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DarkPyroNinja last won the day on October 8 2018

DarkPyroNinja had the most liked content!

About DarkPyroNinja

  • Birthday January 15

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  1. Have a Bright and Burning Day!

  2. I think that single-tiered is better. I know in the past, staff (mainly management) struggled to come up with benefits for AM that could work and be used by all. If you split it up, you'll risk that same event happening. Just my opinion.
  3. Back in the late 00's, I used to cycle between RuneHQ, Tip.it, and Zybez. RuneHQ was always most updated (even if there were those random guides that were really out of date ). This became more prominent in the new RuneHQ era with a complete changeup in the design and everything. Eventually, I left Zybez in the dust because RuneHQ/Tip.it had it pretty much down. I was actually oblivious that Wiki came out until 2013, when it starts booming in popularity. After that, it was a matter of lag and updates, which continues today. Tip.it is pretty much afk now, Zybez is closing down. The only standing websites for usage now, are Wiki (RS3 or 07), and RuneHQ. Wiki tends to bog down my CPU and stops me from doing much. RuneHQ still uses a bit of resources, but pales in comparison. Another reason I stay is because of the community. Yeah, we have our ups and downs (RIP Forums the last few years), but it's always nice to converse with the community here, and see all of the older members and their accomplishments. I created my account here in February of 2014 (or was it January... it's on my profile). Joined the clan in June/July of that year, and never want to leave. I have some of the most fondest RuneScape memories on this beloved site, even if I spent most of it barely being here.
  4. Welcome to the forums, this time on a post and not just a status update . Hope you enjoy your stay!
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