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Everything posted by SyAccursed
Today the Message in a bottle for Azalea Oakheart is visible on Islands That Once Were Turtles - North shore of the initial island, near the mushroom patch. Finding a Castaway earns players 1 taijitu and finding all 10 earns the [Name] the Castaway title. Each Castaway's bottle appears on a unique cycle. Milky Joel - Every day One-Eyed Willy - Every 2 days Manti Claws - Every 3 days Swabbie Steve - Every 4 days TzHaar-Ga'al-Knot - Every 5 days The Cannonballs - Every 6 days Azalea Oakheart - Every 7 days Harley - Every 8 days Squick - Every 9 days Salmon Ella - Every 10 days
Today the Message in a bottle for The Cannonballs is visible on Cyclosis - Southern shore of the beach, South East of the Divination location. Finding a Castaway earns players 1 taijitu and finding all 10 earns the [Name] the Castaway title. Each Castaway's bottle appears on a unique cycle. Milky Joel - Every day One-Eyed Willy - Every 2 days Manti Claws - Every 3 days Swabbie Steve - Every 4 days TzHaar-Ga'al-Knot - Every 5 days The Cannonballs - Every 6 days Azalea Oakheart - Every 7 days Harley - Every 8 days Squick - Every 9 days Salmon Ella - Every 10 days
Today the Message in a bottle for Tzhaar-Ga'al-Knot is visible on Waiko - On the coast of the North Western beach near Rosie. Finding a Castaway earns players 1 taijitu and finding all 10 earns the [Name] the Castaway title. Each Castaway's bottle appears on a unique cycle. Milky Joel - Every day One-Eyed Willy - Every 2 days Manti Claws - Every 3 days Swabbie Steve - Every 4 days TzHaar-Ga'al-Knot - Every 5 days The Cannonballs - Every 6 days Azalea Oakheart - Every 7 days Harley - Every 8 days Squick - Every 9 days Salmon Ella - Every 10 days
Today the Message in a bottle for Swabbie Steve is visible on Aminishi - South Eastern area of the beach, near where Cap'n Ekahi was first met. Finding a Castaway earns players 1 taijitu and finding all 10 earns the [Name] the Castaway title. Each Castaway's bottle appears on a unique cycle. Milky Joel - Every day One-Eyed Willy - Every 2 days Manti Claws - Every 3 days Swabbie Steve - Every 4 days TzHaar-Ga'al-Knot - Every 5 days The Cannonballs - Every 6 days Azalea Oakheart - Every 7 days Harley - Every 8 days Squick - Every 9 days Salmon Ella - Every 10 days
Today the Message in a bottle for Manti Claws is visible on Aminishi Spirit realm - West beach, South of the stairs near where the Aminishi moai was located. Finding a Castaway earns players 1 taijitu and finding all 10 earns the [Name] the Castaway title. Each Castaway's bottle appears on a unique cycle. Milky Joel - Every day One-Eyed Willy - Every 2 days Manti Claws - Every 3 days Swabbie Steve - Every 4 days TzHaar-Ga'al-Knot - Every 5 days The Cannonballs - Every 6 days Azalea Oakheart - Every 7 days Harley - Every 8 days Squick - Every 9 days Salmon Ella - Every 10 days
Today the Message in a bottle for One-Eyed Willy is visible on Whale's Maw - On the shore near the South Eastern fishing dock. Finding a Castaway earns players 1 taijitu and finding all 10 earns the [Name] the Castaway title. Each Castaway's bottle appears on a unique cycle. Milky Joel - Every day One-Eyed Willy - Every 2 days Manti Claws - Every 3 days Swabbie Steve - Every 4 days TzHaar-Ga'al-Knot - Every 5 days The Cannonballs - Every 6 days Azalea Oakheart - Every 7 days Harley - Every 8 days Squick - Every 9 days Salmon Ella - Every 10 days
Today the medium farming requests at player-owned farms reset. Farming requests offer a fast way to earn farming reputation if you have the animals and produce to sastify them. Easy requests change at daily reset. Medium reqeusts change every 3 days. Hard requests change at weekly reset.
