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  1. The Queen of Thieves on Runescape Old School.

    Sorry I messed up my last message.

    Where is Councelor Hughes' House?

    Someone asked me to put up a screen shot but I didn't know how to do that I finally got help on that.

    Now how do I put a screenshot of the forum?

    Can someone please help me with that too?

    1. ChathMurrpau


      I apologize this wasn't seen earlier... you can add a picture a few ways:

      1. simply take a screen shot (keyboard should have a "prnt screen" button somewhere) and paste (ctrl+v or right click and choose "paste") it into the message box
      2. along the bottom of the text box it says "drag files here to attach, or choose files..."
        1. have a folder (or your desktop) visible and simply drag the desired file into the text field
        2. click "choose files..." and a pop up will appear to let you choose any file from your computer
      3. just above the "submit reply" button you should see an "insert other media" button. Clicking this will allow you to:
        1. reuse attachments you've added to previous posts (insert existing attachment)
        2. add a new image from URL

      I hope this was helpful!

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