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Dimir Editor

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Dimir Editor last won the day on May 1 2022

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About Dimir Editor

  • Birthday 02/07/1995

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    Iowa, IowowowI~ Iowa
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    The Semi-United States

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    Dimir Editor
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  1. In the first week of Archaeology I got 4 dragon mattocks from big game hunter. Now that I actually need one, I'm about 100 kills dry.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. senug


      Should have kept at least one of those mattocks eh? 😄

    3. Dimir Editor

      Dimir Editor

      ehn it's not like I can't do big game hunter 😛

      Finally got those 2, but in 1 level I will be making time and space, and then getting 2 more so I can have time and space both auged and on my toolbelt.

    4. Dimir Editor

      Dimir Editor

      Nope, apparently I'm dumb and unlike earth and song, time and space is level 99 gg thanks jagex

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