Today the large buyers at player-owned farms and Ranch out of time reset. Large buyers reset every 3 days. The buyer spawned is based on the animals in your large pens unless you have placed an advert for a specific buyer from the noticeboard. Large buyers are: Player-owned farm Milkshake - Cows Prezleek - Yaks Raptor - Dragons Ranch out of time General Bentnose - Brutish Dinosaurs Glout - Arcane Apoterrasaurs Doric - Scimitops Daya - Bagrada Rexes Wizard Ilona - Spicati Apoterrsaurs Evil Dave - Asciatops Thok - Corbicula Rexes Odd Billy - Oculi Apoterrsaurs Moia - Malletops Irwinsson - Pavosaurs Rexes
Today the medium buyers at player-owned farms and Ranch out of time reset. Medium buyers reset every 2 days. The buyer spawned is based on the animals in your medium pens unless you have placed an advert for a specific buyer from the noticeboard. Medium buyers are: Player-owned farm Ralph - Sheep Rumbleguts - Spiders Zoe - Zygomites Ranch out of time Papa Mambo - Jadinkos Laniakea - Varanasaurs
Today, a Raven will spawn in one of 9 locations. Note that the location will be the same for everyone on that specific world; different worlds may spawn it in different locations. Cadarn - on the ledge South of the spinning wheel building, just across the Max Guild gate Cadarn - on the ledge by the window outside Haf's Battlestaves, near the range Crwys - just behind Coeden's building, near the Magic tree Crwys - behind the building East of the spirit tree Iorwerth - on the Southern ledge of the building East of the Iorwerth church Iorwerth - on the ledge between the church and the building to the East; best seen from the South East Iorwerth - North of the building West of the Iorwerth church Iorwerth - South of the building West of the Rush of Blood entrance Trahaearn - between the forge building and the armor display building, South of the Seren stones The Raven will remain for the full day. After clicking the bird, you will receive a chatbox message that reads: "You have found X/13 ravens. I wonder what happens when you find them all?" Upon finding your 13th Raven, you will unlock the "[Name] the Ravensworn" title and be able to breed animals on your Player-Owned Farm with the "Ravensworn" trait.
untilThe battlecries of the Nodon dragonkin are echoing throughout Senntisten after Jas has sent her most loyal pawn to reclaim the eggs of the Elder Gods. Join us at RuneHQ as we take the fight to Kerapac in hopes of stopping the invasion. Armed with two of the elder artifacts, Kerapac is ready to give you a great challenge. So gear up in your best gear and use the timechanging powers of the Needle to help bring this time-weaver to his knees, over and over, for a chance to grab some new items to empower your magic. Or if you're feeling particularly bold, turn up the difficulty for a chance at the pieces of Gielinor's most powerful stick, the staff of Armadyl. Good luck, and don't get caught in the timeloop! Event Details Date: Saturday, 26th November Time: 19:00 game time FC: Mr Quick World: 88 Location: Nodon Front - Elder Godwars dungeon Discord details Join here We hope to see you all there! RuneHQ Events Team
untilAfter a fierce battle against Jas its followers a new ice cold foe has joined the battlefield to reclaim the eggs of the Elder Gods! Wen has send down an Arch-Glacor an all powerful and bigger version of its brethren to do its biding and reclaim the eggs! While Charos, Ariane, Enakhra, Akthanakos, Arianwyn and Azzanadra keep its powers in check, they asked us at RuneHQ to help them defeat it! As we march towards this frozen wasteland on the Southern part of Senntisten, we can see the Arch-Glacor rising on top of a frozen Aqueduct. This is an scalable and customisable boss introducing different mechanics! Are you brave enough?! Don`t forget your Scarfs and mittens! Deaths are safe in normal mode!! Event Details Date: Sunday, 20th November Time: 19:00 Game Time FC: Mr Quick World: 88 Location: Glacor Front - Elder Godwars Dungeon Discord details Join here We hope to see you all there! RuneHQ Events Team
untilLooking for a challenge? Well look no further! RuneHQ's very own Events Team will be taking on Elite Dungeon 2 this weekend and they could use your help in this dragon themed dungeon! So grab some gear, stock up on food, bring your potions, and come kill some of the toughest bosses in game! There will be a gear requirement of T80. Event Details Date: Sunday, 6th November Time: 19:00 Game Time FC: Sy Accursed World: 88 Location: Deep Wilderness Castle Ruins Discord details Join here We hope to see you all there! - RuneHQ Events Team
