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Kaioken Friendly PvM Clan


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Hello everyone! I am a member for a clan named Kaioken OSRS. We are a smaller clan looking to grow and meet more people that want to send content together or who just want to chill in a voice chat while you game. We are a mix of NA and EU players. We will mentor people if you would like it or you can just chill and hang out while you skill or play something else. Most of our players are combat lvl 90 and above. We welcome anyone and everyone to join. Our members are always happy to give you advice and help with making you more efficient in the game. We are all friendly and always down to do some bossing or raids. We offer daily and weekly bounties for different in game items. Theres always something to do. We are small with about 90 members and wanting to grow.

Here is our discord link https://discord.gg/kaiokenosrs

Feel free to message me on discord if you have any questions. I look forward to meeting you if you decide to join!

Discord - SygnusX#1264

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