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Everything posted by senug

  1. Hi all, I have achieved my 4th 120, Divination. Now I can be free
  2. Hi all, After days of Hall of Memories training, I have finally achieved Willow
  3. Hey all, I have once again achieved the ability to wear a max cape by getting the final 99 skill - Necromancy
  4. Thanks Zand. Another pre-99 pet
  5. Hi all, While doing rituals, look who popped into my backpack
  6. Hey all, I have achieved a milestone - 1b total xp
  7. You already gratzied Ducky but thanks again.
  8. After a few days of afking Summoning at the Halloween event, I have finally got my 12th skill pet: Shamini.
  9. Hi all I have just got my 3rd 120 with Arch.
  10. wow 200m all gratz Zand. I'm still a loooong way to go for that I don't even have 200m in one skill lol.
  11. I have achieved my 2nd level 120 in Invention. I am now Albert Einstein
  12. Days of camping at Divination. Results

    Willow: 1

    Senug: 0

    Please don’t be another petless 120.

  13. On the road to 120 Slayer. Let’s see how much of the Codex I will have filled by the time I get it.

  14. That one gave me a hard time too but I got it in the end
  15. Ralph does not want to pop up in my backpack. I’m already at 112 thieving. Come on Ralph.

    1. IronBanana


      I'm at 117, convinced pets don't exist.

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