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Zandahar last won the day on July 3

Zandahar had the most liked content!


About Zandahar

  • Birthday July 20

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RuneScape Information

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  • Clan
    Rune HQ
  • God Alignment
    I don't want to or can't choose

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Zandahar's Achievements


Experienced (11/14)

  • Reacting Well Rare
  • Very Popular Rare
  • Dedicated Rare
  • One Year In
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Community Answers

  1. I was just finishing up a Dino Boi Reaper task when the following happened!
  2. Congratulations to all those who ranked up
  3. Wooooo! Many grats! I remember when I got mine. I was so proud as I'm sure you are too.
  4. He's on a diet. Now he's just skin and bone. Well just bone.
  5. I was reaping souls from Osseous when I found a Calcified Heart! I clicked on it and this little fella appeared!
  6. After many much crafting of runes, the following happened!
  7. After a long strugle, I have managed to take mantle of the King of the Dagannoth Kings.
  8. I was reaping more DK souls when the Dagannoth Rex dropped this little fellow.
  9. I was killing DKs for reaper when this little fella dropped...
  10. After using up many, much protean hides, the following happened!
  11. I was reaping some Icey Bois when the following happened!
  12. That's great! Keep up the good work
  13. Good goals! Welcome back and good luck to you!
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