). Type of Submission: "Edit" if the minigame already exists in our Database and you wish to edit the info we have. "Add" if the mini-game is not yet at all in our Database. Members-Only: Check to see if the minigame is also available on free to play servers.). Description: Short introduction of the minigame. Required Levels: Skill levels that are required to play the minigame. Required Quests: Quests that are required to play the minigame. Items Needed: Items that are needed to play the minigame. Recommended Levels: Levels that could be useful when playing the minigame. Items Recommended: Items that could be useful when playing the minigame. Start Point: The starting point of the minigame. Is this Minigame Safe to play? (Yes or No): If you die will lose your items (No), or keep them (Yes) Getting Started: The information on how to start the minigame Playing The Game: The information and strategies on how to play the minigame. Rewards: The rewards you gain upon successfully completing the minigame. Written by: This should list the names of the members who wrote the guide. Updates by: This should list the names of all the members who helped with the guide in any way (spelling, corrections, small additions). Feel free to PM Content Manager with questions regarding these guidelines. Thanks for helping RuneHQ.
Updates and additions to our Treasure Trails guide can be posted in the Activities, Mini-Games, Mini-Quest, and Task Guides submission forum. Please only post submissions in that forum. Guidelines: Make sure you have thoroughly searched the current guide before posting an update. You must provide a proofshot before the clue will be updated, so that we have the exact wording and grammar. This is important because people search by the exact words. Jagex has made many 'minor' updates to wording of some clues, so we need to be able to tell if it is a new clue or a revised clue. Template Please use this template to post the images/information: Clue: Clue Type: Image/Proofshot: Location/Solution: Template Explanations Clue: Needs to be 100% exact. (Including capitals, punctuation marks, even spelling/grammar errors). Clue Type: The type of the clue. This will enable us to find and update the clue much faster. E.G.: Talk To clue, Emote clue, Coordinate clue. Image/Proofshot: Please check the Guidelines for Images for submitted images. In case of a Map Clue, you must provide us with an image. Location/Solution: The solution of the clue. Feel free to PM Content Manager with questions regarding these guidelines. Thanks for helping RuneHQ.
Please use this template to post the images/information: Distractions and Diversions Name: Type of Submission: Member-Only (Yes or No): Description: Is this MiniGame Safe to play? (Yes or No): Contents: Skills Required: Skills Recommended: Quests Required: Items Needed: Items Recommended: Starting Point: To Start: Getting Started: Guide Data: Rewards: Written By: Updates By: Explanation for each part: Distractions and Diversions Name: Needs to be 100% exact. (Exact capitals, etc). Type of Submission: "Edit" if the distractions and diversions already exists in our Database and you wish to edit the info we have. "Add" if the distractions and diversions is not yet at all in our Database. Members-Only: Check to see if the distractions and diversions is also F2p. Description: Short introduction of the Distractions and Diversions. Is this MiniGame Safe to play? (Yes or No): If you die will lose your items (Yes), or keep them (No) Contents: A table of contents. Skills Required: Skill levels that are required to play the distractions and diversions. Skills Recommended: Skill levels could be useful when playing the distractions and diversions. Quests Required: Quests that are required to play the distractions and diversions. Items Needed: Items that are needed to play the distractions and diversions. Items Recommended: That could could be useful when playing the distractions and diversions. Starting Point: The location of where to begin the distractions and diversions. To Start: The act to begin the distractions and diversions. Getting Started: The information on how to start the distractions and diversions. Guide Data: The information and strategies on how to play the distractions and diversions. Reward: The rewards you gain upon successfully completing the distractions and diversions. Written by: This should list the names of the members who wrote the guide. Updates by: This should list the names of all the members who helped with the guide in any way (spelling, corrections, small additions). Feel free to PM Content Manager with questions regarding these guidelines. Thanks for helping RuneHQ.
