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St. Squiggy

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St. Squiggy last won the day on February 23 2019

St. Squiggy had the most liked content!

About St. Squiggy

  • Birthday 07/04/1986

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  • Location
    World 60/Tennessee
  • Country
    United States

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  • RSN
    St Squiggy
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Collaborator (7/14)

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  1. It does, how I did that is honestly beyond me lol. I've messaged the site since I can't modify it since it started already but if not there will be another option to get results.
  2. All players added! Check to make sure your RSN is correct and as long as everything is right enjoy the weekend! Also the Events Team will be running stations at the crater and the combat academy!
  3. until
    Another Double XP weekend is upon us! Join in the skilling bonanza! You can signup here to join in.
  4. It's that time again (oddly enough)! There's a double XP weekend coming and I'm sure you want to get in that competitive spirit! This time it is Overall so do what you want, it's all for you! Rules still apply in regards to other double XP comps, which I'll list here: One RSN per person. Preferable to join beforehand but can join after. If joining after you are at a disadvantage and understand this. Anyone can join, no staff restrictions. Top 10 people will receive GP (10m for first down to 1m for 10th and respectively for those in the middle). The timeframe is the same as in game, so from Friday 22nd February 12:00 Game Time to Monday 25th February 11:59 Game Time. One difference you may notice from others (if any request) is there may possibly be entrants from Facebook or Twitter! If you see them join welcome them to the competition and invite them to join us more often! If this is you reading this because you came from one of the two, well... the same applies! Come join us more and here! Aside from that, happy skilling and may you all get great gains! Entrants @ChathMurrpau@Ksb Single@With Faith@senug @Dorky Girl@Loucetios@Aaros@Telle Lots a Loud @Toeby@Super Fly@Fuzzyjoe162@Hankinator@Zing101@Hope@Numerous One@graystar Pyro @Balista J E K K A AKRITE Twitter Sharpkeep633 Fotus Odin Competition Link Want to be notified of future skilling competitions? Join us and sign up here!
  5. Do you like navigating a room filled with chaos, fire, and angry gorillas? Boy, do we have the perfect event for you! This weekend Events Team will bring you to Cabbage Facepunch Bonanza where you will be able to collect all the cabbage you desire. Make sure you avoid those great walls of fire! More info about this activity can be found here. Event Details Date: Feb 17th, 2019 Time: Here FC: St Squiggy World: 60 Location: Gamer's Grotto Discord details Join here We hope to see you all there! The Events Team
  6. until
    Dress your best and you may beat the rest! Take a look here!
  7. Extriotic has been removed from the Community Crew due to inactivity. Hopefully he can return to us some day and contribute once again!
  8. My sleep schedule is so wrecked, in a matter of a week I've gone from being mostly day to literally overnight purely lol

  9. Have you ever wanted to learn how to do a certain boss or role? Well today is your lucky day. Events Team will be teaching you how to do roles at Beastmaster Durzag. So hype yourself up, grab your best gear, and join us as we teach you how to be the pet tank and nc.
  10. Much metal hitting and gathering was done, and it has ended! The results had to be collated due to an issue with the original competition not letting me add new entrants, but we got them! The top three in Mining are: Super Fly, Balista77, and Chathmurrpau! The top three in Smithing is: Loucetios, Chathmurrpau, and Hankinator! And the top gainer overall is... Super Fly! Congratulations on everyone and what you gained (I got a level in each myself), enjoy the rework and continue metal whackin' on! For prizes you can reach me on Discord as best method, this coming up Tues - Thurs will be the best point but if you message me I'll do my best to get your winnings to you!
  11. Alright everyone, trackers have been created and everyone from this point up have been added! Ensure everything looks good and if no one else joins then good luck to everyone smacking some metal!
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