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Comp Capes


Comp Cape  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you like the changes?

    • Yes! they are great changes
    • I like some of them, others not so much
    • Ehh, I could take or leave it
    • I'm not too thrilled with some of the changes
    • I hate them, I wish they wouldn't have done them
  2. 2. Favorite change?

    • Passive benefits
    • Achievements that were added/removed
    • Removing Reaper reqs from comp cape
    • Cape stat changes
    • What qualifies for comp vs trimmed comp reqs
    • Other (please specify in post)
  3. 3. Least favorite change?

    • Passive benefits
    • Achievements that were added/removed
    • Removing Reaper reqs from comp cape
    • Cape stat changes
    • What qualifies for comp vs trimmed comp reqs
    • Other (please specify in post)
  4. 4. Are you interested in obtaining a comp cape?

    • I have a (trimmed) comp cape and need to maintain it
    • I had a (trimmed) comp cape and don't plan to reobtain it
    • I want to obtain a (trimmed) comp cape
    • Ehhh, not my cup of tea
    • I am not now, nor have I ever been, interested in one of these capes

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It has now been a little over a week since Jagex has released their changes to to comp capes. Here at RuneHQ, we wanted to get your thoughts on what they have done. As always, feel free to discuss below.



Comp Cape

Thanks to your feedback we’ve been able to make some significant changes to the comp cape redesign. Here’s the latest info:

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How the new Comp Cape will work

From now on, every significant content update will add at least one new Comp Cape requirement and at least one new trim requirement. The only reasons we won’t add new requirements are:

  • if the content update is so small that there isn’t really anything to create requirements from (e.g. Ninja fixes)
  • if the nature of the update doesn’t lend itself to requirements (e.g. limited time events)
  • if there is a strong reason why new requirements shouldn’t be added (e.g. the impact on the economy would be too large, the game would be disrupted in some way, it would create too high a dependency on luck)

The Comp requirement will be something which requires you to participate in content enough to understand it. Essentially, the Comp Cape should represent a player who has played everything. A comped player is a player you can ask about any update, and they’ll be able to tell you about it. ‘Sing for the lady’, ‘Uncorrupted Ore’, ‘The Lost Toys’, and ‘I’m Forever Washing Shadows’ are good examples of comp requirements. They require you to play enough of the content to understand it.

In contrast, the Trim requirement will be something which requires you to have completed content, to whatever extent is possible. When you see someone with Trim, you should see someone who has completed everything. That player knows the game inside and out. If there’s something to do, they’ve done it. ‘Complete Trekky’, ‘Ivan is Flailing’, and ‘Memorialised More Than Once’ are good examples of trim requirements. They require the player to really go above and beyond and exhaust the update, doing everything they can.

The one exception to trim are things which we consider so difficult or time consuming that they don’t belong even on trim. These requirements either have such a high skill requirement that the vast majority of players couldn’t ever accomplish them, or involve such a long and mindless grind that we don’t want to push players to complete them. Telos 4K is an example of something which is too difficult, while 200M XP in a skill is an example of an accomplishment which is too much of a grind. We may still create achievements this hard or this grindy, but those achievements wouldn’t be part of trim.

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Passive Benefits

Although the comp cape still exists as a physical object, all the benefits of wearing it have been transformed into passive benefits.

The following benefits which currently are inherited by the comp cape from other capes, will be decoupled from the comp cape and become accessible in game through other means. As specified above, these will become permanent effects, toggleable, or activate-able depending on the benefit.

  • From the max cape/99 skillcapes
  • Max Guild teleport
  • The ability to add 3 skillcape perks to your ‘cape slot’
  • From the Ardougne cloak 4
  • Kandarin monastery teleport
  • Manor farm teleport
  • Summoning restore (once per day)
  • All task rewards (from Ardougne tasks) that require the cape to be worn
  • From Ava’s alerter
  • The arrow retrieval effect
  • From the bonesack (e)
  • Skeletal horror teleport
  • From Jerrod’s cape
  • Various thieving bonuses and effects
  • From the spirit cape
  • 20% less summoning special energy when using summoning scrolls

The only benefit not included here from the current comp cape is the fire/kiln cape effect which allows for bonus damage when fighting Ice Strykewyrms as we’d like to return this to being a cape-exclusive bonus.

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Changes to Achievements

The following achievements have been removed from the comp cape and trim comp requirements:

  • Reaper Crew
  • How Many Games

The following achievements have been added to comp cape:

  • Bean there, Done that

The following achievements have been added to trim comp:

  • Salty
  • Sandy
  • E-I-E-I-O
  • An updated version of Work on Your Artisan

These achievements will have a 1 month grace period, which means you have 1 month to complete them before losing access to your cape. We have the ability to apply grace periods to other achievements if we feel like we need to, but we don't expect this to be the norm.

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Some bosses from the reaper requirements are extremely challenging to complete due to their difficulty and their forced group interactions. Therefore, we’ve removed the Reaper requirements from the comp cape.

To make up for removing these requirements from the cape, some of the comp cape stats are now a passive bonus from earning the 'Reaper Crew' achievement.

The comp cape stats have been lowered to match the max cape stats. The difference between these stats has now been added as a passive effect unlocked by completing the ‘Reaper Crew’ achievement, although a few have been tweaked slightly for balancing reasons.

The added stats for completing the 'Reaper Crew' are:

  • +200 HP
  • +20 Armour
  • +2 Prayer
  • +12 Melee Strength
  • +12 Ranged Strength
  • +12 Magic Strength

Additionally, the music tracks that are locked behind boss encounters will now unlock upon starting the fight. Enjoy the tunes!

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Comp cape cosmetics

We're adding Comp and Trim cosmetic overrides. If you have already purchased Comp or Trim from the Varrock museum, you'll get these on login. However if you have not, you'll need to complete the Comp and Trim achievements, making them available to purchase.



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