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RuneHQ Robot

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RuneHQ Robot last won the day on March 10 2023

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About RuneHQ Robot

  • Birthday 08/11/2018

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  1. until
    The Butterfly Swarm is a Hunter event that happens just South of the Wilderness lodestone, to the West of the obelisk. During the event Magical butterflies and Poisonous butterflies will spawn. Players must catch the Magical ones and hand them in to the nearby demon hunter. Catching Poisonous ones will deal a big hit of poison damage and will not progress your personal goal. See our Wilderness Flash Events guide for more information!
  2. until
    The Demon Stragglers is a combat event that happens in the Wilderness Crater, just North West of the sword. During the event Greater demons will spawn and must be killed. See our Wilderness Flash Events guide for more information!
  3. until
    Stryke the Wyrm is a combat event that happens near the source of the River Lum and Wilderness herb patch. During the even the Wildy Wyrm spawns and must be taken down. See our Wilderness Flash Events guide for more information!
  4. until
    The Unnatural Outcrop is a mining event that happens near the South Wilderness Runite ore mine, by the Abyss entrance. During the event rocks spawn that can be mined to obtain strange ore. The strange ore is then handed in to the nearby Zamorakian miner. See our Wilderness Flash Events guide for more information!
  5. until
    The Spider Swarm is a Combat event that happens of Varrock’s Northern gate, near Ube’s beacon. During the event dungeon spiders, ice spiders and night spiders spawn and must be killed. See our Wilderness Flash Events guide for more information!
  6. until
    The Evil Bloodwood Tree is a skilling event consisting of 3 sub-events (Evil Bloodwood Tree: Feed, Evil Bloodwood Tree: Chop, and Evil Bloodwood Tree: Burn) that spawns just South West of the Wilderness crater on the grassy area with a grave. During all 3 sub-events, you may get a message that you feel the ground below your feet shaking. Shortly afterwards, evil roots will sprout from the tile dealing a small amount of damage and stunning you. Moving 1 tile avoids this attack. For the firstphase, you will and grind Bones from 4 skeletons to nurture the blood sapling with (click thetree). For the second phase, simply click the tree once to continually chop at it – once your inventory is full, just keep chopping. For the third and final phase, you must contribute Evil tree kindling to the butchered bloodwood tree to burn it down. Players will have some of this in their inventory from the previous phase and there will be 4 fire spirits surrounding the tree that can be clicked to obtain more kindling. See our Wilderness Flash Events guide for more information!
  7. until
    The Displaced Energy is a divination event that spawns NorthWest of the Dark Warriors Fortress, next to the Trollheim Beacon ladder. During this event Lost wisps spawn which can be harvested for Displaced energy which is handedin to the nearby Zamorakian diviner. Occasionally a wisp will yield Unstable energy which must be clicked in your inventory before moving to stabilize it; failing to stabilize this energy will deal 2,172 damage and stun you for 6 seconds. See our Wilderness Flash Events guide for more information!
  8. until
    The Ramokee Incursion is a combat event that spawns just outside the Daemonheim entrance. During the event Ramokee bloodragers, Ramokee deathslingers, and Ramokee strombringers will spawn and must be killed. See our Wilderness Flash Events guide for more information!
  9. until
    Lost Souls is a Prayer event that spawns in the Forgotten Cemetery. During this event ghosts will spawn that can be laid to rest for 1 Ectoplasm. Graveside Phantoms will also spawn that can be killed for 3 Ectoplasm. Ectoplasm gathered from either source must be handed in to the nearby Reanimated skeleton. See our Wilderness Flash Events guide for more information!
  10. until
    The Infernal Star is a skilling event consisting of 2 sub-events (Infernal Star: Mine and Infernal Star: Fight) that spawns just outside the Chaos Temple. For the first phase, you will need to Mine the Infernal star while avoidingany heat that builds in the star. During the second phase, Pyrefiends will spawn and must be killed. See our Wilderness Flash Events guide for more information!
  11. until
    The Hellhound Pack is a combat event that spawns West of theDark Warriors’ Fortress, just South of the Trollheim Beacon access. During the event Hellhound will spawn andmust be killed. See our Wilderness Flash Events guide for more information!
  12. until
    The Surprise Seedlings is a Farming event that spawns by the pond South of the Wilderness lodestone. During the event four seedlings spawn around the pond. Players must nurture these to make them grow into Strange flower sprouts andthen again to reach the final stage which will be either Poisonous hollyhock, Wilderness iris, or Wilderness rose. Harvesting the Irises or Roses give their respective resource to be handed in to the nearby Zamorakian farmer. Harvesting Hollyhock will deal a big hit of poison damage. As such, Hollyhocks should be Right-clicked to clear them instead of harvesting. See our Wilderness Flash Events guide for more information!
  13. until
    The Forgotten Soldiers is a combat event to the West of Daemonheim, North of the Waterfiends. During the event Forgotten mages, Forgotten rangers, and Forgotten warriors will spawn and must be killed. See our Wilderness Flash Events guide for more information!
  14. until
    The King Black Dragon Rampage is a combat event that happens to the West of Daemonheim, North of the Waterfiend. The King Black Dragon spawns alongside a Freezing black dragon, Poison black dragon, and Shocking black dragon. The KingBlack Dragon cannot be hurt until the other three dragons are killed. For this event, King Black Dragon is significantly stronger than his normal form and during the fight he can spawn spires, which protect him from damage until destroyed, and flame vortexes that deal rapid damage if stood in – these mechanics are the same as Verak Lith’s fight. See our WildernessFlash Events guide for more information!
  15. until
    The Butterfly Swarm is a Hunter event that happens just South of the Wilderness lodestone, to the West of the obelisk. During the event Magical butterflies and Poisonous butterflies will spawn. Players must catch the Magical ones and hand them in to the nearby demon hunter. Catching Poisonous ones will deal a big hit of poison damage and will not progress your personal goal. See our Wilderness Flash Events guide for more information!
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