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Peever142 last won the day on February 18 2023

Peever142 had the most liked content!

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Explorer (4/14)

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  1. Been around for many a years. Though its not quite the size it used to be were a solid bunch here Join the clan chat if youre not already there!
  2. 3 down is giving me a tough time..... ive tried a few different words. ill figure it out eventually
  3. Can relate. I think I lurked for like 10+ years before joining up lol.
  4. First one i fell for back in Classic days.. "look Runescape wont let you say your password see ******". Stupid me.... lost 5 full sets of mithril. Sad times.
  5. Been to long to remember the exact story but if I remember right I was doing the Al Kharid Prince quest back in Classic days and I was having troubles with it and I ended up finding Runehq... I think anyway. I've been around too long.... Safe to say I have lurked/been apart of this site for 10+ years and have met so many cool people over the years I just decided to hang around. Even though I do not really play much these days :).
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