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With Faith

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  • Birthday 02/05/1996

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  1. Resources Animal droppings: Animal droppings in pens can be shoveled out for farming experience, but doing so provides no benefits to your anumals; Note that Spiders and Zygomites do not produce any dung. Some of the droppings (Manure, Green manure, & Dragon manure) can be placed into buckets to add to your compost bin to create compost. Manure - normal Compost Green manure - Super compost Dragon manure - Ultra compost Ingredients: In addition to obtaining experience when checking on your critters, it is also possible to obtain items. Each species will award you with specific items. Note that animals will not produce items on their first growth stage if they hatch from an egg. Possible items from each species include: Rabbit Rabbit teeth (cannot gather from Common brown rabbits) Rabbit foot (rare, cannot gather from Common brown rabbits) Chicken Feather Egg (hens only) Chinchompa Chinchompa or Skillchompa (same as chinchompa breed) Chinchompa residue Sheep Wool (same color as sheep) Plain(white) Black Springsheared wool Summerdown wool Fallfaced wool Winterwold wool Spider Spider fangs Spider silk Spider venom (from Seasonal and Araxyte spiders ) Zygomite Zygomite fruit Morchella mushroom spores (Zanarian zygomites only) Mort myre fungus (Gloomshroom zygomites only) Mycelial webbing (Zanarian and Arcspore zygomites) Cow Cowhide Bull horns (bull only) Bucket of milk (cows only, can be flavored if obtained from Vanilla, Strawberry, or Chocolate cow) Yak Yak milk (Fremennik yak only) Yak tufts Yak hide Hair Dragon Dragonhide (same color as dragon) Green dragonhide Blue dragonhide Red dragonhide Black dragonhide Royal dragonhide Potions: These new items are used to create several new skilling potions... Divination potion Regular - 43 Herblore to make, boosts level by 3 Spirit weed potion (unf) Rabbit foot Super - 70 Herblore to make, boosts level by 5 Divination potion (3) Zygomite fruit Extreme - 89 Herblore to make, boosts level by 15% + 3 Super divination potion (3) Yak tuft Hunter potion Regular - 53 Herblore to make, boosts level by 3 Avantoe potion (unf) Kebbit teeth dust Super - 64 Herblore to make, boosts level by 5 Hunter potion (3) Rabbit teeth Extreme - 80 Herblore to make, boosts level by 15% + 3 Super hunter potion (3) Bull horns Invention potion Regular - 77 Herblore to make, boosts level by 3 Snapdragon potion (unf) Chinchompa residue Super - 87 Herblore to make, boosts level by 5 Invention potion (3) Spider fangs Extreme - 95 Herblore to make, boosts level by 15% + 3 Super invention potion (3) Mycelial webbing Runecrafting potion Regular - 54 Herblore to make, boosts level by 3 Wergali potion (unf) Seasonal wool of choice Springsheared wool Summerdown wool Fallfaced wool Winterwold wool Super - 75 Herblore to make, boosts level by 5 Runecrafting potion (3) Yak milk Extreme - 91 Herblore to make, boosts level by 15% + 3 Super runecrafting potion (3) Spider venom
  2. Items needed: Food Fruit Vegetables Seeds Mushrooms Flowers Meat Fish Pens Small pens x2 10 Oak planks (protean planks) Iron+ nails (75 nails per pen) 20 Construction Medium pens x2 15 Teak planks (protean planks) Mithril+ nails (150 nails per pen) 40 Construction Large pens x2 20 Mahogany planks (protean planks) Rune nails (225 nails per pen) 60 Construction Note that construction levels for pens CAN be assisted and the supplies can be purchased in packs from the Farmer's Market. Breeding: Bring a male and female of an animal to the breeding pen (must be Adult OR Elder to breed) Animals can be of mixed varieties (Rellekkan and common brown rabbit as an example) If there are 4 or more animals of a single type in a breeding pen, they will not breed! Make sure proper food type is in the trough for the animals Getting them to max health (medicinal honey) and happiness (delicious honey) will increase your breeding chances. Adding a totem to a pen you keep elder rabbits in will also increase your chances; 7% for 1 pen, 10% for both pens. Wait