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Hello everyone,

These are a few reminders about the rules and the RuneScape Category guidelines.
Please read them through carefully.

  The rule:

  • Topics are not allowed to be over 500kb in total file size in a single page.
  • If you find that is not sufficient, please upload thumbnails.
  • All the different images and goal banners add up in file size, so please consider this when posting your latest achievement.
  • Do not ask for exemptions, we do not allow these anymore.
  • These are meant for RuneScape goal logs only.

  Embedded links
These are the links inside images that take you to where the image has been hosted, eg: imageshack, imgur, photoshack etc. These are more of a nuisance that hosting websites put in the link for the sake of linking back to their site(s) and therefore getting an advertisement.
In case you need help on how to remove these embedded links, read this:


Removing embedded links is simple, but needs to be done. When you use the code for the image, it comes in a similar form as shown below:

To remove the url tags, delete the following:
leaving only the following:
Please remember to remove these embedded links from your topics. Also remember this in signatures.



Double posting
Strictly speaking, double posting is considered spamming.  However, giving your topic a little bump once in a while is OK. As a general rule, it's not considered spam when there's at least a day in between the 2 posts. If you just posted and want to add something, use the Edit button! That's what it's there for  :thumbsup:

If you have any questions, please check the rules or feel free to PM any member of the RuneScape Forum Staff.

RuneHQ Forum Staff ~

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