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  1. You must be at least 17 years old (18+ for Forum Moderators) OR have obtained an age waiver from a RuneHQ owner. Any applicants under that age will be automatically denied. Do not ask for a waiver on age! Age waivers are granted by owners based on knowing you and thinking you would be a good staff member, so the best way to get a waiver is be involved in the community, be helpful, and follow the rules.
  2. Your application will be placed in the staff boards.
  3. Staff comments are taken. They review your application as well as your recent disciplines, if any, and posts. After the majority have said either yes or no, then the app is either denied or fully accepted
    • Please note: This process takes up to 1 to 2 weeks! Once you are either accepted or denied you will receive a PM letting you know the decision. Please understand that we only have a limited amount of positions available and it may simply be that someone else was more qualified at this time. You can certainly reapply in either 30 or 60 days (you will be told how long).
  4. If accepted on staff, you will then be required to fill out a permission form from your parents or provide proof of age if you are over 18. These are kept completely confidential and the information is never kept online. All info is kept in our offices and is only available to the Site Owners.
    • We need this document for the protection of all of the staff and members on this site. We want to know who the children on our staff are working with. We want parents to be aware of why their kids are spending time on line and what they are doing. We also want to be able to let parents know when their kids are doing a great job.
    • The form does include the Site Owners contact information so that we may be contacted to discuss any concerns over giving this information out. This information is requested in order to protect everyone on our site. For everyone's protection we need to know that people are being honest about who they are and what age they are.
  5. Once accepted and the form has been received, then you will move onto the Mod/PIM test and security test, depending on the position you applied for this step may not be applicable and you will move directly to the next step.
  6. Final step is a tutorial to teach you how to use the moderating/editing functions and rules or the basics of Community Crew or Events depending on your specific team.
  7. Congratulations, you are now on staff!


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