for X amount of time for them to breed (see below) Move child to main pen to grow It is possible to purchase the ability to breed in the regular pens. See Farmers Market below for details. Breeding times Rabbit 5-25 minutes Chicken 1-5 hours Chinchompa 4 -20 hours Sheep 1-5 hours Spider 6-30 hours Zygomite 8-40 hours Cow 5-25 hours Yak 5-25 hours Dragon 18-90 hours Some species that can only be bred at specific times include: Black Ewe/Ram and Night spiders can only be bred between 9pm and 9am game time. Kandarin cows with "touch of vanilla", "strawberry scent", or "chocolatey goodness" traits that are bred have a chance to produce a vanilla cow, strawberry cow, or chocolate cow respectively. Some animals can only be bred during the appropriate season (changed via the Seasonaliser) - still slight chance to get one of these during a different season if one of the parents are that breed. Spring Springsheared sheep Fever spider Summer Summerdown sheep Giant spider Autumn Fallfaced sheep Corpse spider Winter Winterwold sheep Ice spider Beehives: Flowers can be added to beehives on the player owned farm to get honey. Note that 1 flower will produce 1 special honey in approximately 1 hour. Honey can be used to increase the happiness of farm animals. Honeycomb - animals enjoy (no actual changes) Delicious honeycomb - makes animals happier - Marigold flowers Dense honeycomb - makes animals put on weight - Rosemary flowers Medicinal honeycomb - makes your animals health - Woad leaf Runny honeycomb - makes your animals faster - Nasturtiums Sweet honeycomb - makes your animals more attractive - Snape grass The hives can hold 27 of each type of flower, though with the number of hives, it is suggested to stick to 1 flower per hive. Diseases: Animals can get diseases. You need to inspect the animals to determine what their are ailed with. Once you make the call you can select the proper treatment to cure the animal. Guessing the wrong cure will lower the stats of the animals. Flu Sneezing Blood shot eyes Nausea Sweaty legs Curse Lumpy nose/smelly breath Glazed/glowing eyes Strange noises from stomach Tapping of legs Dry nose Dry nose Wooting Cough Cough Darting around/mirth on eyes Spots at jawline Swollen stomach Foot-in-mouth Smelly breath/inflamed gums/nasty marks Stomach smells like shoes Legs are slightly chewed on Bone Rattle Teeth click Stomach is shivering Legs are clicking Farmers Market: Farm Upgrades - Bean cost Small pen deed II - 100 Medium pen deed I - 150 Large pen deed 1 - 250 Bank Chest - 300 Medium pen deed II - 500 Large pen deed II - 1000 Farm totem - 200 Noted produce - 3,000 Sesonaliser wheel - 5,000 Multiple trait boost (sm) - 6,000 Multiple trait boost (md) - 9,000 Multiple trait boost (lg) - 12,000 Animals can now breed in small pens - 1,000 Animals can now breed in medium pens - 3,000 Animals can now breed in large pens - 7,000 Animals/Beans Chicken egg - 25 Sheep (ewe) - 30 Sheep (ram) - 30 Cow (cow) - 100 Cow (bull) - 100 Name re-roller - 50 Trait re-roller - 300 Small animal pen kit - 500 Medium animal pen kit - 1,500 Large animal pen kit - 2,500 Magic beans (sundry) - 400 Magic beans (leafy) - 1,000 Magic beans (bushy) - 1,200 Magic beans (fruity) - 2,400 Magic beans (woody) - 4,000 Miscellaneous Master farmer outfit blueprint - 1,000 Master farmer fragment pack - 2,000 Trevor the magical zygomite - 10,000 Herbicide - 10,000 Seedicide - 10,000 Herbicide hoarder upgrade - 25,000 Seedicide stealer upgrade - 25,000 Farm deeds (title) - 250,000
  3. Animals and how to get: You can check what animals you have bred before at Sam the Sheepdog SMALL PENS Rabbits - 17 Farming Common brown rabbit Obtained by killing rabbits around runescape and through breeding Rellekkan cream rabbit Obtained by killing rabbits near the swaying tree in Rellekka and through breeding Piscatorian cottontail rabbit Obtained by hunting rabbits near eagles peak and through breeding Jackalope Obtained randomly by breeding rabbits Chickens - 28 Farming Common white chicken Obtained from a chicken egg on the farmers market and through breeding Rooster Obtained from a chicken egg on the farmers market and through breeding Bandos