Please use this template to post the images/information: MiniQuest Name: Type of Submission: Member-Only (Yes or No): Description: Quests Required: Levels Required: Items Needed: Items Recommended: Rewards: Starting Point: Instructions: Written By: Updates By: Explanation for each part: Mini-Quest Name: Needs to be 100% exact. (Exact capitals, etc). Type of Submission: "Edit" if the miniquest already exists in our Database and you wish to edit the info we have. "Add" if the miniquest is not yet at all in our Database. Members-Only: Check to see if the miniquest is also F2p. Description: Short introduction of the miniquest. Quests Required: Quest requirements for the miniquest. Levels Required: Skill requirements for the miniquest. Items Needed: Items you need to complete the mini-quest. Items Recommended: Items that aren't needed but may be useful (ex: teleport methods) Rewards: The rewards you gain upon successfully completing the miniquest. Starting Point: The location of where to begin the miniquest. Instructions: The steps of the miniquest: in order, with an image for each step (preferably). Written by: This should list the names of the members who wrote the guide. Updates by: This should list the names of all the members who helped with the guide in any way (spelling, corrections, small additions). Feel free to PM Content Manager with questions regarding these guidelines. Thanks for helping RuneHQ.
Please use this template to post the images/information: Task Guide Name: Type of Submission: Member-Only (Yes or No): Description: Quests Required: Levels Required: Items Needed: Items Recommended: Rewards: Starting Point: Instructions: Written By: Updates By: Explanation for each part: Task Guide Name: The name of the area in which the set of tasks take place. Type of Submission: "Edit" if the task guide already exists in our Database and you wish to edit the info we have. "Add" if the task is not yet at all in our Database. Members-Only: Check to see if the task guide is also F2p. Description: Short introduction of the task guide. Quests Required: Quest requirements for the tasks. Levels Required: Skill requirements for the tasks. Items Needed: Items you need to complete the tasks. Items Recommended: Items that aren't needed but may be useful (ex: teleport methods) Rewards: The rewards you gain upon successfully completing the task. Starting Point: The location of where to begin the tasks Instructions: The steps of the task guide: in order, with an image for each step (preferably). Written by: This should list the names of the members who wrote the guide. Updates by: This should list the names of all the members who helped with the guide in any way (spelling, corrections, small additions). Feel free to PM Content Manager with questions regarding these guidelines. Thanks for helping RuneHQ.
Please use this template to post the images/information: Person Name: Type of Submission: Image: Proofshot Image: Quest: City: Profession: Person Info: Examine Info: Proofshot of Examine: Location: Member-Only (Yes or No): Submitted By: Explanation for each part: Person Name: Needs to be 100% exact. (Exact capitals, etc). Type of Submission: "Edit" if the person already exists in our Database and you wish to edit the info we have. "Add" if the person is not yet at all in our Database. Image: Please check the Guidelines for Images for submitted images Proofshot Image: Needs to show the person AND the options box of the person. E.G.: Quest: List the quests that this person is involved in. City: The city where the person is to be found, or the nearest city. Profession: The main profession of the person. Be generic! E.G.: Merchant, Cook, King. Person Info: Any other info about the person that won't fit in other fields. Location: Detailed location of the person (building, floor, direction) and an image of the spot on the worldmap with the "You are here" on. The image has to be taken with the zoom-option set to 100%, and afterwards cropped down to 200x200 pixels. The image needs to be as close as we can get it. Persons are able to move, and may not being in the same spot. A person does stick to a general area though. Please try to get as exact as possible. E.G.: Members-Only: Check if the person can be found on a F2P world. Examine Info: The text that appears when clicking the "Examine" option of the person in-game. Needs to be 100% exact. (Including capitals, punctuation marks, even spelling/grammar errors). Proofshot of Examine: An image showing the Examine Info in-game. E.G.: Submitted by: This should list the names of all the members who helped with the submission in any way. Feel free to PM Content Manager with questions regarding these guidelines. Thanks for helping RuneHQ.
