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Alk12 last won the day on October 9

Alk12 had the most liked content!


About Alk12

  • Birthday 09/08/1992

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  • Country
    The Netherlands

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Mentor (12/14)

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  1. This submission has been closed and was not put up on the site. If I did not reply to this topic with a reason, please feel free to send me a Personal Message.
  2. This submission has been closed and was not put up on the site. If I did not reply to this topic with a reason, please feel free to send me a Personal Message.
  3. We have a new helping hand on the developer team, please welcome @Sythan! With his help we hope to be able to realize exciting new features and updates to the website.
  4. Submission has been added to the site. Thank you for your input.
  5. This submission has been closed and was not put up on the site. If I did not reply to this topic with a reason, please feel free to send me a Personal Message.
  6. This submission has been closed and was not put up on the site. If I did not reply to this topic with a reason, please feel free to send me a Personal Message.
  7. I've had contact with Squiggy via email, this issue should now be resolved.
  8. Submission has been added to the site. Thank you for your input.
  9. Submission has been added to the site. Thank you for your input.
  10. Submission has been added to the site. Thank you for your input.
  11. Submission has been added to the site. Thank you for your input.
  12. Submission has been added to the site. Thank you for your input.
  13. These items were already listed in the "Items needed at quest start" field. However, I have moved them to the "Items needed to complete quest" field for clarity.
  14. Submission has been added to the site. Thank you for your input.
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