Bantam chicken Obtained randomly when breeding chickens Varrockian red chicken Obtained randomly when breeding chickens Oomlie bird Obtained randomly when breeding chickens Lizard Chicken Obtained randomly when breeding chickens Chinchompas - 54 Farming Grey chinchompa Obtained by hunting Grey chinchompas and through breeding Carnivorous chinchompa Obtained by hunting Carnivorous chinchompas and through breeding Cobolt chinchompa Obtained by hunting Cobalt chinchompas and through breeding Viridian chinchompa Obtained by hunting Viridian chinchompas and through breeding Azure chinchompa Obtained by hunting Azure chinchompas and through breeding Crimson chinchompa Obtained by hunting Crimson chinchompas and through breeding Crystal chinchompa Obtained by hunting Crystal chinchompas and through breeding Golden chinchompa Obtained randomly by breeding chinchompas MEDIUM PENS Sheep - 35 Farming White sheep - Ewe & Ram Obtained (separately) from the farmers market and through breeding Black sheep - Ewe & Ram Obtained randomly by breeding sheep between 9PM and 9AM game time Summerdown sheep - Ewe & Ram Obtained randomly by breeding sheep during Summer Springsheared sheep - Ewe & Ram Obtained randomly by breeding sheep during Spring Winterwold sheep - Ewe & Ram Obtained randomly by breeding sheep during Winter Fallfaced sheep - Ewe & Ram Obtained randomly by breeding sheep during Autumn Golden sheep - Ewe & Ram Obtained randomly by breeding sheep Spiders - 64 Farming Spirit spider Obtained from a drop by most spiders and through breeding Night spider Obtained randomly by breeding spiders between 9PM and 9AM game time Corpse spider Obtained randomly by breeding spiders during Autumn Fever spider Obtained randomly by breeding spiders during Spring Giant spider Obtained randomly by breeding spiders during Summer Ice spider Obtained randomly by breeding spiders during Winter Araxyte spider Obtained randomly by breeding spiders or (maybe) Araxxor/Arraxi item drop Zygomites - 81 Farming Gloomshroom zygomite Obtained from harvesting mushrooms and through breeding Zanarian zygomite Obtained randomly by breeding zygomite Daemoncap zygomite Obtained randomly by breeding zygomite Arcspore zygomite Obtained randomly by breeding zygomite Magical zygomite Obtained randomly by breeding zygomite LARGE PENS Cows - 49 Farming Kandarin cow Obtained from the farmers market and through breeding Bull Obtained from the farmers market and through breeding Chocolate cow Obtained randomly by breeding cattle Strawberry cow Obtained randomly by breeding cattle Vanilla cow Obtained randomly by breeding cattle Harlequin cow Obtained randomly by breeding cattle Yaks - 71 Farming Fremennik yak Obtained from killing yaks Spirit yak Obtained randomly by breeding yaks or while making pack yak pouches. Sacred yak Obtained randomly by breeding yaks Dragons - 92 Farming Green dragon Obtained by killing green dragons (can be in your Slayer dungeon) and through breeding Blue dragon Obtained by killing blue dragons (can be in your Slayer dungeon) and through breeding Red dragon Obtained by killing red dragons (can be in your Slayer dungeon) and through breeding Black dragon Obtained by killing black dragons, including King and Queen black dragons (can be in your Slayer dungeon) and through breeding Royal dragon Obtained randomly by breeding dragons Traits: Baroo What does this ancient word mean? Yak only trait - No purpose Baroo? Is it a question? What is the question? Speak to me, oh noble yak. Yak only trait - No purpose Baroo Baroo Well, that's just rude. Yak only trait - No purpose Big boned This animal puts on weigh more easily. More easily gains weight Butterface A fantastic physical specimen, just not much to look at. Additional Weight and Speed, Reduced Attractiveness Chatty This animal won't be quiet. No purpose Chaotic This chicken walks the path of chaos. Chicken only trait - Part of the "Life, uh, found a way" achievement (hand in lizard chicken called Malcolm with the Chaotic trait to Granny P) Charmed This animal is happier and healthier than other animals More Health & Happiness than others Chief This rabbit commands the warren. Rabbit only