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ChathMurrpau last won the day on May 9 2022

ChathMurrpau had the most liked content!


About ChathMurrpau

  • Birthday 12/17/1988

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  • Notes
    Working towards completionist.....I'll eventually make it

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Veteran (13/14)

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  1. Hello friends! Please help me in welcoming back @MedicStorm! He was part of CE staff many years ago and I have finally managed to snag him back. I'm very excited for his return and can't wait for him to be working with us again =D
  2. Huzzah!!!! Welcome, we're so happy to have you here with us
  3. This submission has been closed and was not put up on the site. If I did not reply to this topic with a reason, please feel free to send me a Personal Message. Reason: nothing technically submitted
  4. User has been reunited with his account. if anyone has issues in the future, feel free to PM staff on our discord

    1. Robbie


      YEAH YEAH Hoitbois for you

  6. Keep your eyes peeled folks, @Robbie has now joined the CE team and will be robbing our "to-do list" of things. Welcome to the party sir!
  7. Ty for all your help Moriiiiiiii
  8. Submission has been added to the site. Thank you for your input.
  9. it's technically a bit late bc I got distracted by dxpw, but official beach xp gains

    Start: 113,799,596
    End: 119,316,463

    Gains: 5,516,867

    note that I missed far to many happy hours, had a few days where I didn't use up all my ice cream, and didn't no-life weekends. Beach doesn't give much per tick, but it adds up and is free (I got roughly 110 per most of the time)

    1. moridin_1


      Nice one Amy!

  10. This submission has been closed and was not put up on the site. If I did not reply to this topic with a reason, please feel free to send me a Personal Message.
  11. We do not currently have a guide for it. Few of our staff play OSRS and users don't submit guides to help like they used to. There is no difference between OSRS on mobile and OSRS on PC, simply a different way to play.
  12. you put that last option for me didn't you? lol
  13. for recording purposes.....

    pre - beach: 113,799,596
    bxp: (I think it was 200k ish??)

    aiming for all ice creams and 3/4 happy hours daily (only awake for 3 of them, but 2 are awkward at/leaving work times so may only get part of them)

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