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Wendy Corduroy

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Status Replies posted by Wendy Corduroy

  1. Welcome to the community! 🤓

    1. Wendy Corduroy

      Wendy Corduroy

      Yeaaaah welcomeeeeeeeeeeeee

  2. In the first week of Archaeology I got 4 dragon mattocks from big game hunter. Now that I actually need one, I'm about 100 kills dry.

    1. Wendy Corduroy

      Wendy Corduroy

      nice! also great advice to quick; I was totally clueless at first as well haha!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  3. I GOT ARCHIE @ LVL 27 Arch! ❤️ LESS THAN 10K EXP! 😱

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