trait - No purpose Chocolatey Goodness Its hide tastes ever-so-slightly chocolatey. It's hard to resist licking it. Cow only trait - Increased chance to produce Chocolate cow calf Constipated This animal never produces dung. Does not affect Spiders or Zygomites Curvy This big-boned beauty will win many competitions, just not a race. Additional Weight and Attractiveness, Reduced Speed Enigmatic You're not sure what this trait does. If, indeed, it does anything. Effects are yet unknown Evil This animal is not nice. Completes the "Bad Egg" achievement if the trait is on a chicken Exalted This animal is so special it awards more XP on harvesting. Can only be be in the 3rd slot Fearless Why are you running? Dogs aren't dangerous. No purpose Fortunate This animal is considered very special and farmers will pay more beans for it. Can only be be in the 3rd slot - earns you 10% more beans when sold Freak of Nature This creature is a medical marvel. Curing it is worthwhile. Gain more experience than normal for curing this animal Frost Breath It can breathe a deadly stream of frost. Dragon only trait - Possibly used to help create a Royal dragon Fussy Eater This animal puts on less weight. Lower weight than most animals Genetic Inferiority Offspring of this animal are less likely to have multiple traits. Reduces chance to produce offspring with multiple traits Genetic Instability The unusual genetics in this animal means its offspring are more likely to have multiple traits. Greatly improves chance to produce offspring with multiple traits Genetic Mutation The unusual nature of this animal means its offspring are more likely to have multiple traits. Improves chance to produce offspring with multiple traits Genius This animal is super smart. No Purpose Giver This animal awards more XP when harvested. Gain 3% more experience when gathering produce from animals Glistening This animal is more likely to produce shiny offspring. Increases the chances to produce a "shiny" breed baby Glorious This chinchompa is simply glorious. Chinchompa only trait - No purpose Golden Gift There are no golden eggs, but this creature will occasionally pass...'nuggets'. Wash hands after handling. Obtain a few pieces of gold in addition to produce when harvesting Good This animal is really rather pleasant. No purpose Good Breeding This animal carries some rare breed ancestry in its genetics. Increases the chance the offspring will be a different breed Handsome This animal is better looking than most others. Increased Attractiveness Hyperactive This animal is faster than most others. Increased Speed Immune This animal is practically immune to disease. Increased Health Incy Involuntarily cynical, like many spiders. Spider only trait - No purpose Insane This animal thinks it's a biscuit. We have no idea why. No purpose Jovial This animal always sees the glass as half full. Increased Happiness Joyful This animal is almost always happy. Increased Happiness Lawful This chicken walks the path of law. Chicken only trait - No purpose Limited Efficiency Harvesting this animal will award more materials, but at the cost of lower XP and bean value. -2% beans when sold - Decreased experience gained when harvesting, but extra produce obtained Lithe Fast and beautiful, but not terribly sturdy. Additional Speed and Attractiveness, Reduced Weight Lucky This animal is worth more beans when sold. +2% beans when sold Loyal You're not sure what this trait does. If, indeed, it does anything. Zygomite only trait - Part of the "Ever So Clever" achievement (hand in magical zygomite called Trevor with the Loyal trait to Granny P) Mysterious Does something mysterious.... or nothing, but if nothing it does so mysteriously. Effects are yet unknown Neutral This chicken walks a neutral path. Chicken only trait - No purpose Nice but Dim Generous with XP, but less popular with farmers and is not so good with materials on harvesting. -10% beans when sold - Decreased produce obtained when harvesting, but extra experience gained Nuclear Be REALLY careful with this one! Chinchompa only trait - Will complete the "Tickety Boom" achievement if the Chinchompa accidentally explodes