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I cant afford to finish college


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I just got next semester's student bill in my college student inbox a few minutes ago and I'm currently taking 9 credit hours next semester. Guess how much the bill was? OVER 2,000 for PART TIME. Again, over $2K for a semester at a community college for PART TIME. The college that is closest to where I live is supposedly one of the best community colleges in the country, but the tuition bills wont stop growing faster than the rate of minimum wage (currently $10.40 an hour in my area and going up again to $11.10 next year). I definitely won't be able to afford finishing an associate's degree without taking out loans. I definitely also cannot transfer to a 4 year college because I simply can't afford it. Plus I would agree that my college/school "coddles" the students.

I was told to tell human resources/jobs/when I'm interviewing that I should say that I stopped going because I believe that it's more about working these days. I also heard that human resources often agrees that they believe that it's more about working these days too.

College has become unaffordable/not worth it. My question is what else I should say to Human resources people when they asked me why I chose to stop going to college.


Thank you.



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