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Balista last won the day on May 7 2019

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About Balista

  • Birthday March 10

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  1. Have a Great Day Jeff!

  2. For more information, see this post. Event Details Date: Saturday, March 16th Time: Here FC: Balista77 World: 67 Location: KBD Lair
  3. For more information, see this post. Event Details: Date: Friday March 15th Time: Here FC: Balista77 World: 67 Location: Zaros' Bastion - God Wars Dungeon 2
  4. @Akrite - 10m @Jeimuzu - 9m @Loucetios - 8m @Pixelatic - 6m @Fuzzyjoe162 - 5m @Ksb Single - 4m @ChathMurrpau - 3m @Katalex - 2m @Telle - 1m Please add me and message me in game to pick up your prize! (RSN: Balista77)
  5. Changes or improvements are in red... Feel free to use the images as needed. 1.Ask Veos if he has any quests for you and he will tell you of his client from the mainland. The hierarchy and general social organization of Kourend, as well as some other knowledge about the houses, interest the client. After you agree to help him, you will receive an enchanted scroll. It'll tell you to use a quill to write on it. This is where your feather comes in. Use the feather on the scroll to receive an Enchanted quill. Put a mention in here that says Veos can be found at the Port Sarim north docks if you have never visited Kourend before. Once you have talked to him, he will allow you to travel to Kourend. 2. Now you'll have to speak to the general store owners around Kourend, making sure that you have the enchanted quill in your inventory. First head to the general store in the Piscarilius House (number 1 in the map below) and speak with Leenz for some information about Piscarilius. Go through every chat option until the quill automatically writes some notes down. 4. After you finish with Regath, take the West path to the Lovakenj House and speak with Munty (number 3 in the map above). Ask Munty about the Lovakenj House and go through all chat options. Continue to go West until you reach the path among the rocks that leads South. Follow it and you'll reach the Shayzien House, speak with Jennifer (number 4.) Ask her the same questions you have asked everyone else until your quill takes notes. 5. Lastly, head East and go to the general store in Hosidius and speak with Horace (number 5). Ask Horace the same questions for the last time; You should get a message saying that you have all the information you need, and to return to Veos. 9. When you return to Veos (You cannot finish the quest if you talk to him in Port Sarim), he won't know what you are talking about or even remember sending you out for help for his client. Then, the client will take over his body and speak with you. If you try using the Ring of Charos, the client will tell you that his name is Xeric. He will reward you.
  6. Oh boy, you have joined the dark side now! Welcome, however!
  7. One suggestion for this quest 2. Kill some Imps to obtain the four beads. Be patient while doing this, Imps will not drop them consistently. Common areas to find Imps are around the Karamja Volcano and south of Falador. If you don't want to kill Imps, do not worry, there is another way to obtain the beads. You can buy the beads from other players. This can help to save time. Change/edit this to say you can buy the beads off the Grand Exchange, as well as from other players. Buying them from the GE/other players drastically reduces the time required to complete this quest.
  8. A few suggestions based off following this guide.... Raw rat meat, Raw bear meat, Raw chicken, and Raw beef should be listed as items need to complete quest, not items required to start quest. Also, the locations to obtain these should be in the guide somewhere. I recommended the following locations, although someone else might have better. On Step 3, Taverley Dungeon should be capitalized. Step 5 currently reads: Talk to Sanfew and he'll be grateful and tell you to visit Kaqemeex for your Herblore skill training. I recommend changing this to: Talk to Sanfew, who will be grateful and ask you to visit Kaqemeex for your Herblore skill training.
  9. Event Details: Date: Saturday, January 26th Time: Here World: 67 FC: Telle Location: Zamorak GWD
  10. Event Details: Date: Friday, January 25th Time: Here World: 60 FC: RHQ Events Location: Void Knight Island
  11. Event Details: Date: Saturday, January 19th Time: Here World: 67 FC: RHQ Events Location: The Heart
  12. Event Details: Date: Saturday, January 12th Time: Here World: 67 FC: RHQ Events Location: Saradomin God Wars Dungeon encampment
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