when harvested NIghtmare Kill it with fire! Greatly reduced Attractiveness Old at Heart This animal ages faster than most others. Ages 5% faster than normal Owsla This rabbit guards the warren carefully. Rabbit only trait - No purpose Perfected This animal is a perfect example of its breed. Increased Weight, Speed, and Attractiveness Plain This animal is not as attractive as some of the other animals. Reduced Attractiveness Prize Specimen A shining example of what this breed is capable of. Greatly increased Weight, Speed, and Attractiveness Producer This animal awards more materials when harvested. Possibility of gaining more produce when harvesting Poisonous Breath It can breathe a deadly cloud of poison. Dragon only trait - Possibly used to help create a Royal dragon Radiant This animal is practically shining. Greatly increases the chances to produce a "shiny" breed baby - Slot 3 trait only Ravensworn This animal knows the secret handshake and has knowledge of the deeper mystery that is the Ravensworn. It won't share. Requires Ravensworn title to occur Regular This animal produces dung regularly. Increased amount of manure production - Does not affect Spiders or Zygomites Robust This animal is more resistant to disease. Increased Health Shock Breath It can breathe a deadly blast of lightning. Dragon only trait - Possibly used to help create a Royal dragon Sickly This animal gets sick more easily. Decreased Health Slowpoke This animal is slower than most others. Decreased Speed Smelly This animal smells really bad. Decreased Attractiveness Sparkling There's something almost 'shiny' about this animal. Slightly increases the chances to produce a "shiny" breed baby - Best combined with Glistening and/or Radiant Stingy This animal isn't as generous with harvested materials. Possibility of gaining less produce when harvesting Strawberry Scented It smells delicious. Cow only trait - Increased chance to produce Strawberry cow calf Stressed This animal suffers from 'performance anxiety'. Decreased chances to Breed successfully Strong Genes This animal is more likely to produce offspring of the same breed. Increases the chance the offspring will be the same breed Studly This animal has a much higher breeding chance than other animals. Greatly increases chances to Breed successfully Sullen This animal always sees the glass as half empty. Greatly decreased Happiness Surly This animal is unpleasant and so worth fewer beans. -5% beans when sold Taker This animal isn't as generous with harvested XP. 3% less experience when gathering produce from animals Touch of Vanilla It sweats vanilla essential oils for some reason. Cow only trait - Increased chance to produce Vanilla cow calf Unlucky for Some Other farmers will happily purchase this animal, but it's not so good for you for XP or materials. +5% beans when sold - Decreased produce and experience when harvested Unstable Careful, this one could explode at any moment. Chinchompa only trait - Will complete the "Tickety Boom" achievement if the Chinchompa accidentally explodes when harvested Virile This animal has a higher breeding chance than some others. Increases chances to Breed successfully Wincy Keeps flinching. Seems to expect everyone to crush it with a rolled-up paper. Spider only trait - No purpose Whimsical You're not sure what this trait does. If, indeed, it does anything. No purpose Young at Heart This animal ages much slower than most others. Ages 5% slower than normal
  4. Requirements to start: 17 Farming 20 Construction Location: Near Ardougne lodestone How to get there: Ardougne lodestone Ardougne cloak Getting started: If players have the required levels they can make there way to the farm. Upon first arriving to the Manor Farm you will want to speak to Granny Potterington to being the tutorial. She is also the NPC that provides the basic information about the farm to the players. In the tutorial Granny will have you check two rabbits, feed them, breed them, and sell one. Upon completion of the tutorial you will have some beans available to spend. It is highly recommended to start off with getting either a medium or large pen next so you can get more animals