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Dimir Editor

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Status Replies posted by Dimir Editor

  1. In the first week of Archaeology I got 4 dragon mattocks from big game hunter. Now that I actually need one, I'm about 100 kills dry.

    1. Dimir Editor

      Dimir Editor

      Nope, apparently I'm dumb and unlike earth and song, time and space is level 99 gg thanks jagex

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  2. In the first week of Archaeology I got 4 dragon mattocks from big game hunter. Now that I actually need one, I'm about 100 kills dry.

    1. Dimir Editor

      Dimir Editor

      ehn it's not like I can't do big game hunter 😛

      Finally got those 2, but in 1 level I will be making time and space, and then getting 2 more so I can have time and space both auged and on my toolbelt.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  3. In the first week of Archaeology I got 4 dragon mattocks from big game hunter. Now that I actually need one, I'm about 100 kills dry.

    1. Dimir Editor

      Dimir Editor

      If you take the time to figure it out it's a cakewalk but otherwise it's "What the hell is going on", kinda like doing a boss fight without looking up how the mechanics work. Wouldn't say our guide is perfect, but I'm proud of it. If you have bladed dive and double surge it gets even easier, and while the quick trap upgrade with hunter marks isn't necessary, it helps a lot.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  4. Rest In Peace Mother, gone but never forgotten 😢 x

  5. I'm getting married today but the number one things stressing me is people bugging me while I'm working on other things. I can send you all photos later, let me deal with the paperwork and stay caught up in school first!

    1. Dimir Editor

      Dimir Editor

      @moridin_1oh no that's not going to be for awhile we aren't particularly wealthy haha

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. "Time is just a social construct, Mom." -Yes dear, I am aware of that.


    1. Dimir Editor

      Dimir Editor

      So is currency, to be fair. Also, misread "Reply to this status" as "Reply to this statue". Perfect.

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