Please use this template to post the images/information: Item Name: Type of Submission (Edit or Add): Image: Proofshot Image: Shop Price Currency: Specialty Shop Price: High Alchemy Reward: Low Alchemy Reward: GEID: GE Buy Limit: Tradable (Yes or No): Stackable (Yes or No): Can be equipped (Yes or No): Member-Only (Yes or No): Retain After Quest (Yes, No or N/A): Is a 2-handed weapon (Yes or No): Item Category: Equipment Location: Equipment Purpose: Item Stats: Weight: Examine Info: Proofshot of Examine: Item Effects/Uses: Requirements to Wear/Wield/Use/Make: Location/Where Found: Other Information: Submitted by: Explanation for each part: Item Name: Needs to be 100% exact. (Exact capitals, etc). Type of Submission: "Edit" if the item already exists in our Database. "Add" if the item is not in our Database at all. Image: Please check the Guidelines for Images for submitted images Proofshot Image: Needs to show the item AND the options box of the item, including the name of the item. E.g: Shop Price Currency: What type of currency is it bought with? Must be one of the following: Specialty Shop Price: The price a specialty store SELLS the item for (Not General Store). High Alchemy Reward: The amount of coins you get for casting the spell "High Alchemy" on the item, OR the price a Specialized shop will BUY this item from to you. Low Alchemy Reward: The amount of coins you get for casting the spell "Low Alchemy" on the item, OR the price a General Store will BUY this item for from you. GEID: This is the ID number of the item when looked up on the Runescape Grand Exchange. If it doesn't appear on the GE, just leave it blank. GE Buy Limit: The maximum number of this item can can be bought from the GE at a time. Tradable: Is the item tradable to other players? Stackable: Does the item only take one spot in the inventory or not? E.g: coins, runes, and arrows. Quest Item: Do you first encounter the item during a quest, as a tool for or a reward from the quest? Retain After Quest: YES if the item is a quest item and it is kept after the quest is over OR can be recovered in some way. E.G.: Bought from an NPC, Player made. NO if the item is a Quest item, but only exists within the quest. N/A if the item is not a Quest item. Is a 2-handed weapon: Can you wield a shield while you have this item equipped. Member-Only: Check if the item is Member only by taking it to a F2P world. Item Category: To what category belongs this item? It needs to be one of the following: Equipment Location: Where does it belong in the Equipped Inventory window? Choose from the spoiler below: Equipment Purpose: What's the purpose of the equipment? Choose from the spoiler below: Item Stats: The stats Armor/Weapons will give you when equipped. See the spoiler below for all the available stats. Weight: The weight of the item as shown in the stats window. Examine Info: The text that appears when clicking the "Examine" option of the item in-game. Needs to be 100% exact. (Including capitals, punctuation marks, even spelling/grammar errors). Proofshot of Examine: An image showing the Examine Info in-game. E.G.: Item Effects/Uses: All effects an item gives. NOT the stats Armor/Weapons give. E.G.: Increases your Strength by 4 levels. Also all uses an item has. For example: Used for the Dragon Slayer Quest OR Used for making Defence Potions. Requirements to Wear/Wield/Use/Make: Level and Quest requirements to wear, wield, use and/or make an item. E.G: Rune platebody requires: 40 Defence and Dragon Slayer quest to wear; 99 smithing to make (Exp: 375). Location/Where Found: All places you can get this item from. If it can be made, use "Player made (See Notes)". Other Information: Add all info relevant to this item here, that is not yet covered by other fields. Do not repeat information already in another section. E.G.: how to make the item, the exact use of a quest item in the quest. Submitted by: This should list the names of all the members who helped with the submission in any way. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dropped By Field: We cannot change the information this field by updating/editing the item itself. If there is another monster that drops the item then you will have to submit an edit to that monster entry with the drop you wish to be added. Once the monster database has been edited, the monster will then also automatically show up in the dropped by field of that item. Automatically Generated Fields: The information for the following fields doesn't need to be submitted. We have scripts which calculate these information for these fields using some of the above mentioned information. Grand Exchange Market price: Gathered by a script using the Grand Exchange ID Grand Exchange Price Change Today: Gathered by a script using the Grand Exchange ID Grand Exchange Change 30 Days (%): Gathered by a script using the Grand Exchange ID Grand Exchange Change 90 Days (%): Gathered by a script using the Grand Exchange ID Grand Exchange Change 180 Days (%): Gathered by a script using the Grand Exchange ID Feel free to PM a Content Manager with questions regarding these guidelines. Thanks for helping RuneHQ.
