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Ksb Single

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Everything posted by Ksb Single

  1. By Guest Tyrrro Massive pouch also available. Bought from Wizard Finix's shop in the Wizards' Tower for 1,000 Runespan points. For the law portal, you must be wearing no armor or weapons for entry.For the Soul portal, you must have discovered the Soul Altar.For the Blood Portal, you must have earned a blood talisman in the Legacy of Seergaze.
  2. By galvator Azure skillchompa is actually only 178xp per catch.
  3. Reqs, items uses, notes, GE limit, and weight all need updated. Please make sure to also include links, needles and thread currently missing links.
  4. By Guest Exxod8 This page needs an update. The cloth can now be used to make more things such as a wand, a shield, and i think an orb.
  5. By Guest OneEyedViper The map image is incorrect, the point at j should indicate the turn east, not continuing north
  6. By Armahkarma Ali the Barman will need quicklinked (currently he isn't in system but I have all images with guide images). Step 8 can actually be shortened, you don't have to run back to Ali to be able to use the urchin as a distraction. You do however have to go back for the blackjack (I'm assuming if you already have one you can skip that part to, as it was allowing me to lure already I just didn't have the blackjack) Things to do throughout the guide Directions (North) need capitalized remove monster levels quick link "bandits" and "menaphite thugs" I have image updates ready to add to my staff folder
  7. By Armahkarma The directions (North) need capitalized throughout the guide. Step 4's note needs its teleport to Ardougne method updated. Step 12 needs the amount of damage either updated or removed. I only took 6 damage but I assume it is stat and armor dependent. I have taken images for this quest as well.
  8. Guest Bratti From left to right on the southern side of the room, use Lunch to step on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and then 1st pressure plates (in that order) to complete that row. Be careful not to walk over any already activated plates when heading back to the 1st plate, as it will reset the puzzle. You need to use Tunks to cross the chasm, as he is the most agile. Now, from left to right, step on the 4th, 3rd, 1st, and 2nd pressure plates.
  9. Per hitori This is correct, will add later when I'm done catching up with stuff if nobody else has done this
  10. you don't need 56 wc if u bought the split logs …
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