on your farm. To build these pens you need to buy a deed to them from the farmers market. After you buy the deed you need to construct the pens with certain construction materials based on the pen. The farmers market is the shop for player owned farms. You can purchase animals, pens, boosts, certain unlocks, and more from this shop. The currency used in the shop are beans, which are only obtained from selling animals on the farm. A certain amount of animal purchasers appear per day near the well. They will request up to a certain amount of a type of animal you have in one of your pens. The value of each animal depends on the type of animal, its subcategory (common rabbit vs Rellekkan one for example), where it is in the growth cycle, what the buyer wants as its subcategory, and what the buyer wants for its traits, Once you have built the pens you can now obtain animals to fit in the respective sizes. Inside each pen is a food trough. This is where you can deposit a range of foods to fit individual animals needs. You can only have one type of animal per pen (you don't want to mix cows and dragons, do you?), and you can also only have one type of food in a trough at a time. Any food put into the trough will become a mush of the type of food you put in (meat mush, fruit mush, seed mush, etc). This can be taken out and moved or banked for future use. Food can be added up to 60 at a time if you click on the trough, or if you use the food directly on it you can put in the max amount. Animals are each obtained in a variety of methods, from killing, to the farmers market, to growing mushrooms. While in a pen your animals will grow from baby -> child -> adolescence -> adult -> elder. Adolescence is worth the most when selling the animals. Elder animals can still breed without penalty, but are just worth less for selling. The goal of the farm is to raise a variety of the animals to be able to sell for the beans. You also get a range of farming experience when checking on your animals, as well as certain resources per type of animal.
  5. since its been a solid year or so since RuneHQ has seen me I think..
  6. Almost forgot about this! Sign me up gotta get some gains in
  7. Monsters Laboratory slimes 20,000 LP Style: Melee Special: Generates another Laboratory slime that has 10,000 LP Lava Spiders ??? LP Style: Ranged Special: Poisonous (?) Red Dragon ??? LP Style: Dragonfire (Magic) Magma golem 20,000 LP Style: Melee Celestial Dragon ??? LP Style: Dragonfire (Magic) Special: Will start to rapidly heal self, use any stun to stop Lava Strykewyrm ??? LP Style: Magic Black Dragon ??? LP Style: Dragonfire (Magic) Dragonstone Dragon ??? LP Style: Dragonfire (Magic) Special: AoE spikes, reduces anti-fire duration Onyx Dragons ??? LP Style: Dragonfire (Magic) Special: AoE spikes, heals the dragon Hydrix Dragons ??? LP Style: Dragonfire (Magic) Special: AoE spikes, adrenaline loss
  8. The Bosses: Astellarn, The First Celestial Stats Combat Level: 1200 Life Points: 450,000 Primary attack is magic Specials Pulsar Summons a Pulsar that sends up a blast of energy, dealing Cannon type damage This hits the full area, despite graphical appearance 20,000 LP to kill Rain Creates a glistening rain covering 1/4th of the arena Damage stacks up over time and hits rapidly Avoid by moving anywhere else except where it is Wyrmhole Someone in the party gets tagged with a wyrmhole and blue meter Once meter is filled wyrmhole will drop where the player is standing Deals damage when standing in it Neutron A Neutron gets spawned for each player in the arena Lure the Neutron's over the wyrmhole to create a purified wyrmhole Once wyrmhole turns white, stand on it to be able to damage Astellarn Getting hit by the Nebula hurts the team by around 5,000 damage This cycle rotates until dead Verak Lith Stats Combat Level: 1450 Life Points: 550,000 Primary attack is magic Specials Spire Verak slams his tail on the ground, in which a spire falls down dealing melee damage Spires have 15,000 LP When active, Verak cannot be attacked Can be blocked by devotion Can be healed by initial hit using resonance Air support A red circle with arrow will appear on