Please use this template to post the images/information: Monster Name: Type of Submission: Image: Proofshot Image: Race: Combat Level: Lifepoints: Slayer XP: Max Hit: Attack Style: Total Combat XP: Member (Yes or No): Retreats (Yes or No): Poisonous (Yes or No): Rare Drop Table (Yes or No): Weakness: Location: 100% Drop: Other Loot: Other Info: Examine Info: Proofshot of Examine: Submitted by: Explanation for each part: Monster Name: Needs to be 100% exact. (Exact capitals, etc). Type of Submission: "Edit" if the monster already exists in our Database and you wish to edit the info we have. "Add" if the monster is not yet at all in our Database. Image: Please check the Guidelines for Images for submitted images Proofshot Image: Needs to show the monster AND the options box of the monster. E.G.: Race: Must be one of the following: Animal Animated Arachnid Demon Dragon Dwarf Elemental Elf Giant Gnome Goblin Human Ogre Troll Undead Combat Level: Combat level of the monster (should appear in the Proofshot Image). Lifepoints: The amount of lifepoints the monster has. Kill several of each monster to obtain to be 100% sure as monsters sometimes regenerate a few LP. You my also cast the lunar spell "Monster Examine" on a monster that has not been attacked and take a proofshot. Slayer XP: How much XP you gain per monster when given this monster as a slayer assignment. Max hit: The maximum damage a monster can deal in one hit. You must cast the lunar spell "Monster Examine" on a monster and take a proofshot. Attack Syle: The attack styles that a monster uses (Melee/Magic/Ranged or combined) Total Combat XP: Total combat xp gained from killing this monster (excluding slayer/prayer xp). This number should show up on the xp counter if setup for total xp right after the kill as well as in the xp popup. Member: Check if the monster is accessible/attackable on a F2P world. Retreats: Does the monster retreat? E.G.: stops attacking, teleports away. Poisonous: Can the monster poison you? Rare Drop Table: Does the monster drop items from the rare drop table, besides its own personal droptable. Items part of the rare drop table are listed here. https://www.runehq.com/special/rare-drop-table Weakness: The weakness of the monster. E.G.: Range attacks, Fire spells, Crush attacks, Salve amulet. Location: Where the monster can be found (city, dungeon, etc) 100% Drop: The items the monster always drops upon its death. E.G.: Ashes, Big bones. Other Loot: The items the monster drops beside the 100% drop. Please make sure to list the item in alphabetic order and to use the correct name of the item as in the items database. Always use the singular (unless the plural is in the name). Specify the number in parenthesis, but only if the monster drops 2 or more at a time. It the item is noted, also specify this in parenthesis. This list also generates the Dropped By field in the Items Database. E.G.: Coal (2) (noted)" Other Info: Any other info about the monster that won't fit in other fields. Examine Info: The text that appears when clicking the "Examine" option of the monster in-game. Needs to be 100% exact. (Including capitals, punctuation marks, spelling/grammar errors). Proofshot of Examine: An image showing the Examine Info ingame. E.G.: Submitted by: This should list the names of all the members who helped with the submission in any way. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Automatically Generated Fields: The information for the following fields doesn't need to be submitted. We have scripts which calculate these information for these fields using some of the above mentioned information. Constitution: Calculated by a script using the Total Combat XP Combat: Calculated by a script using the Total Combat XP Feel free to PM Content Manager with questions regarding these guidelines. Thanks for helping RuneHQ.
