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Ksb Single

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Ksb Single last won the day on February 17 2023

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About Ksb Single

  • Birthday August 26

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  1. Welcome! Now we need to find all kinds of things for you to fix.
  2. Step 7 says 14 teak frames. In the game it now says 14 Maple Frames. guessing an update due to the new hatchet/grove stuffs.
  3. I figured as much when all the pictures were the same. Finally did a quest before the guide was done I can't let you guy slack on it.
  4. step 5 - the portal is South not North of Aster step 7 - I would argue Hoarse is in the East side of the town hall not "near the kitchen". When I saw near the kitchen I went to the kitchen not the town hall. Simon et al are near the stairs but might be nice to say "near the stairs in West side of town hall" or something similar specifies where stairs are. Step 11 G it says "head over to the West side of the Town hall." I went inside the the west side of the town hall. it is outside the building to the West of the town hall. It would be nice to somehow state that it is outside to the west next to the dead tree and rock step VII the last directions from princess are East not North-East this is the altar step
  5. @ChathMurrpaucan we close this? it looks to be complete in the guide
  6. I believe this is in reference to step 9 in our guide, which would be puzzle one. It looks like the above info is an exact quote from wiki. The guide looks to be missing some pictures of all of the puzzles... Can anyone verify the info about how to complete it?
  7. Submission has been added to the site. Thank you for your input.
  8. Submission has been added to the site. Thank you for your input.
  9. This submission has been closed and was not put up on the site. If I did not reply to this topic with a reason, please feel free to send me a Personal Message.
  10. @Sonlitewill get this updated soon. Was this a medium clue by chance?
  11. Submission has been added to the site. Thank you for your input.
  12. Submission has been added to the site. Thank you for your input.
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