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Mr Quick

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Everything posted by Mr Quick

  1. Mr Quick

    Doric's cave

    @Zany @cassiacow In the picture you see the cimb down stairs, its just a bit north inside the house. Stand inside the opening and click on the way down.
  2. Hello, this topic has been locked. There are many possible reasons for this... the question you are asking has been answered, you may have posted in the wrong forum, the topic could be degenerating into/has already started a flame war, the posts were straying too far from the original topic. Your topic may have also expired. This means that no one has posted on it for a while, and it would be better to start a new topic to keep the conversation fresh. This list of reasons that your topic may have been closed is given instead of a specific reason because moderators have the option to close multiple topics at once, with this standard reply added to the topic. This is much faster than closing multiple topics manually, and gives us more time for our other work. If you have any further questions as to why this topic was closed, let me encourage you to check the FAQs, and to PM me if you do not find the answer there. Have a nice RuneHQ day.
  3. Praise the RNG gods for that!
  4. After 8 years of searching for all pets the dream did come true! Bernie and finally Gemi are the pets that slipped my fingers every time and costed a 1st place in a race. Now i can finally say, been there done that!
  5. Globetrotter achievement done!
  6. Going to add my elite clue progress to the list.
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