untilDeep under the Barbarian Outpost, there are foul creatures called Penance monsters. The barbarians have been trying to fight off the Penance creatures, but their efforts have not been very effective. They need more strong adventurers to come help them defeat the Penance monsters and ultimately taking down the Penance Queen. This can only be done with a team where everyone is doing their part and working together. If we defeat the Penance creatures, the barbarians may reward us with Honour Points which can be spent to from things like special armor to re-coloring your weapons! More info about this activity can be found here. Event Details Date: Saturday, 10th December Time: 19:00 Game Time FC: Sy Accursed World: 60 Location: Barbarian Outpost Discord details Join here We hope to see you all there! RuneHQ Events Team
untilDeep in the Heart of Gielinor a second war of the gods rages on. As each faction fights to defeat the other and accomplish the mission they set upon, adventurers have made their way into the battle and began to challenge the generals of the gods in hopes for new weapons and armor. Seren's general is Helwyr - an elf who is seeking revenge on Gregorovic because he performed cruel experiments on his fellow elves. For those that kill him there is a chance to obtain his wand and orb. For more information about this boss, see here. Event Details Date: Sunday, 4th December Time: 19:00 Game Time FC: Sy Accursed World: 88 Location: Seren's Encampment - God Wars Dungeon 2 Discord details Join here We hope to see you all there! RuneHQ Events Team
untilThis week our Events Teams will take on the Temple of Aminishi, the first installment of the Elite Dungeons, and they could use your help! Are you up for the task? Well wait no longer, put on your gear, grab some food and pots, and join them as they investigate the Council of Seven. There will be a gear requirement of T80. Event Details Date: Saturday, 19th November Time: 19:00 Game Time FC: Sy Accursed World: 88 Location: Temple of Aminishi Discord details Join here We hope to see you all there! - RuneHQ Events Team
untilIn a cold stronghold where the last of the followers of Bandos reside behind a strong gate. Only the strongest and bravest adventurers will have the courage to enter this huge stronghold of Bandos. Those who enter and kill the last remaining General of Bandos, Graardor, may find pieces of the sacred Bandos Godsword or Bandosian armor pieces that provide strength bonuses to warriors. Are you brave enough to enter Bandos' Stronghold and claim the great riches if you are to survive? For more information about this boss, see here. Event Details Date: Saturday, 12th November Time: 19:00 Game Time FC: Sy Accursed World: 88 Location: Bandos' Stronghold - God Wars Dungeon Discord details Join here We hope to see you all there! RuneHQ Events Team
untilDeep in the Heart of Gielinor a second war of the gods rages on. As each faction fights to defeat the other and accomplish the mission they set upon, adventurers have made their way into the battle and began to challenge the generals of the gods in hopes for new weapons and armor. The general of Zaros is Vindicta - an Ilujanka who is seeking revenge on the Twin Furies who killed her parents. For those that kill her there is a chance to obtain a very rare weapon, the Dragon rider lance. For more information on this boss, see here. Event Details Date: Saturday, 5th November Time: 19:00 Game Time FC: Sy Accursed World: 88 Location: Zaros`s Bastion - God Wars Dungeon 2 Discord details Join here We hope to see you all there! RuneHQ Events Team
untilDeep under the Barbarian Outpost, there are foul creatures called Penance monsters. The barbarians have been trying to fight off the Penance creatures, but their efforts have not been very effective. They need more strong adventurers to come help them defeat the Penance monsters and ultimately taking down the Penance Queen. This can only be done with a team where everyone is doing their part and working together. If we defeat the Penance creatures, the barbarians may reward us with Honour Points which can be spent to from things like special armor to re-coloring your weapons! More info about this activity can be found here. Event Details Date: Saturday, October 22nd Time: 18:00 Game Time FC: Sy Accursed World: 60 Location: Barbarian Outpost Discord details Join here We hope to see you all there! RuneHQ Events Team
