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Status Replies posted by ChathMurrpau

  1. Pet hunting takes time… but all 120s is my new actual target 😄

  2. The Queen of Thieves on Runescape Old School.

    Sorry I messed up my last message.

    Where is Councelor Hughes' House?

    Someone asked me to put up a screen shot but I didn't know how to do that I finally got help on that.

    Now how do I put a screenshot of the forum?

    Can someone please help me with that too?

    1. ChathMurrpau


      I apologize this wasn't seen earlier... you can add a picture a few ways:

      1. simply take a screen shot (keyboard should have a "prnt screen" button somewhere) and paste (ctrl+v or right click and choose "paste") it into the message box
      2. along the bottom of the text box it says "drag files here to attach, or choose files..."
        1. have a folder (or your desktop) visible and simply drag the desired file into the text field
        2. click "choose files..." and a pop up will appear to let you choose any file from your computer
      3. just above the "submit reply" button you should see an "insert other media" button. Clicking this will allow you to:
        1. reuse attachments you've added to previous posts (insert existing attachment)
        2. add a new image from URL

      I hope this was helpful!

  3. Uh oh! Blue title with a crown now O.O

    1. ChathMurrpau



  4. I wish the CE work I do in my sleep would stay done when I woke up the next day lol

    1. ChathMurrpau


      for everyone's safety, it is best that I get sleep lol

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. When you mention RHQ on your work resume and that is what catches their eye... NAILED IT!

    1. ChathMurrpau


      Too many years of being told that "Gaming is a waste of time" type things.... was still hella amusing that it was their highlight, even if I didn't get the job bc of superior competition. C'est la vie

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  6. When you mention RHQ on your work resume and that is what catches their eye... NAILED IT!

    1. ChathMurrpau


      Apparently they found it very impressive lol


      Several of their current staff game some

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  7. If you're willing to be trained and help out with CE let @ChathMurrpauknow! We can always use help with CE especially rn. We are super far behind!

    1. ChathMurrpau


      we'd be less far if you'd help XD

      on a more sirius note tho... people can poke me if interested in CE work or fill out an application

  8. Sorry for disappearing guys, but I had some personal loss & tragedy in the family and have been out of state because of it. I am back now though! ❤️

    1. ChathMurrpau


      Hope everything is going ok! Welcome back =3

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. *looks at empty Unread Posts list* ..... what do I do now D=

    1. ChathMurrpau


      eww forum games.... and I have been working on guide edits for when sitefun is fixed, but I'm always doing that so it doesn't feel like anything different/new/extra lol

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  10. Let's offer a moment of silence to the old forums that served this community for so long... okay silence is over.

    Let's PARTY for the NEW forums!


  11. Finally getting everything set back like it was.



    1. ChathMurrpau


      Took me a while too lol. I'll refind it in the AM and PM you my secrets 😉

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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