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Everything posted by Zandahar

  1. Grats to all those who got promoted!
  2. I was reaping some Snacks when this little feller appeared...
  3. Another nugget of a 120 All. Grats!!
  4. After many, much killings of The Magister, I have succeeded in being his superior!
  5. Owl let everyone know what a great job you did! Grats!
  6. After over 15 years of playing RS, I have finally gotten to the end of XP gains (at least until the next skill is released)
  7. I was cooking up some protean proteins when the following happened! Now to bang out my last 200M skill to join the exclusive 200M All club!
  8. OMG! The RNG gods were definitely on your side. Good job!
  9. Congrats to all those who ranked up!
  10. Congratulations to all those who ranked up
  11. SOLVING SLIDER PUZZLES In order to better show how it works, a numerical, instead of pictorial slider puzzle was used. Also, a 4x4 puzzle was used, but using these instructions, any sized slider puzzle can be solved. 1. Starting on the top row put all of the pieces in place except the last one. 2. Position the last piece of the top row, under where it is supposed to go and put the empty space below that. 3. Slide the pieces around using the following sequence: DOWN DOWN RIGHT UP LEFT UP RIGHT DOWN DOWN LEFT UP When the sequence is complete, the piece will be in the correct place. 4. Repeat the above steps for the remaining rows until you get to the last two. 5. When putting the last two rows in place, there are two ways to approach this part of the puzzle. The first is to mentally rotate the puzzle to the right and start back at Step 1 and progress down the rows. 6. The second way is a little less mentally challenging, but will have a different sequence. 7. Slide the lower left piece into place, then slide the piece that would go above it one position to the right and put the empty space to the right of that. 8. Slide the pieces around using the following sequence: RIGHT RIGHT UP LEFT DOWN LEFT UP RIGHT RIGHT DOWN LEFT When the sequence is complete, the piece will be in the correct place. 9. Repeat the above steps until there’s only the last three pieces. 10. To get the last three pieces into place, simply rotate them around; they will always be in the correct order.
  12. Bye Telle Thanks for all you've done
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