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Status Replies posted by Hitori

  1. When I close my eyes... all I see is code. I've been poking at this stuff way too long xD

    1. Hitori


      We could make this a song...
      "All you need is code, all you need is code
      All you need is code, code, code is all you need~"

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Let's offer a moment of silence to the old forums that served this community for so long... okay silence is over.

    Let's PARTY for the NEW forums!


  3. Finally getting everything set back like it was.



    1. Hitori


      I tried to find this stupid widget for the front page and couldn't. You must teach me old wise woman of the ACP.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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