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With Faith

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With Faith last won the day on December 19 2020

With Faith had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About With Faith

  • Birthday 02/05/1996

Personal Information

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  • Country
    United States

RuneScape Information

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    With Faith
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With Faith's Achievements


Enthusiast (6/14)

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About Me

Hello RuneHQ! My name across most platforms is With Faith, but feel free to call me Faith or even by my real name, Jonathan.


A little about me

I was born and raised in Wisconsin and proud of it! I am a veteran of the Army National Guard, serving three years in total doing work with Field Artillery. Currently I am a student at a local technical college going for an Associates in Web and Digital Media Design. On top of that I have two certificates, Written Communications and Social Media Marketing, and will be getting one more in Digital Media Marketing in Winter. I will be graduating in the Spring of 2019.

For work I am currently working as a front-end web developer at a local agency. With that I pick up occasional side jobs outside of my field and I am also a volunteer as a media manager for a part of the National Guard.

Outside of all of that I try to eat food and occasionally sleep. Just kidding no one has time for that. I enjoy working on computers (shocker, right?), reading, biking, and going on walks. I often find myself doing a wide variety of stuff on random occasions and don't have a consistent set of stuff I like to do!


What about RuneHQ and RuneScape?

I originally started playing RuneScape late 2004 shortly after I moved into my current home. From there I was involved in a handful of clans from the very start and ranging in sizes often between 50 and 200 people. Around 2013-14 is when I first stumbled across the RuneHQ clan and quickly decided to make the decision to join the clan, and that is where I am still happily a part of as a member of the Clan Staff.

Around a year or so after I joined the clan I started getting involved with the forums and its community, and quickly found myself joining the Community Crew as a Mentor. The Com Crew, as we like to call them, was an amazing time for a large portion of my time here in RuneHQ. I moved from Mentor to becoming a member of the graphics team where I stayed for awhile, and from there I took on a role running the RuneHQ Facebook page.

While I loved the Com Crew it did not last forever, and that is when I made the jump from a Community Crew member and joined the Moderator team. The moderator team has been an amazing experience and continue to look forward to fun times with the team for a long time coming.

In RuneScape I currently rock both the master quest cape and max cape. My 120s include Constitution, Def, Ranged, Invention, Dungeoneering, and Slayer. Invention is my only 200mil skill at this time. I am a variety player in terms that I enjoy a wide variety of the types of content out there. My current goals are to get 200mil Def and 120 Farming! You can normally find me lurking around World 60 or at some community events!

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