Please use this template to post the images/information: City Name: Type of Submission: Member-Only (Yes or No): Description: Skill Levels Required: Quests Required: Items Needed: Directions: Places: Persons: Monsters: Respawns: Quests Available in the City: City Map: Tour: Written by: Updates by: Explanation for each part: City Name: Needs to be 100% exact. (Exact capitals, etc). Type of Submission: "Edit" if the city already exists in our Database and you wish to edit the info we have. "Add" if the city is not yet at all in our Database. Members-Only: Check if the city can be found on a F2P world. Description: Short introduction to the city. Skill Levels Required: Skills required to access the city. Quests Required: Quests required to access the city. Items Needed: Items needed to access the city. Directions: Location of the the city. Places: Places of interest. E.G.: furnace, runecrafting temple, dungeons, shops. Persons: Persons you can find in the city. Monsters: Monsters you can find in the city. Respawns: Item respawns you can find in the city. Quests Available in the City: Quest you can start in the city. City Map: Map with references to all persons, monsters, item respawns, quests and the steps listed in the Tour (below) Tour: List with descriptions and images about the persons, items, monsters and other features you can find in the city. Written by: This should list the names of the members who wrote the guide Updates by: This should list the names of all the members who helped with the guide in any way (spelling, corrections, small additions). Example: To get a general idea of the use and content of these fields, please check out our Zanaris (Lost City) city guide. Feel free to PM Content Manager with questions regarding these guidelines. Thanks for helping RuneHQ.
Please use this template to post the images/information: Guild Name: ID Number: Type of Submission: Members-Only: Description: Skill Levels Required: Quests Required: Items Needed: Directions: Persons: Monsters: Respawns: Quests Available in the Guild: Guild Map: Tour: Written by: Updates by: Explanation for each part: Guild Name: Needs to be 100% exact. (Exact capitals, etc). ID Number: Required for an edit to an existing guild. This is the number at the end of the URL to that guild. Type of Submission: "Edit" if the guild already exists in our Database and you wish to edit the info we have. "Add" if the guild is not yet at all in our Database. Members-Only: Check if the guild can be found on a F2P world. Description: Short introduction to the guild. Skill Levels Required: Skills required to access the guild. Quests Required: Quests required to access the guild. Items Needed: Items needed to access the guild. Directions: Location of the guild. Persons: Persons you can find in the guild. Monsters: Monsters you can find in the guild. Respawns: Item respawns you can find in the guild. Quests Available in the Guild: Quest you can start in the guild Guild Map: Map with references to all persons, monsters, item respawns, quests and the steps listed in the Tour (below) Tour: List with descriptions and images of the persons, items, monsters and other features you can find in the guild. Written by: This should list the names of the members who wrote the guide. Updates by: This should list the names of all the members who helped with the guide in any way (spelling, corrections, small additions). Example: To get a general idea of the use and content of these fields, please check out our Warrior Guild guide. Feel free to PM Content Manager with questions regarding these guidelines. Thanks for helping RuneHQ.
Please use this template to post the images/information: Map Name: Type of Submission: Member-Only (Yes or No): Map Type: Description: Skill Levels Required: Quests Required: Items Needed: Directions: Nearest Bank: Nearest Landmark: Nearest Other Quests Available: Map: Written by: Updates by: Explanation for each part: Map Name: Needs to be 100% exact. (Exact capitals, etc). Type of Submission: "Edit" if the map already exists in our Database and you wish to edit the info we have. "Add" if the map is not yet at all in our Database. Map Type: Dungeon/Land/Mining Members-Only: Check if the area of that map can be found on a F2P world. Description: Short introduction to the map. Skill Levels Required: Skills required to access the area of the map. Quests Required: Quests required to access the area of the map Items Needed: Items needed to access the area of the map Directions: Location of the area of the map and how to get there. Nearest Bank: Accessible banks/bank deposits you can find in the area of the map. Nearest Landmark: Important features you can find in the area of the map. E.G.: Obelisks, respawns, etc. Nearest Other: Person and monsters (helpful/dangerous), relevant guides Quests Available in the Map: Quest you can start in the area of the map Map: Map with references to all persons, monsters, item respawns, quests and the steps listed in the Tour (below) Tour: List with descriptions and images of the persons, items, monsters and other features you can find in the guild. Written by: This should list the names of the members who wrote the guide. Updates by: This should list the names of all the members who helped with the guide in any way (spelling, corrections, small additions). Feel free to PM Content Manager with questions regarding these guidelines. Thanks for helping RuneHQ.