untilAre you prepared for the single most difficult monster in all of RuneScape? The King is back, baby, and he's going to rip, rend, tear you apart, sting you with poison, summon his minions, and then eat your dead carcass if you are not prepared. This intense boss battle is recommended only for the most skilled adventurers. So bring your best gear, your best attitude, and attention to this fight as you take down the Kalphite King. For more information about this boss, see here. Event Details Date: Sunday, October 9th Time: 18:00 Game Time FC: Sy Accursed World: 88 Location: Kalphite King Lair Discord details Join here We hope to see you all there! RuneHQ Events Team
untilOnly the most agile adventurers will be able to climb the walls into the holy encampment of Saradomin. Those who can are able to challenge the long forgotten holy Commander of Saradomin, Zilyana. Those who triumph over her may be rewarded with many riches including pieces of the sacred Saradomin god sword. Do you dare the challenge this holy commander to a fight? For more information about this boss, see here. Event Details Date: Sunday, October 2nd Time: 18:00 Game Time FC: Sy Accursed World: 88 Location: Saradomin's Encampment - God Wars Dungeon Discord details Join here We hope to see you all there! RuneHQ Events Team
untilLooking for a challenge? Well look no further! RuneHQ's very own Events Team will be taking on Elite Dungeon 2 this weekend and they could use your help in this dragon themed dungeon! So grab some gear, stock up on food, bring your potions, and come kill some of the toughest bosses in game! There will be a gear requirement of T80. Event Details Date: Saturday, 24th September Time: 18:00 Game Time FC: Sy Accursed World: 60 Location: Deep Wilderness Castle Ruins Discord details Join here We hope to see you all there! - RuneHQ Events Team
untilAcross a bottomless pit are the last followers of Armadyl. Fearless adventurers that are skilled with thrown weapons can throw a stone to activate the magic gong and fly to the other side. In doing so, they get access to the Armadyl Throne room, home of the General of Armadyl, Kree'arra. Those who defeat him in battle are eligible for grand rewards, including parts of the Armadyl godsword and Armadyl ranged armor. Will Kree'arra and his feathered subordinates cut you down or will you shoot them out of the sky? Event Details Date: Sunday, 18th September Time: 18:00 Game Time FC: Sy Accursed World: 88 Location: Armadyl's Eyrie - God Wars Dungeon Discord details Join here We hope to see you all there! RuneHQ Events Team
untilAfter a fierce battle against Jas its followers a new ice cold foe has joined the battlefield to reclaim the eggs of the Elder Gods! Wen has send down an Arch-Glacor an all powerful and bigger version of its brethren to do its biding and reclaim the eggs! While Charos, Ariane, Enakhra, Akthanakos, Arianwyn and Azzanadra keep its powers in check, they asked us at RuneHQ to help them defeat it! As we march towards this frozen wasteland on the Southern part of Senntisten, we can see the Arch-Glacor rising on top of a frozen Aqueduct. This is an scalable and customisable boss introducing different mechanics! Are you brave enough?! Don`t forget your Scarfs and mittens! Deaths are safe in normal mode!! Event Details Date: Saturday, 17th September Time: 18:00 Game Time FC: Mr Quick World: 88 Location: Glacor Front - Elder Godwars Dungeon Discord details Join here We hope to see you all there! RuneHQ Events Team
untilAre you prepared for the single most difficult monster in all of RuneScape? The King is back, baby, and he's going to rip, rend, tear you apart, sting you with poison, summon his minions, and then eat your dead carcass if you are not prepared. This intense boss battle is recommended only for the most skilled adventurers. So bring your best gear, your best attitude, and attention to this fight as you take down the Kalphite King. For more information about this boss, see here. Event Details Date: Sunday 11th, September Time: 18:00 Game Time FC: Alfawarlord World: 88 Location: Kalphite King Lair Discord details Join here We hope to see you all there! RuneHQ Events Team