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Hitori last won the day on April 27 2021

Hitori had the most liked content!


About Hitori

  • Birthday 05/12/1992

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  1. Can confirm, I'm not reintroducing the battle awards.
  2. Oh gotcha. Pretty sure the new awards system doesn't have this feature available. We'd probably best be suited to just make and update a thread that lists all the awards. I'll leave that for you to do @Ksb Single
  3. I'm not seeing where you're looking to have a list. We'll probably have to make our own thread about awards and just list it out there.
  4. It gives me great pleasure to announce that we again have awards on RHQ forums! I'm smoothing everything out so that we have all the previous awards we had on the forums. I believe we have a log of awards that were issued on the old forums, and I'll be working closely with the Community Crew and Forum Management to ensure that everyone receives the awards they had on the old forums (excluding the post count awards). I'm also going to work closely with these teams to create new awards that users can receive. As we get closer to have all the old awards added, as well as the newer awards we'd like to see, I'll issue a new statement with a list of the awards that everyone can receive. On the note of reception of awards, I've gotten a system installed that will now automatically award post count awards when the conditions are met; please note that if you gain the 500 post count award, the 250 post count award will be removed from your account to avoid cluttering everything. Feel free to comment, discuss or ask any questions you may have here.
  5. As I'm working on the site, I'm keeping an open mind to what you beautiful members of the community would like to see. I know some of you, like myself, like to support RHQ in any means I possibly can. And in some cases, this can boil down to "premium" benefits - which are something the we would love to offer to those of you who would like to help us out in this manner. Because of the work I'm doing, I can integrate newer and more beautiful things that would make RHQ a little more fluent and have a couple perks while we're at it. However, I'm falling short on what we could possibly do as "premium benefits" that wouldn't make not being an Advanced Member being required to enjoy the site. My thoughts so far are falling to two options right now: Having one level of Advanced Membership that has all the benefits tied into it -or- Having two levels of Advanced Membership that would offer a bit more to the higher Level Site Supporters Removal of ads on side of site Weekly, Monthly and Yearly experience gains tracking -or- Site will auto-hide completed (mini)quests [toggle setting] Custom color on forums & site Advanced Members (Slightly higher cost than Supporter) Removal of all ads on site Weekly, Monthly and Yearly experience gains tracking Site will auto-hide completed (mini)quests [toggle setting] Custom color on forums & site Custom icon on forums & site What we here would like to know is: Which do you prefer - single tiered system or two tiered system? Do you like the benefits outlined above? If there is a benefit not listed that you would like to see - what is it and how would it work (if it needs to be explained)? We would like to offer our Premium Benefits at: Monthly Renewal 3 Month Renewal 6 Month Renewal Yearly Renewal What do you feel would be an appropriate donation to give for the benefits outlined / suggested on these levels (feel free to pick one or more of the rates, don't feel like you need to outline the price of all the suggested above) We appreciate everyone's involvement and interaction in our community and do not in any way, shape or form want anyone - be it new, current or returning members - to feel as though you have to pay for anything on our site. We have always been, and will continue to always be a dedicated free to use site for all things RuneScape. These package(s) are just a special way of use saying THANK YOU for anyone that would like to help cover the hosting costs of RuneHQ. Please feel free to answer the above questions or have open discussion about the topic outlined above in comments to this thread. If you would like to discuss or answer the questions in a non-public format, please feel free to PM me, @MrsStormy or @DRAVAN and we will discuss it one-on-one with you and share your ideas for discussion anonymously.
  6. Lots of code done in a short amount of time today. I think I've earned the ~SWEET~ reward of a Diet Dr Pepper.

    Gotta love producing dynamic code that can handle a multitude of things thrown at it!

  7. When I close my eyes... all I see is code. I've been poking at this stuff way too long xD

    1. Hitori


      We could make this a song...
      "All you need is code, all you need is code
      All you need is code, code, code is all you need~"

    2. Zandahar


      The most dangerous bug in the world:

      // Launch ICBMs
      if(ReadyToLaunch = 1)

      Uh... whoops!


  8. Who wears short shorts?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Numerous One

      Numerous One

      My thunder thighs dont allow for short shorts 😛 And I would wear em anyways hehe

    3. Alfawarlord


      Hitori, there you got your answer. It's the canadians again

    4. DarkAdvisor




  9. Let's offer a moment of silence to the old forums that served this community for so long... okay silence is over.

    Let's PARTY for the NEW forums!


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