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Status Replies posted by moridin_1

  1. Getting Married today!!

    1. moridin_1


      Congratulations Numerous!  Wishing you all the best for the future mate 🙂

  2. I'm glad that the t95/t85 Glacor off-hand is an actual Sliver Dager

    1. moridin_1


      I just had to shadow dye my t95 babies 😉

  3. it's technically a bit late bc I got distracted by dxpw, but official beach xp gains

    Start: 113,799,596
    End: 119,316,463

    Gains: 5,516,867

    note that I missed far to many happy hours, had a few days where I didn't use up all my ice cream, and didn't no-life weekends. Beach doesn't give much per tick, but it adds up and is free (I got roughly 110 per most of the time)

    1. moridin_1


      Nice one Amy!

  4. Hi everyone, longtime player here and been in the clan for a while, only just signed up to the forum though. so just wanted to say hi!

    1. moridin_1


      Hey Etne.  Have a look around, we post our events first on here as well as competitions etc.. Also there are topics to post any accomplishments/achievements and boss/skilling pets you get in game.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. Been a while since I've been on here! How is everyone doing?

    Progress update: I got Bubbles today! 🥰 @ 76 fishing

  6. My last grandparent just left this world today. But he is in a better place now. Love you papa!

    1. moridin_1


      Sorry to hear that Numerous, so sad to hear mate.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  7. After lots of dawdling towards the end, I got these today...

    99 Archeology.pngGuildmaster Title.png

  8. 5 more craft levels, 3 more div & smith levels until I unlock Invention 😁 Yay, can't wait!

    1. moridin_1


      You're getting there, well done!

  9. I GOT ARCHIE @ LVL 27 Arch! ❤️ LESS THAN 10K EXP! 😱

  10. Rest In Peace Mother, gone but never forgotten 😢 x

  11. I'm getting married today but the number one things stressing me is people bugging me while I'm working on other things. I can send you all photos later, let me deal with the paperwork and stay caught up in school first!

    1. moridin_1


      Only just seen this..Massive congratulations mate!!  Hoping you're enjoying a nice honeymoon 🙂

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  12. I'll miss you Minou.. 

    You were my best friend for 14 years and even though I haven't been around much I know you didn't mind, you were always happy to see me.

    Rest Well 😢


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