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Sirius XM

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Sirius XM last won the day on February 18 2022

Sirius XM had the most liked content!


About Sirius XM

  • Birthday 01/14/1993

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  1. I'm still your friend no matter what For sure you'll catch me online and have a chat! Sirius
  2. So where to start... I found RuneHQ about 13 years ago while searching for quest guides around 2005 and stumbled across this website, the first edition black and blue front page, original looking RuneHQ. I thought to myself it was really helpful and was a super cool website that one day I hope to join. Four years later I applied as a Forum Moderator, not expecting anything but wanting to help the website and rid of malicious posts and trolls, I was accepted and became part of the staff. Everyone welcomed me and made me feel at home, helping me and answering all of my questions along the way. I felt part of the family the moment I was accepted, being fired within the first few days by Gene (LOL) just to be brought back because I butted heads with him but ultimately earned his respect for sticking to a decision with proof. There were some rough moments at times, controversial decisions, certain conversations which were difficult to handle, also RuneHQ coming back from the dead about 3 times while i've been here. It wasn't easy to overcome but we did, as a team and working together. Something a little more personal and truthful from my behalf...I know there have been times when I may have made not-so-great decisions, or something was said by me that may have either offended or I overstepped my position. I would like to apologize for any of my mistakes i've made along the way. I know I haven't been perfect but i've always had RuneHQ's interests at heart. It's been a wonderful 9 years with RuneHQ but I believe my time has come to an end. Don't fret though, you have 2 wonderful Admins currently who are amazing at what they do (One of which I hired as a Forum Moderator and have no regrets). It's been a real pleasure working with everyone throughout the years and i'm glad I did as we built friendships along the way. As my title states...Every end is a new beginning. A new chapter in RuneHQ and I wish you all the best of luck. I'll still be around but not as your Admin anymore Sincerely, Sirius XM
  3. Have a awesome day... may you find plenty and bountiful frequencies.

  4. We worked our magic together and I can honestly say were gonna rock this project together and it'll be RuneHQ in it's final form
  5. Everyone welcome our newest Developer and addition to the RuneHQ Family Scarlywars will be taking up the amazing job of giving the RuneHQ website (starting with the front page) a new lick of paint. I've seen her work and I can say it's amazing!
  6. Everyone please welcome our newest dev on the team @thatscot! He will be a great help with our projects for 2020 and the future of RuneHQ
  7. Everyone please welcome our newest developer Adamas! He will be aiding Alk12 and myself as a full stack developer, he brings great knowledge to the team. Can't wait to see what he can do!
  8. Due to real life commitments With Faith has decided to resign. Please PM him if you wish to say your goodbyes.
  9. Alk12 has decided to join the Developer Team to help fix some pesky bugs ! Welcome and we can't wait to see what you have in store for us!
  10. Congrats! Long overdue, I have nothing left to teach you Padawan
  11. Is this thing on 😛

  12. Hey everyone, I will be a temporary owner while I do some fixing around the server and Behind the Scenes tweaks to make the site run better. I will be a Server/Site Administrator once the fixes are done.
  13. Balista has decided to resign from Community Crew due to personal life reasons. Thank you for all the hard work you have done for RuneHQ, we greatly appreciate the passion you put into your role
  14. Everyone give a warm welcome back to Azeleon! He will be helping out with the Events Team!
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