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Everything posted by Haxorze

  1. Not much is happening really. Every thing I do seems to go so slowly, but I managed to dig my way to 111 arch, and also the bottom of my cashstack. Been trying to bully a lot of bosses to give me more money to feed my arch addiction, but sdaly they all seem to thing mining is a more suited skill for me. Needless to say, my bank is now filled with all sorts of stone spirits that will never ever see the light of day again, and my cashstack is as smol as ever. Seeing that arch costs money, and free xp is, you know, free. I decided to do EVERY mystery the skill has to offer as soon as i could. So at 108 arch I brewed more tea than I'll ever need, and went around to the different digsites in search for random papers amongst weapons and ancient furniture. One tea addiction later, I now have a lot of new papers and probably also a lasting backpain. Oh, the things I do for free stuff. I also decided that looking at a polygon dig around in the dirt for several hours a day wasn't really fun, at all. So I've made a taskman account (actually 2, but MacheteOnly is more of a failure than a taskman), Soilbox. Will update his life more as soon as something exciting happens there. But he is currently locked away in the slayer tower in search for some sweet new gloves.
  2. Sadly my useless item collection #1 didnt last long. I had absolutely no problem with just 27 inventory spaces and the fact that I could not use presets. However the risk of losing them all when i did bossing as a break from arch wasn't really worth the effort it would take to get them all back. I will find another item to collect i guess. If only jagex didn't ruin my gwd2 seal collecting...
  3. There is not much happening really.. I've been doing a lot of clue scrolls (at least 1). Wish I could now show you my sick dye collection, but I can't find it. Other than that I'm still grinding out some Arch, sprinkled in with some BGH. And I started my useless item collection #1:
  4. Hello, my name is Haxorze! Some people might call me "RNG Incarnate", but I much prefer "Dr. dry streak". After my recent accomplishment of 99 Archaeology (??), I decided that digging up random kitchen utensils in he desert wasn't maddening enough for me. So therefore I have also decided that I want my mind to spiral further into the tiresome and intense grinds this game has to offer. Haha, as if I haven't already spent to much time playing it. In the broad scale of things, I want to complete the game, fully. Why? Because I also get bored at times, and this is my way of coping with that. Let's start this by asking myself some questions: Will I ever finish this task? Probably not... What is my first goal? 120 Arch (also getting slayer pet, but that doesn't exist) Am I sure I won't give up after a week? No, I am not. Whats my stats? Let's hope I don't get tired of this to fast, and I'll probably update this log as soon as I actually do something ingame Future edits: Add more pretty colors and glitters!
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