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Please read through this entire FAQ, as it is important before you decide to apply for staff.


Anyone in our community is eligible to apply for any of the following staff applications:

Content Editors

Forum Moderators

Community Crew



ALL Staff are responsible for:

  • Anything that is staff related is to STAY staff related. Do not talk, boast, brag, or relate anything in passing to non-staff members. Leaking staff information to non-staff members will get you banned from this site, no questions asked. If you resign or are removed from staff for whatever reason, this very important rule still applies to you. Everything must be kept in complete confidentiality. Do not leak any information unless explicitly told you may do so by your Manager or an Administrator.
  • Follow all forum rules, including ones provided in the separate categories.
  • It is your responsibility to keep your PC safe and secure; you must have anti-virus installed. We will not tolerate staff members jeopardizing the safety of the site or the forums at any time. If you are found to be doing so, you will be removed from staff.
  • Present yourself in a mature and helpful manner. You are representing the site and thus need to make all actions in a style of a professional staff member. This also includes maintaining a good ethic when in-game.
  • You are required to read every reply that is located in the mandatory boards. This means re-reading a topic every time a new reply has been made. Do not post in this forum unless you have a question or something important to say in return.
  • You must be able to work as part of a team and maintain a positive attitude.
  • You will be required to attend all Team and Staff meetings on Discord.
  • When playing RuneScape, if you notice some of our content is missing/incorrect make a submission to assist the Content Editors and our site as a whole.


Content Editors:

  • A PIM (Persons, Items, and Monsters) test is required for all newly hired Content Editors. This test must be passed before a tutorial will be given. To take the PIM test, a Content Manager will contact you after you have been accepted to staff.
  • Work with users in helping them present their submission in a professional style. Provide input in ways they can better their submission.
  • Keep up-to-date on all Content Editors news and changes in procedures. These will be found in the Announcements and Policies forum located in the Content Editors Board.
  • Upload and update the Sitefun Admin area.
  • The Site Admin area is the place where we add and edit all information on the site. Access is limited to PIM's (Person, Items, and Monsters) for all new Editors.
  • Ability to work in the Guides area is given after completing a coding test.
  • All Editors will be given a complete walk through of the Sitefun Admin area before they make any changes to the site.
  • Document all changes made on the site in the "Content Editor Logs" section.

Ready to apply to be a Content Editor? Just click here. Good luck!


Forum Moderators:

  • You must be 18 years of age or older. Applicants under the age of 18 will be automatically denied.
  • Monitor the forums (including the Shoutbox) whenever you can, at least once a day preferably, to make sure our users are not breaking any rules; make sure to read ALL new posts in all sections of the forums, both staff and public.
  • When you are on the forums, log in to Skype as well so that staff can talk to and help each other. Do not be afraid to ask for help, check who is on Skype and talk to them if needed.
  • Be able to enforce the forum rules to ANYONE on the forum, whether they are older than you or a friend of yours.
  • Be able to take criticism. From time to time, an Administrator or Manager might get on your case for not doing things the way we wish for them to be done or for not doing enough.
  • Try at all times to be helpful and welcoming.
  • Be an active member of the RuneHQ Community. Moderators are expected to make regular posts. They are also expected to try to use our clan chat in RuneScape (RuneHQ), attend our RuneHQ events on RuneScape when possible, as well as chat on Discord/Teamspeak and in the shoutbox.

Ready to apply to be a Forum Moderator? Just click here. Good luck!


Community Crew:

  • Log into the forum once a day preferably, or at least every two days. When you are on the forums log into a communication platform such as Skype or discord, so staff can reach you.
  • Organize, host, and attend RuneHQ events on Runescape (minigames, bossing, etc). These events usually take place during the weekend or on special holidays
  • Organize, host, and attend competions on the RuneHQ forum and discord.
  • Check and contribute to our social media (Facebook &Twitter) on a daily basis .
  • Create graphics and images for events/social media/banners as requested (optional)
  • Create videos for Youtube, and stream your Runescape activity
  • Attend team meetings on discord
  • Check and contribute to the team's discord chat on a daily basis.
  • Provide ideas that would improve the role and workings of the community crew
  • Present yourself in a professional manner on our forum, our chats and social media. Appropriate and constructive comments will help to strengthen and support our community
  • Be able to take criticism!  From time to time an Administrator or Manager might give you instructions  when they feel you are not doing your job, have acted or spoken inappropriately, or will offer ways to improve your participation.

Ready to apply to be a Community Crew member? Just click here. Good luck!



  • Log into the forum once a day preferably, or at least every two days. When you are on the forums log into a communication platform such as Skype, so staff and other developers can reach you.
  • Be able to take criticism, as from time to time an Administrator or Manager might get on your case for not doing things the way we wish for them to be done, or for not doing enough.
  • Keep up-to-date on all Developers news and changes in procedures. These will be found in the Announcements forum located in the Developers Board.
  • Monitor the bug tracker subforum and provide clear updates.
  • Provide timely updates to projects assigned to you by management.
  • Document all changes in the relevant subforums (e.g. in the relevant bug tracking thread, or a developer project thread) and in your files.
  • When playing RuneScape, if you notice some of our content is missing/incorrect make a submission to assist the Content Editors and our site as a whole.

Ready to apply to be a Developer/Site Coder? Just click here. Good luck!


Note: You are required to own a RuneHQ forum account to apply. Accounts that have been around for a while and have good standing within the community are more likely to be chosen over new members. See what we look for in applicants by clicking here.


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