the ground aiming at a player, after a few seconds a black dragon flies by causing a line of ice/shock/poison to appear for a few seconds Target circle will move if the player moves as its preparing Eggs There are three piles of eggs in the room, shock, ice, and poison Players will get a yellow arrow telling them where to run, as well as a visual appearance of the style of attack The attack style is also noted in a dialogue pop up Once you get the charge you will get a timer bar, run to an egg that is of a different style than the charge you got (i.e. poison charge going to ice or shock) Failure to do so will result in a 4-5k hit Poison Frost Shock Fire Storm An area is targeted by a square of burning flames Erupts into a field of fire twisters, similar to hard mode Kree'arra Run away Black Stone Dragon Stats Combat Level: 25000 Life Points: 650,000 Primary attack is magic, can use all three Specials Rock spikes Screen shakes and a row of spikes will move towards the players location when cast Hits a 5x5 area of spikes once it reach location, dealing upwards 5,000 damage avoid by moving at least three squares away (more to be safe) Black Hands Around 550,000 the BSD will move to the center of the arena and four black hands will spawn on each corner 80,000 LP and high defense Very short attack range, and attacks with magic Once magic hit lands a row of shadow hands crawls towards the player where they took the hit from Spiral Fire Row of white fire starts making a circle around BSD, spiraling inwards Stay close to BSD until the first circle is almost done, then run away as the beginning clears away Shadow Bombs BSD sends a projectile that looks like its default magic attack to a part of the arena These bombs hit hard and in a massive area, but do not travel far Surge/Run/Dive out of the bomb area if you get caught in it Flying/Tracking fire At around 250,000 BSD will start flying and landing around the arena, much like phase two vindicta Each time BSD lands a ball of white fire is placed down This fire tracks and slowly crawls towards every player in the arena Focus on avoiding fire/creating dead zones between all of the flames as they last awhile Fight resumes as normal after this goes on for a little while *All of these bosses are pretty nice with announcing their attacks and most are pretty easy to avoid. The issue is their high defense turn a normal fight into an endurance challenge as even someone with max gear will splash hits occasionally.
  9. Dragonkin Laboratory Requirements: Completion of Elite Dungeon 1 at least once Note: Story mode completion only counts if you have completed it since the release of Elite Dungeon 2 Location: North-Eastern side of the wilderness, South-East of Rogue's Castle and Chaos Elemental Safe in the waiting area Wilderness banker located in safe zone Getting there: Max guild boss portal Dragonkin Lab teletab Group system teleport Running through wilderness (not advised General Information: Group size 1-3 Normal mode and Story Mode In story mode monsters have less hp and deal less damage Worst xp and no drops is the trade off Dangerous deaths Familiars are allowed Recommended Setup: Ranged or Magic Ranged with the Hexhunter bow makes quick work of a lot of the dungeon Magic's ease of using Vulnerability and Guthix Staff make minibosses and bosses faster to down T80+ power armor T80+ weapons Shield switch recommended for bosses Enhanced Excalibur recommended to save food Inventory (adjust based on needs/experience): 1 overload flask (supreme/holy/normal) 1 Super prayer renewal 1 Replenishment potion 2-3 Super Restore Flasks 4 Saraomin brew flasks Enhanced Excalibur (recommended) Shield Switch (recommended) Vulnerability runes (optional) Guthix Staff (optional) Sharks or better for remaining inventory Example Inventory Unique Drops/Black Stone Title Log: Mutated Flurry ability codex (1st boss) Diary of an Overzealous Gnome (1st boss) Mutated Fury ability codex (2nd boss) Redacted Dragonkin Research (2nd boss) Mutated Barge ability codex (3rd boss) Draconic energy (3rd boss)
