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This forum is for any discussions that are RuneScape related.
Ask and answer RuneScape questions here. We offer lots of RuneScape tips, help, and advice!
Have a great idea for RuneScape? Let's hear it! Post all your suggestions on how to make the game better and any new ideas you may have here!
Discuss your RuneScape goals, achievements, or accomplishments here.
In this forum, you can post your RuneScape log topics to keep everyone in the community updated with your progress in your RS adventures!
Have you gotten a pet and want to show it to everyone? Let's see it! Post all your pet drops with your killcount here!
Own a shop? Want to buy, sell, or trade items? This is the place!
Post RuneScape-related screenshots and videos here. All other graphics and media can be found in the Graphic Creations forum.
Come here to advertise your Clan or FC, or to look for one to join! Please do not make multiple topics.