  10. Temple of Aminishi Requirements: Impressing the Locals Location: Aminishi Group size: 1-3 Modes: Normal Mode / Story Mode Recommended levels: 80+ combat stats, 95 prayer, 96 herblore Recommended gear: T80+ power armor, T80+ weapons Recommended style: Magic or Ranged Helpful equipment: Shield swap, Enhanced Excalibur, vulnerability runes Devotion highly recommended Deaths: Unsafe Familiars: Allowed Inventory (adjust based on needs): • Overload • Prayer Renewal • Super Restore flasks • Enhanced Excalibur • Sharks or better • Saradomin Brews (optional) • Adrenalin potions (optional) Story Mode • Enemies have 1/2 HP and deal 2/3 less damage • No drops outside of lore pieces from the first and second boss • Journal pages still accessible • No kill count • Dangerous deaths Creating a group • Use grouping system to create a group • Set group to Temple of Aminishi • Invite up to two others to group • Once all members are ready you can teleport to the entrance Master Quest Cape Two lore drops The Crassian Allegiance (Dropped by The Sactum Guardian) Himiko's Vision (Dropped by Masuta the Ascended) Acolytes Diary (22 pages) Area One Boss: none Possible minibosses Ahoeitu the Chef Olivia the Chronicler Oyu the Quietest Sarkhan the Serpentspeaker Enemies Elite Sotapannas Healer variant (wears ornate mask) Elite Sakadagami 7 diary pages Area Two Boss: The Sanctum Guardian Possible minibosses Arhat Paragon Enemies Elite Sotapannas Elite Sakadagami Anagamis Arhats 4 diary pages Area Three Boss: None Possible minibosses Jade the Unruly Horrific Crassian Menaphite Guard Captain Ol' Sawtooth Enemies Sea Crocodiles Waterfiends Hanto Sellswords Death Lotus rogues Eastern Mercenaries Renegade Menaphite Soldier Cloaked Zealots Crassian Warriors (summoned by Cloaked Zealots) 8 diary pages Area Four Boss: Masuta the Ascended Possible minibosses Goku the Unrelenting The Violet Lotus Yukimura of Hanto Enemies Elite Sotapannas Hanto Sellswords Death Lotus rogues Eastern Mercenaries Renegade Menaphite Soldier Cloaked Zealots Crassian Warriors (summoned by Cloaked Zealots) 3 diary pages Area Five Boss: Seiryu the Azure Serpent Possible minibosses None Enemies Defence Pylons Loot chests Temple of Aminishi has a very similar chest system to the Sophanem slayer dungeon. By default the chest will not pick up your drops, but can be toggled at any of the four chests at any time. Loot will stay in the chest across multiple dungeons, and can store up to 32 unique items in the chest. There is no fee if you die in order to claim loot from the chest. If auto collect is not used drops have a chance to be doubled throughout the dungeons. These chests act as teleport locations between each other once unlocked (see below). Locations: Outside the temple entrance Can't be used to teleport Inside the temple entrance First teleport location Always available to teleport to Round platform before the Sactum Guardian Second teleport location Unlocked after clearing the Elite Sakadagamis from either side leading into the boss area Bottom of staircase leading to Masuta the Ascended Third teleport location Able to teleport to as soon as you reach chest Round platform before Seiryu the Azure Serpent Fourth teleport location Able to teleport after clearing the defence pylons Progressing through the Dungeon The dungeon has multiple walkways that are blocked off by barriers. In order to progress past these barriers you must clear the enemies guarding them. Once a barrier has been cleared it will stay cleared for the remainder of the dungeon. You are not required to kill minibosses or all enemies in an area to progress, just the ones guarding the main paths and doorways. Party members can physically leave the dungeon in order to restock at any point in the dungeon. Once a boss fight is started you cannot reenter the arena if you die or leave unless everyone leaves or the boss is killed. The dungeon may not be resumed if a party member leaves the group completely. This dungeon is not easy if you are inexperienced with pvm. It is very easy to get killed if you are not paying full attention to enemies and bosses. You should have experience and be comfortable with bosses near Greg or Araxxi difficulty at a minimum.
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